The dashboard on the Aggregators page displays the configuration data of your aggregated AWS resources. It provides an overview of your rules, conformance packs, and their compliance states.
The dashboard provides the total resource count of AWS resources. The resource types and source accounts are ranked by the highest number of resources. It also provides a count of compliant and noncompliant rules and conformance packs. The noncompliant rules are ranked by highest number of noncompliant resources. The noncompliant conformance packs and source accounts are ranked by the highest number of noncompliant rules.
After setting up AWS Config, it starts aggregating data from the specified source accounts into an aggregator. It might take a few minutes for the compliance status of rules to display.
Using the Aggregator Dashboard
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Config console at
. -
Navigate to the Aggregators page. You can view:
Your rules and their compliance states.
Your conformance packs and their compliance states.
Your AWS resources and their configuration data.
Choose an aggregator from the dashboard. Filter through your aggregators by aggregator name. You can view the following widgets:
Resource inventory
View the top 10 resource types from the selected aggregator, in descending order by the resource count. Choose the total number of resources for the selected aggregator, displayed in parentheses after Resource inventory, to go to the aggregated Resources page, where you can view all the resources for an aggregator. Alternatively, choose a resource type in the widget to go to the aggregated Resources page, filtered using the specified resource type.
Accounts by resource count
View the top five accounts from the selected aggeregator in the descending order by the resource count. Choose an account in the widget to go to the Resources page, filtered using the specified account.
Noncompliant rules
View the top five noncompliant rules from the selected aggreagtor, in descending order by the number of noncompliant resources. Choose a rule in the widget to go to the details page for the specified rule. Choose View all noncompliant rules to go to the aggregated Rules page, where you can view all the rules for an aggregator.
Accounts by noncompliant rules
View the top five accounts from the selected aggregator, in descending order by the number of noncompliant rules. Choose an account in the widget to go to the aggregated Rules page, where you can view all the rules for an aggregator filtered using the specified account.
Accounts by noncompliant conformance packs
View the top five accounts from the selected aggregagtor, in descending order by the number of noncompliant conformance packs. Choose an account in the widget to go to the aggregated Conformance Pack page, where you can view all conformance packs for an aggregagtor filtered using the specified account.
In the left navigation pane, choose one of the following options from the dropdown menu:
Compliance dashboard
View automated compliance dashboards by using the widgets that summarize insights about resource compliance within your aggregator. You can see data such as the top 10 resource types by noncompliant resources, and top 10 account level conformance packs by noncompliant rules. For information about these graphs and charts, see Compliance dashboards.
Conformance packs
View all conformance packs that are created and linked to the different AWS accounts within your aggregator. The Conformance Pack page displays a table that lists the name, Region, account ID, and compliance status of each conformance pack. From this page, you can choose a conformance pack and View details for more information about its rules and resources and their compliance status.
View all rules that are created and linked to the different AWS accounts within your aggregator. The Rules page displays a table that lists the name, compliance status, Region, and account of each rule. From this page, you can choose a rule and View details for information, such as its aggregator, Region, account ID, and resources in scope.
Inventory dashboard
View automated inventory dashboards by using the widgets that summarize insights about resource configuration data within your aggregator. You can see data such as the top 10 resource types by resource count, and the top 10 accounts by resource count. For information about these graphs and charts, see Inventory dashboards.
View all resources that are recorded and linked to the different AWS accounts within your aggregator. From the Resource page, choose a resource and View details to view its details, the rules associated with it, and the current resource configuration. You can also see information about the resource, such as its aggregator, Region, account ID, resource name, resource type, and resource ID.
View and manage all accounts currently authorized or pending authorization. From the Authorizations page, choose Add authorization to provide access to another account. Choose Delete authorization to revoke access from an account ID.
You might see the Data collection from all source accounts and regions is incomplete message displayed in the aggregated view for the following reasons:
The transfer of noncompliant AWS Config rules and configuration data of AWS resources is in progress.
AWS Config can't find rules to match the filter that you applied. Select the appropriate account or Region, and try again.
You might see this message display in the aggregated view: Data collection from your organization is incomplete. You can view the below data only for 24 hours. It displays for the following reasons:
AWS Config can't access your organization details because of an IAM role that is not valid. If the IAM role remains not valid for more than 24 hours, AWS Config deletes the data for the entire organization.
AWS Config service access is disabled in your organization.
Compliance Dashboard
View automated compliance dashboards by using widgets that summarize insights about resource compliance within your aggregator This dashboard displays only rules with compliance results.
The insights in the compliance dashboard are provided by the Advanced Queries feature of AWS Config, and this feature does not support nested structures or unpacking nested arrays. This means that the compliance dashboard displays the overall compliance of a resource and not the compliance status for each specific rule which reports on a resource.
For example, if you check the configuration item (CI) for the resource type AWS::Config::ResourceCompliance
, the dashboard will display the compliance results for all the rules that report on that resource.
If there are 10 rules that report on the resource, 9 of them are COMPLIANT, and only 1 is NON_COMPLIANT, the overall compliance of that resource will be NON_COMPLIANT.
- Compliance Summary By Resources
Displays a pie chart comparing the number of compliant resources to noncompliant resources from the selected aggregator. Hover over the chart to see the exact number and percentage of compliant and noncompliant resources.
The data displayed depends on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator, and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data.
- Top 10 resource types by noncompliant resources
Displays a horizontal bar graph comparing up to 10 resource types from the selected aggregator in descending order by the number of noncompliant resources. Hover over the graph to see the exact number of noncompliant resources for each resource type.
The data displayed is dependent on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data.
- Top 10 accounts by noncompliant resources
Top 10 accounts by noncompliant resources displays a horizontal bar graph comparing up to 10 accounts from the selected aggregator in descending order by the number of noncompliant resources. Hover over the graph to see the exact number of noncompliant resources for each account.
The data displayed depends on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator, and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data.
- Top 10 regions by noncompliant resources
Displays a horizontal bar graph comparing up to 10 Regions where the selected aggregator collects data in descending order by the number of noncompliant resources. Hover over the graph to see the exact number of noncompliant resources for each Region.
The data displayed depends on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator.
- Top 10 account level conformance packs by noncompliant rules
Displays a horizontal bar graph comparing up to 10 account level conformance packs from the selected aggregator in descending order by the number of noncompliant rules. Hover over the graph to see the percentage of compliant and noncompliant rules for each account level conformance pack.
The data displayed depends on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator, and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data.
- Top 10 organization level conformance packs by noncompliant rules
Displays a horizontal bar graph comparing up to 10 organizational level conformance packs from the selected aggregator in descending order by the number of noncompliant rules. Hover over the graph to see the percentage of compliant and noncompliant rules in each organizational level conformance pack.
The data displayed is dependent on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data.
- Top 10 accounts by noncompliant rules across conformance packs
Top 10 accounts by noncompliant rules across conformance packs displays a horizontal bar graph comparing up to 10 accounts from the selected aggregator in descending order by the number of noncompliant rules across all your conformance packs. Hover over the graph to see the exact number of noncompliant rules in each account.
The data displayed is dependent on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data.
Inventory Dashboard
View automated inventory dashboards by using widgets that summarize insights about resource configuration data within your aggregator.
- Top 10 resource types by resource count
Displays a horizontal bar graph comparing up to 10 resource types from the selected aggregator in descending order by resource count. Hover over the graph to see the exact number of resources for each resource type.
The data displayed depends on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator, and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data.
- Resource count by region
Displays a horizontal bar graph comparing up to 10 Regions where the selected aggregator collects data in descending order by resource count. Hover over the graph to see the exact number of resources for each Region.
The data displayed depends on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator.
- Top 10 accounts by resource count
Displays a horizontal bar graph comparing up to 10 accounts from the selected aggregator in descending order by resource count. Hover over the graph to see the exact number resources for each resource type.
The data displayed is dependent on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data.
- Resource count by Amazon EC2 service resource types
Displays a horizontal bar graph comparing Amazon EC2 resource types from the selected aggregator in descending order by resource count. Hover over the graph to see the exact number of resources for each Amazon EC2 resource type.
The data displayed depends on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator, and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data. To use this chart, you must configure the recorder to record Amazon EC2 resource types. For more information, see Selecting Which Resources AWS Config Records.
- Top 10 EC2 instance types used
Displays a horizontal bar graph comparing up to 10 Amazon EC2 instance types from the selected aggregator in descending order by usage. Hover over the graph to see usage for each EC2 instance type.
The data displayed depends on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data. To use this chart, you must configure the recorder to record the EC2 instance resource type. For more information, see Recoding AWS Resources.
- EBS Volume counts by volume type and size
Displays a vertical bar graph comparing EBS volumes from the selected aggregator by resource count. Hover over the graph to see the count and size breakdown for each type of EBS volume.
The data displayed depends on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data. To use this chart, you must configure the recorder to record the EC2 volume resource type. For more information, see Selecting Which Resources AWS Config Records.
- Number of EC2 instances that are running vs. stopped by type
Displays a horizontal bar graph comparing EC2 instance types from the selected aggregator that are running to EC2 instances that are stopped by instance type. Hover over the graph to see the exact number of stopped and running EC2 instances for each type.
The data displayed depends on the settings of the configuration recorder for each account in the selected aggregator and the Regions where the selected aggregator is configured to collect data. To use this chart, you must configure the recorder to record the EC2 instance resource type. For more information, see Recoding AWS Resources.