Creating an API destination enables you to specify an HTTP endpoint as the target of a rule.
Each API destination requires a connection. A connection specifies the authorization type and credentials to use to authorize with the API destination endpoint. You can choose an existing connection, or create a connection at the same time that you create the API destination. For more information, see Connections for API targets in Amazon EventBridge
To create an API destination using the EventBridge console
Log in to AWS using an account that has permissions to manage EventBridge and open the EventBridge console
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In the left navigation pane, choose API destinations.
Scroll down to the API destinations table, and then choose Create API destination.
On the Create API destination page, enter a Name and Description for the API destination.
The name must be unique to your account in the current Region. You can use up to 64 uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers, dot (.), dash (-), or underscore (_) characters.
Enter an API destination endpoint for the API destination.
The API destination endpoint is an HTTP invocation endpoint target for events. The authorization information you include in the connection used for this API destination is used to authorize against this endpoint. The URL must use HTTPS.
Enter the HTTP method to use to connect to the API destination endpoint.
(Optional) For Invocation rate limit per second field, enter the maximum number of invocations per second to send to the API destination endpoint.
The rate limit you set may affect how EventBridge delivers events. For more information, see How invocation rate affects event delivery.
For Connection, do one of the following:
Choose Use an existing connection, and then select the connection to use for this API destination.
Choose Create a new connection, and then enter the details for the connection to create.
For detailed instructions, see Creating connections.
Choose Create.