You can use the AWS CodePipeline console or the AWS CLI to view execution status, view execution history, and retry failed stages or actions.
View pipeline execution history
You can use the CodePipeline console to view a list of all of the pipelines in your account. You can also view details for each pipeline, including when actions last ran in the pipeline, whether a transition between stages is enabled or disabled, whether any actions have failed, and other information. You can also view a history page that shows details for all pipeline executions for which history has been recorded.
When switching between specific execution modes, the pipeline view and history might change. For more information, see Set or change the pipeline execution mode.
Execution history is retained for up to 12 months.
You can use the console to view the history of executions in a pipeline, including status, source revisions, and timing details for each execution.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at
. The names of all pipelines associated with your AWS account are displayed, along with their status.
In Name, choose the name of the pipeline.
Choose View history.
For a pipeline in PARALLEL execution mode, the main pipeline view does not show the pipeline structure or in-progress executions. For a pipeline in PARALLEL execution mode, you access the pipeline structure by choosing the ID for the execution you want to view from the execution history page. Choose History in the left navigation, choose the execution ID for the parallel execution, and then view the pipeline on the Visualization tab.
View the status, source revisions, change details, and triggers related to each execution for your pipeline. Pipeline executions that have been rolled back will show the execution type Rollback on the details screen in the console. For the failed execution that triggered the automatic rollback, the failed execution ID is shown.
Choose an execution. The detail view shows execution details, the Timeline tab, the Visualization tab, and the Variables tab. Variable values for variables at the pipeline level are resolved at the time of pipeline execution and can be viewed in the execution history for each execution.
Output variables from pipeline actions can be viewed on the Output variables tab under the history for each action execution.
View execution status
You can view the pipeline status in Status on the execution history page. Choose an execution ID link, and then view the action status.
The following are valid states for pipelines, stages, and actions:
The following pipeline states also apply to a pipeline execution that is an inbound execution. To view an inbound execution and its status, see View an inbound execution (Console).
Pipeline state | Description |
InProgress | The pipeline execution is currently running. |
Stopping | The pipeline execution is stopping due to a request to either stop and wait or stop and abandon the pipeline execution. |
Stopped | The stopping process is complete, and the pipeline execution is stopped. |
Succeeded | The pipeline execution was completed successfully. |
Superseded | While this pipeline execution was waiting for the next stage to be completed, a newer pipeline execution advanced and continued through the pipeline instead. |
Failed | The pipeline execution was not completed successfully. |
Stage state | Description |
InProgress | The stage is currently running. |
Stopping | The stage execution is stopping due to a request to either stop and wait or stop and abandon the pipeline execution. |
Stopped | The stopping process is complete, and the stage execution is stopped. |
Succeeded | The stage was completed successfully. |
Failed | The stage was not completed successfully. |
Action state | Description |
InProgress | The action is currently running. |
Abandoned | The action is abandoned due to a request to stop and abandon the pipeline execution. |
Succeeded | The action was completed successfully. |
Failed | For approval actions, the FAILED state means the action was either rejected by the reviewer or failed due to an incorrect action configuration. |
View an inbound execution
You can use the console to view the status and details for an inbound execution. When
the transition is enabled or the stage becomes available, an inbound execution that is
continues and enters the stage. An inbound execution with a
status does not enter the stage. An inbound execution status
changes to Failed
if the pipeline is edited. When you edit a pipeline, all
in-progress executions do not continue, and the execution status changes to
If you do not see an inbound execution, then there are no pending executions at a disabled stage transition.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at
. The names of all pipelines associated with your AWS account will be displayed.
Choose the name of the pipeline for which you want to view the inbound execution, Do one of the following:
Choose View. In the pipeline diagram, in the Inbound execution ID field in front of your disabled transition, you can view the inbound execution ID.
Choose View summary to see execution details, such as the execution ID, source trigger, and the name of the next stage.
Choose the pipeline and choose View history.
View pipeline execution source
revisions (console)
You can view details about source artifacts (output artifact that originated in the first stage of a pipeline) that are used in an execution of a pipeline. The details include identifiers, such as commit IDs, check-in comments, and, when you use the CLI, version numbers of pipeline build actions. For some revision types, you can view and open the URL of the commit. Source revisions are made up of the following:
Summary: Summary information about the most recent revision of the artifact. For GitHub and CodeCommit repositories, the commit message. For Amazon S3 buckets or actions, the user-provided content of a codepipeline-artifact-revision-summary key specified in the object metadata.
revisionUrl: The revision URL for the artifact revision (for example, the external repository URL).
revisionId: The revision ID for the artifact revision. For example, for a source change in a CodeCommit or GitHub repository, this is the commit ID. For artifacts stored in GitHub or CodeCommit repositories, the commit ID is linked to a commit details page.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at
. The names of all pipelines associated with your AWS accountwill be displayed.
Choose the name of the pipeline for which you want to view source revision details. Do one of the following:
Choose View history. In Source revisions, the source change for each execution is listed.
Locate an action for which you want to view source revision details, and then find the revision information at the bottom of its stage:
Choose View current revisions to view source information. With the exception of artifacts stored in Amazon S3 buckets, identifiers such as commit IDs in this information detail view are linked to source information pages for the artifacts.
View action executions
You can view action details for a pipeline, such as action execution ID, input artifacts, output artifacts, and status. You can view action details by choosing a pipeline in the console and then choosing an execution ID.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at
. The names of all pipelines associated with your AWS account are displayed.
Choose the name of the pipeline for which you want to view action details, and then choose View history.
In Execution ID, choose the execution ID for which you want to view action execution details.
You can view the following information on the Timeline tab:
In Action name, choose the link to open a details page for the action where you can view status, stage name, action name, configuration data, and artifact information.
In Provider, choose the link to view the action provider details. For example, in the preceding example pipeline, if you choose CodeDeploy in either the Staging or Production stages, the CodeDeploy console page for the CodeDeploy application configured for that stage is displayed.
View action artifacts and artifact
store information (console)
You can view input and output artifact details for an action. You can also choose a link that takes you to the artifact information for that action. Because the artifact store uses versioning, each action execution has a unique input and output artifact location.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at
. The names of all pipelines associated with your AWS account are displayed.
Choose the name of the pipeline for which you want to view action details, and then choose View history.
In Execution ID, choose the execution ID for which you want to view action details.
On the Timeline tab, in Action name, choose the link to open a details page for the action.
On the details page, on the Execution tab, view the status and timing of the action execution.
On the Configuration tab, view the resource configuration for the action (for example, the CodeBuild build project name).
On the Artifacts tab, view the artifact details in Artifact type and Artifact provider. Choose the link under Artifact name to view the artifacts in the artifact store.
On the Output variables tab, view the resolved variables from actions in the pipeline for the action execution.
View pipeline details and history (CLI)
You can run the following commands to view details about your pipelines and pipeline executions:
list-pipelines command to view a summary of all of the pipelines associated with your AWS account.
get-pipeline command to review details of a single pipeline.
list-pipeline-executions to view summaries of the most recent executions for a pipeline.
get-pipeline-execution to view information about an execution of a pipeline, including details about artifacts, the pipeline execution ID, and the name, version, and status of the pipeline.
get-pipeline-state command to view pipeline, stage, and action status.
list-action-executions to view action execution details for a pipeline.
View execution history with
You can view pipeline execution history.
To view details about past executions of a pipeline, run the list-pipeline-executions command, specifying the unique name of the pipeline. For example, to view details about the current state of a pipeline named
, enter the following:aws codepipeline list-pipeline-executions --pipeline-name
This command returns summary information about all pipeline executions for which history has been recorded. The summary includes start and end times, duration, and status.
Pipeline executions that have been rolled back will show the execution type
. For the failed execution that triggered the automatic rollback, the failed execution ID is shown.The following example shows the returned data for a pipeline named
that has had three executions:{ "pipelineExecutionSummaries": [ { "pipelineExecutionId": "eb7ebd36-353a-4551-90dc-18ca5EXAMPLE", "status": "Succeeded", "startTime": "2024-04-16T09:00:28.185000+00:00", "lastUpdateTime": "2024-04-16T09:00:29.665000+00:00", "sourceRevisions": [ { "actionName": "Source", "revisionId": "revision_ID", "revisionSummary": "Added README.txt", "revisionUrl": "
" } ], "trigger": { "triggerType": "StartPipelineExecution", "triggerDetail": "trigger_ARN
" }, "executionMode": "SUPERSEDED" }, { "pipelineExecutionId": "fcd61d8b-4532-4384-9da1-2aca1EXAMPLE", "status": "Succeeded", "startTime": "2024-04-16T08:58:56.601000+00:00", "lastUpdateTime": "2024-04-16T08:59:04.274000+00:00", "sourceRevisions": [ { "actionName": "Source", "revisionId": "revision_ID", "revisionSummary": "Added README.txt", "revisionUrl": "console_URL" } ], "trigger": { "triggerType": "StartPipelineExecution", "triggerDetail": "trigger_ARN
" }, "executionMode": "SUPERSEDED" }To view more details about a pipeline execution, run the get-pipeline-execution, specifying the unique ID of the pipeline execution. For example, to view more details about the first execution in the previous example, enter the following:
aws codepipeline get-pipeline-execution --pipeline-name
--pipeline-execution-id 7cf7f7cb-3137-539g-j458-d7eu3EXAMPLEThis command returns summary information about an execution of a pipeline, including details about artifacts, the pipeline execution ID, and the name, version, and status of the pipeline.
The following example shows the returned data for a pipeline named
:{ "pipelineExecution": { "pipelineExecutionId": "3137f7cb-7cf7-039j-s83l-d7eu3EXAMPLE", "pipelineVersion": 2, "pipelineName": "MyFirstPipeline", "status": "Succeeded", "artifactRevisions": [ { "created": 1496380678.648, "revisionChangeIdentifier": "1496380258.243", "revisionId": "7636d59f3c461cEXAMPLE8417dbc6371", "name": "MyApp", "revisionSummary": "Updating the application for feature 12-4820" } ] } }
View pipeline state with
You can use the CLI to view pipeline, stage, and action status.
To view details about the current state of a pipeline, run the get-pipeline-state command, specifying the unique name of the pipeline. For example, to view details about the current state of a pipeline named
, enter the following:aws codepipeline get-pipeline-state --name
This command returns the current status of all stages of the pipeline and the status of the actions in those stages.
The following example shows the returned data for a three-stage pipeline named
, where the first two stages and actions show success, the third shows failure, and the transition between the second and third stages is disabled:{ "updated": 1427245911.525, "created": 1427245911.525, "pipelineVersion": 1, "pipelineName": "MyFirstPipeline", "stageStates": [ { "actionStates": [ { "actionName": "Source", "entityUrl": "", "latestExecution": { "status": "Succeeded", "lastStatusChange": 1427298837.768 } } ], "stageName": "Source" }, { "actionStates": [ { "actionName": "Deploy-CodeDeploy-Application", "entityUrl": "", "latestExecution": { "status": "Succeeded", "lastStatusChange": 1427298939.456, "externalExecutionUrl": "", "externalExecutionId": ""c53dbd42-This-Is-An-Example"", "summary": "Deployment Succeeded" } } ], "inboundTransitionState": { "enabled": true }, "stageName": "Staging" }, { "actionStates": [ { "actionName": "Deploy-Second-Deployment", "entityUrl": "", "latestExecution": { "status": "Failed", "errorDetails": { "message": "Deployment Group is already deploying deployment ...", "code": "JobFailed" }, "lastStatusChange": 1427246155.648 } } ], "inboundTransitionState": { "disabledReason": "Disabled while I investigate the failure", "enabled": false, "lastChangedAt": 1427246517.847, "lastChangedBy": "arn:aws:iam::80398EXAMPLE:user/CodePipelineUser" }, "stageName": "Production" } ] }
View inbound execution status
with get-pipeline-state
You can use the CLI to view inbound execution status. When the transition is
enabled or the stage becomes available, an inbound execution that is
continues and enters the stage. An inbound execution
with a Stopped
status does not enter the stage. An inbound execution
status changes to Failed
if the pipeline is edited. When you edit a
pipeline, all in-progress executions do not continue, and the execution status
changes to Failed
To view details about the current state of a pipeline, run the get-pipeline-state command, specifying the unique name of the pipeline. For example, to view details about the current state of a pipeline named
, enter the following:aws codepipeline get-pipeline-state --name
This command returns the current status of all stages of the pipeline and the status of the actions in those stages. The output also shows pipeline execution ID in each stage, and whether there is an inbound execution ID for a stage with a disabled transition.
The following example shows the returned data for a two-stage pipeline named
, where the first stage shows an enabled transition and a successful pipeline execution, and the second stage, namedBeta
, shows a disabled transition and an inbound execution ID. The inbound execution can have anInProgress
state.{ "pipelineName": "MyFirstPipeline", "pipelineVersion": 2, "stageStates": [ { "stageName": "Source", "inboundTransitionState": { "enabled": true }, "actionStates": [ { "actionName": "SourceAction", "currentRevision": { "revisionId": "PARcnxX_u0SMRBnKh83pHL09.zPRLLMu" }, "latestExecution": { "actionExecutionId": "14c8b311-0e34-4bda-EXAMPLE", "status": "Succeeded", "summary": "Amazon S3 version id: PARcnxX_u0EXAMPLE", "lastStatusChange": 1586273484.137, "externalExecutionId": "PARcnxX_u0EXAMPLE" }, "entityUrl": "" } ], "latestExecution": { "pipelineExecutionId": "27a47e06-6644-42aa-EXAMPLE", "status": "Succeeded" } }, { "stageName": "Beta", "inboundExecution": { "pipelineExecutionId": "27a47e06-6644-42aa-958a-EXAMPLE", "status": "InProgress" }, "inboundTransitionState": { "enabled": false, "lastChangedBy": "
", "lastChangedAt": 1586273583.949, "disabledReason": "disabled" }, "currentRevision": { "actionStates": [ { "actionName": "BetaAction", "latestExecution": { "actionExecutionId": "a748f4bf-0b52-4024-98cf-EXAMPLE", "status": "Succeeded", "summary": "Deployment Succeeded", "lastStatusChange": 1586272707.343, "externalExecutionId": "d-KFGF3EXAMPLE", "externalExecutionUrl": "" }, "entityUrl": "" } ], "latestExecution": { "pipelineExecutionId": "f6bf1671-d706-4b28-EXAMPLE", "status": "Succeeded" } } ], "created": 1585622700.512, "updated": 1586273472.662 }
View status and source revisions
with get-pipeline-execution
You can view details about source artifacts (output artifacts that originated in the first stage of a pipeline) that are used in an execution of a pipeline. The details include identifiers, such as commit IDs, check-in comments, time since the artifact was created or updated and, when you use the CLI, version numbers of build actions. For some revision types, you can view and open the URL of the commit for the artifact version. Source revisions are made up of the following:
Summary: Summary information about the most recent revision of the artifact. For GitHub and AWS CodeCommit repositories, the commit message. For Amazon S3 buckets or actions, the user-provided content of a codepipeline-artifact-revision-summary key specified in the object metadata.
revisionUrl: The commit ID for the artifact revision. For artifacts stored in GitHub or AWS CodeCommit repositories, the commit ID is linked to a commit details page.
You can run the get-pipeline-execution command to view information about the most recent source revisions that were included in a pipeline execution. After you first run the get-pipeline-state command to get details about all stages in a pipeline, you identify the execution ID that applies to a stage for which you want source revision details. Then you use the execution ID in the get-pipeline-execution command. (Because stages in a pipeline might have been last successfully completed during different pipeline runs, they can have different execution IDs.)
In other words, if you want to view details about artifacts currently in the Staging stage, run the get-pipeline-state command, identify the current execution ID of the Staging stage, and then run the get-pipeline-execution command using that execution ID.
To view status and source revisions in a pipeline
Open a terminal (Linux, macOS, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows) and use the AWS CLI to run the get-pipeline-state command. For a pipeline named
, you would enter:aws codepipeline get-pipeline-state --name MyFirstPipeline
This command returns the most recent state of a pipeline, including the latest pipeline execution ID for each stage.
To view details about a pipeline execution, run the get-pipeline-execution command, specifying the unique name of the pipeline and the pipeline execution ID of the execution for which you want to view artifact details. For example, to view details about the execution of a pipeline named
, with the execution ID 3137f7cb-7cf7-039j-s83l-d7eu3EXAMPLE, you would enter the following:aws codepipeline get-pipeline-execution --pipeline-name
--pipeline-execution-id 3137f7cb-7cf7-039j-s83l-d7eu3EXAMPLEThis command returns information about each source revision that is part of the pipeline execution and identifying information about the pipeline. Only information about pipeline stages that were included in that execution are included. There might be other stages in the pipeline that were not part of that pipeline execution.
The following example shows the returned data for a portion of pipeline named
, where an artifact named "MyApp" is stored in a GitHub repository: -
{ "pipelineExecution": { "artifactRevisions": [ { "created": 1427298837.7689769, "name": "MyApp", "revisionChangeIdentifier": "1427298921.3976923", "revisionId": "7636d59f3c461cEXAMPLE8417dbc6371", "revisionSummary": "Updating the application for feature 12-4820", "revisionUrl": "" } ], "pipelineExecutionId": "3137f7cb-7cf7-039j-s83l-d7eu3EXAMPLE", "pipelineName": "MyFirstPipeline", "pipelineVersion": 2, "status": "Succeeded", "executionMode": "SUPERSEDED", "executionType": "ROLLBACK", "rollbackMetadata": { "rollbackTargetPipelineExecutionId": "4f47bed9-6998-476c-a49d-e60beEXAMPLE" } } }
View action executions with
You can view action execution details for a pipeline, such as action execution ID, input artifacts, output artifacts, execution result, and status. You provide the Execution ID filter to return a listing of actions in a pipeline execution:
Detailed execution history is available for executions run on or after February 21, 2019.
To view action executions for a pipeline, do one of the following:
To view details for all action executions in a pipeline, run the list-action-executions command, specifying the unique name of the pipeline. For example, to view action executions in a pipeline named
, enter the following:aws codepipeline list-action-executions --pipeline-name MyFirstPipeline
The following shows a portion of sample output for this command:
{ "actionExecutionDetails": [ { "actionExecutionId": "
", "lastUpdateTime": 1552958312.034, "startTime": 1552958246.542, "pipelineExecutionId": "Execution_ID
", "actionName": "Build", "status": "Failed", "output": { "executionResult": { "externalExecutionUrl": "Project_ID
", "externalExecutionSummary": "Build terminated with state: FAILED", "externalExecutionId": "ID
" }, "outputArtifacts": [] }, "stageName": "Beta", "pipelineVersion": 8, "input": { "configuration": { "ProjectName": "java-project" }, "region": "us-east-1", "inputArtifacts": [ { "s3location": { "bucket": "codepipeline-us-east-1-ID
", "key": "MyFirstPipeline/MyApp/" }, "name": "MyApp" } ], "actionTypeId": { "version": "1", "category": "Build", "owner": "AWS", "provider": "CodeBuild" } } }, . . . -
To view all action executions in a pipeline execution, run the list-action-executions command, specifying the unique name of the pipeline and the execution ID. For example, to view action executions for an
, enter the following:aws codepipeline list-action-executions --pipeline-name MyFirstPipeline --filter pipelineExecutionId=
The following shows a portion of sample output for this command:
{ "actionExecutionDetails": [ { "stageName": "Beta", "pipelineVersion": 8, "actionName": "Build", "status": "Failed", "lastUpdateTime": 1552958312.034, "input": { "configuration": { "ProjectName": "java-project" }, "region": "us-east-1", "actionTypeId": { "owner": "AWS", "category": "Build", "provider": "CodeBuild", "version": "1" }, "inputArtifacts": [ { "s3location": { "bucket": "codepipeline-us-east-1-
", "key": "MyFirstPipeline/MyApp/" }, "name": "MyApp" } ] }, . . .