Management events generated by AWS services in EventBridge
In general, APIs that generate management (or read-only) events start with the verbs
, Get
, or List
. The table below
list AWS services and the management events they generate that do not follow
this naming convention. For more information on management events, see Receiving read-only management
events from AWS services.
Management events that don't start
with Describe
, Get
, or List
The following table list AWS services and the management events they generate that do not follow typical naming conventions of starting with Describe
, Get
, or List
Service | Event name | Event type |
Alexa for Business | ResolveRoom | API call |
Alexa for Business | SearchAddressBooks | API call |
Alexa for Business | SearchContacts | API call |
Alexa for Business | SearchDevices | API call |
Alexa for Business | SearchProfiles | API call |
Alexa for Business | SearchRooms | API call |
Alexa for Business | SearchSkillGroups | API call |
Alexa for Business | SearchUsers | API call |
IAM Access Analyzer | ValidatePolicy | API call |
AWS AdSpace Clean Rooms | BatchGetSchema | API call |
AWS Amplify UI Builder | ExportComponents | API call |
AWS Amplify UI Builder | ExportForms | API call |
AWS Amplify UI Builder | ExportThemes | API call |
Amazon OpenSearch Service | BatchGetCollection | API call |
Amazon API Gateway | ExportApi | API call |
AWS AppConfig | ValidateConfiguration | API call |
Amazon AppFlow | RetrieveConnectorData | API call |
Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights | UpdateApplicationDashboardConfiguration | API call |
Amazon Athena | BatchGetNamedQuery | API call |
Amazon Athena | BatchGetPreparedStatement | API call |
Amazon Athena | BatchGetQueryExecution | API call |
Amazon Athena | CheckQueryCompatibility | API call |
Amazon Athena | ExportNotebook | API call |
AWS Auto Scaling | AreScalableTargetsRegistered | API call |
AWS Auto Scaling | Test | API call |
AWS Marketplace | SearchAgreements | API call |
AWS Backup | CreateLegalHold | API call |
AWS Backup | ExportBackupPlanTemplate | API call |
AWS Backup gateway | TestHypervisorConfiguration | API call |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentInstrumentGateway.Get | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.DescribeMakePaymentPage | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.DescribePaymentsDashboard | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetAccountPreferences | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetAdvancePaySummary | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetAsoBulkDownload | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetBillingContactAddress | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetDocuments | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetEligiblePaymentInstruments | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetEntitiesByIds | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetFundingDocuments | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetKybcValidationStatus | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetOneTimePasswordStatus | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetPaymentHistory | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetPaymentProfileByArn | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetPaymentProfileCurrencies | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetPaymentProfiles | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetPaymentProfileServiceProviders | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetPaymentsDue | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetRemittanceInformation | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetTaxInvoiceMetadata | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetTermsAndConditionsForProgramGroup | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetTransactionsHistory | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetUnappliedFunds | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPortalService.GetUnpaidInvoices | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | AWSPaymentPreferenceGateway.Get | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | CancelBulkDownload | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | DownloadCommercialInvoice | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | DownloadCsv | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | DownloadDoc | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | DownloadECSVForBillingPeriod | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | DownloadPaymentHistory | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | DownloadRegistrationDocument | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | DownloadTaxInvoice | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | FindBankRedirectPaymentInstruments | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | FindECSVForBillingPeriod | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | ValidateReportDestination | Console action |
AWS Billing and Cost Management | VerifyChinaPaymentEligibility | Console action |
Amazon Braket | SearchCompilations | API call |
Amazon Braket | SearchDevices | API call |
Amazon Braket | SearchQuantumTasks | API call |
Amazon Connect Cases | BatchGetField | API call |
Amazon Connect Cases | SearchCases | API call |
Amazon Connect Cases | SearchRelatedItems | API call |
Amazon Chime | RetrieveDataExports | API call |
Amazon Chime | SearchChannels | API call |
Amazon Chime SDK Identity | DeleteProfile | Service event |
Amazon Chime SDK Identity | DeleteWorkTalkAccount | Service event |
AWS Clean Rooms | BatchGetSchema | API call |
Amazon Cloud Directory | BatchRead | API call |
Amazon Cloud Directory | LookupPolicy | API call |
AWS CloudFormation | DetectStackDrift | API call |
AWS CloudFormation | DetectStackResourceDrift | API call |
AWS CloudFormation | DetectStackSetDrift | API call |
AWS CloudFormation | EstimateTemplateCost | API call |
AWS CloudFormation | ValidateTemplate | API call |
AWS CloudShell | RedeemCode | API call |
AWS CloudTrail | LookupEvents | API call |
AWS CodeArtifact | ReadFromRepository | API call |
AWS CodeArtifact | SearchPackages | API call |
AWS CodeArtifact | VerifyResourcesExistForTagris | API call |
AWS CodeBuild | BatchGetBuildBatches | API call |
AWS CodeBuild | BatchGetBuilds | API call |
AWS CodeBuild | BatchGetProjects | API call |
AWS CodeBuild | BatchGetReportGroups | API call |
AWS CodeBuild | BatchGetReports | API call |
AWS CodeBuild | BatchPutCodeCoverages | API call |
AWS CodeBuild | BatchPutTestCases | API call |
AWS CodeBuild | RequestBadge | Service event |
AWS CodeCommit | BatchDescribeMergeConflicts | API call |
AWS CodeCommit | BatchGetCommits | API call |
AWS CodeCommit | BatchGetPullRequests | API call |
AWS CodeCommit | BatchGetRepositories | API call |
AWS CodeCommit | EvaluatePullRequestApprovalRules | API call |
AWS CodeCommit | GitPull | API call |
AWS CodeDeploy | BatchGetApplicationRevisions | API call |
AWS CodeDeploy | BatchGetApplications | API call |
AWS CodeDeploy | BatchGetDeploymentGroups | API call |
AWS CodeDeploy | BatchGetDeploymentInstances | API call |
AWS CodeDeploy | BatchGetDeployments | API call |
AWS CodeDeploy | BatchGetDeploymentTargets | API call |
AWS CodeDeploy | BatchGetOnPremisesInstances | API call |
Amazon CodeGuru Profiler | BatchGetFrameMetricData | API call |
Amazon CodeGuru Profiler | SubmitFeedback | API call |
AWS CodePipeline | PollForJobs | API call |
AWS CodePipeline | PollForThirdPartyJobs | API call |
CodeConnections | StartAppRegistrationHandshake | API call |
CodeConnections | StartOAuthHandshake | API call |
CodeConnections | ValidateHostWebhook | API call |
Amazon CodeWhisperer | CreateCodeScan | API call |
Amazon CodeWhisperer | CreateProfile | API call |
Amazon CodeWhisperer | CreateUploadUrl | API call |
Amazon CodeWhisperer | GenerateRecommendations | API call |
Amazon CodeWhisperer | UpdateProfile | API call |
Amazon Cognito Identity | LookupDeveloperIdentity | API call |
Amazon Cognito user pools | AdminGetDevice | API call |
Amazon Cognito user pools | AdminGetUser | API call |
Amazon Cognito user pools | AdminListDevices | API call |
Amazon Cognito user pools | AdminListGroupsForUser | API call |
Amazon Cognito user pools | AdminListUserAuthEvents | API call |
Amazon Cognito user pools | Beta_Authorize_GET | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | Confirm_GET | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | ConfirmForgotPassword_GET | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | Error_GET | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | ForgotPassword_GET | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | IntrospectToken | API call |
Amazon Cognito user pools | Login_Error_POST | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | Login_GET | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | Mfa_GET | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | MfaOption_GET | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | ResetPassword_GET | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | Signup_GET | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | UserInfo_GET | Service event |
Amazon Cognito user pools | UserInfo_POST | Service event |
Amazon Cognito Sync | BulkPublish | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | BatchContainsPiiEntities | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | BatchDetectDominantLanguage | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | BatchDetectEntities | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | BatchDetectKeyPhrases | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | BatchDetectPiiEntities | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | BatchDetectSentiment | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | BatchDetectSyntax | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | BatchDetectTargetedSentiment | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | ClassifyDocument | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | ContainsPiiEntities | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | DetectDominantLanguage | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | DetectEntities | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | DetectKeyPhrases | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | DetectPiiEntities | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | DetectSentiment | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | DetectSyntax | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | DetectTargetedSentiment | API call |
Amazon Comprehend | DetectToxicContent | API call |
AWS Compute Optimizer | ExportAutoScalingGroupRecommendations | API call |
AWS Compute Optimizer | ExportEBSVolumeRecommendations | API call |
AWS Compute Optimizer | ExportECInstanceRecommendations | API call |
AWS Compute Optimizer | ExportECSServiceRecommendations | API call |
AWS Compute Optimizer | ExportLambdaFunctionRecommendations | API call |
AWS Compute Optimizer | ExportRDSInstanceRecommendations | API call |
AWS Config | BatchGetAggregateResourceConfig | API call |
AWS Config | BatchGetResourceConfig | API call |
AWS Config | SelectAggregateResourceConfig | API call |
AWS Config | SelectResourceConfig | API call |
Amazon Connect | AdminGetEmergencyAccessToken | API call |
Amazon Connect | SearchQueues | API call |
Amazon Connect | SearchRoutingProfiles | API call |
Amazon Connect | SearchSecurityProfiles | API call |
Amazon Connect | SearchUsers | API call |
AWS Glue DataBrew | SendProjectSessionAction | API call |
AWS Data Pipeline | EvaluateExpression | API call |
AWS Data Pipeline | QueryObjects | API call |
AWS Data Pipeline | ValidatePipelineDefinition | API call |
AWS DataSync | VerifyResourcesExistForTagris | API call |
AWS DeepLens | BatchGetDevice | API call |
AWS DeepLens | BatchGetModel | API call |
AWS DeepLens | BatchGetProject | API call |
AWS DeepLens | CreateDeviceCertificates | API call |
AWS DeepRacer | AdminGetAccountConfig | API call |
AWS DeepRacer | AdminListAssociatedUsers | API call |
AWS DeepRacer | TestRewardFunction | API call |
AWS DeepRacer | VerifyResourcesExistForTagris | API call |
Amazon Detective | BatchGetGraphMemberDatasources | API call |
Amazon Detective | BatchGetMembershipDatasources | API call |
Amazon Detective | SearchGraph | API call |
Amazon DevOps Guru | SearchInsights | API call |
Amazon DevOps Guru | SearchOrganizationInsights | API call |
AWS Database Migration Service | BatchStartRecommendations | API call |
AWS Database Migration Service | ModifyRecommendation | API call |
AWS Database Migration Service | StartRecommendations | API call |
AWS Database Migration Service | VerifyResourcesExistForTagris | API call |
AWS Directory Service | VerifyTrust | API call |
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud | ConfirmProductInstance | API call |
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud | ReportInstanceStatus | API call |
Amazon Elastic Container Registry | BatchCheckLayerAvailability | API call |
Amazon Elastic Container Registry | BatchGetImage | API call |
Amazon Elastic Container Registry | BatchGetImageReferrer | API call |
Amazon Elastic Container Registry | BatchGetRepositoryScanningConfiguration | API call |
Amazon Elastic Container Registry | DryRunEvent | Service event |
Amazon Elastic Container Registry | PolicyExecutionEvent | Service event |
Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public | BatchCheckLayerAvailability | API call |
Amazon Elastic Container Service | DiscoverPollEndpoint | API call |
Amazon Elastic Container Service | FindSubfleetRoute | API call |
Amazon Elastic Container Service | ValidateResources | API call |
Amazon Elastic Container Service | VerifyTaskSetsExist | API call |
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service | AccessKubernetesApi | API call |
AWS Elastic Beanstalk | CheckDNSAvailability | API call |
AWS Elastic Beanstalk | RequestEnvironmentInfo | API call |
AWS Elastic Beanstalk | RetrieveEnvironmentInfo | API call |
AWS Elastic Beanstalk | ValidateConfigurationSettings | API call |
Amazon Elastic File System | NewClientConnection | Service event |
Amazon Elastic File System | UpdateClientConnection | Service event |
Amazon Elastic Transcoder | ReadJob | API call |
Amazon Elastic Transcoder | ReadPipeline | API call |
Amazon Elastic Transcoder | ReadPreset | API call |
Amazon EventBridge | TestEventPattern | API call |
Amazon EventBridge | TestScheduleExpression | API call |
Amazon FinSpace API | BatchListCatalogNodesByDataset | API call |
Amazon FinSpace API | BatchListNodesByDataset | API call |
Amazon FinSpace API | BatchValidateAccess | API call |
Amazon FinSpace API | CreateAuditRecordsQuery | API call |
Amazon FinSpace API | SearchDatasets | API call |
Amazon FinSpace API | SearchDatasetsV | API call |
Amazon FinSpace API | ValidateIdToken | API call |
AWS Firewall Manager | DisassociateAdminAccount | API call |
Amazon Forecast | InvokeForecastEndpoint | API call |
Amazon Forecast | QueryFeature | API call |
Amazon Forecast | QueryForecast | API call |
Amazon Forecast | QueryWhatIfForecast | API call |
Amazon Forecast | VerifyResourcesExistForTagris | API call |
Amazon Fraud Detector | BatchGetVariable | API call |
Amazon Fraud Detector | VerifyResourcesExistForTagris | API call |
FreeRTOS | VerifyEmailAddress | API call |
Amazon GameLift Servers | RequestUploadCredentials | API call |
Amazon GameLift Servers | ResolveAlias | API call |
Amazon GameLift Servers | SearchGameSessions | API call |
Amazon GameLift Servers | ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet | API call |
Amazon GameSparks | ExportSnapshot | API call |
Amazon Location Service | BatchGetDevicePosition | API call |
Amazon Location Service | CalculateRoute | API call |
Amazon Location Service | CalculateRouteMatrix | API call |
Amazon Location Service | SearchPlaceIndexForPosition | API call |
Amazon Location Service | SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestions | API call |
Amazon Location Service | SearchPlaceIndexForText | API call |
Amazon S3 Glacier | InitiateJob | API call |
AWS Glue | BatchGetBlueprints | API call |
AWS Glue | BatchGetColumnStatisticsForTable | API call |
AWS Glue | BatchGetCrawlers | API call |
AWS Glue | BatchGetCustomEntityTypes | API call |
AWS Glue | BatchGetDataQualityResult | API call |
AWS Glue | BatchGetDevEndpoints | API call |
AWS Glue | BatchGetJobs | API call |
AWS Glue | BatchGetMLTransform | API call |
AWS Glue | BatchGetPartition | API call |
AWS Glue | BatchGetTriggers | API call |
AWS Glue | BatchGetWorkflows | API call |
AWS Glue | QueryJobRuns | API call |
AWS Glue | QueryJobRunsAggregated | API call |
AWS Glue | QueryJobs | API call |
AWS Glue | QuerySchemaVersionMetadata | API call |
AWS Glue | SearchTables | API call |
AWS HealthLake | ReadResource | API call |
AWS HealthLake | SearchWithGet | API call |
AWS HealthLake | SearchWithPost | API call |
AWS Identity and Access Management | GenerateCredentialReport | API call |
AWS Identity and Access Management | GenerateOrganizationsAccessReport | API call |
AWS Identity and Access Management | GenerateServiceLastAccessedDetails | API call |
AWS Identity and Access Management | SimulateCustomPolicy | API call |
AWS Identity and Access Management | SimulatePrincipalPolicy | API call |
AWS Identity Store | IsMemberInGroups | API call |
AWS Identity Store Auth | BatchGetSession | API call |
Amazon Inspector Classic | PreviewAgents | API call |
Amazon Inspector Classic | BatchGetAccountStatus | API call |
Amazon Inspector Classic | BatchGetFreeTrialInfo | API call |
Amazon Inspector Classic | BatchGetMember | API call |
AWS Invoicing | ValidateDocumentDeliveryS3LocationInfo | API call |
AWS IoT | SearchIndex | API call |
AWS IoT | TestAuthorization | API call |
AWS IoT | TestInvokeAuthorizer | API call |
AWS IoT | ValidateSecurityProfileBehaviors | API call |
AWS IoT Analytics | SampleChannelData | API call |
AWS IoT SiteWise | GatewaysVerifyResourcesExistForTagrisInternal | API call |
AWS IoT Things Graph | SearchEntities | API call |
AWS IoT Things Graph | SearchFlowExecutions | API call |
AWS IoT Things Graph | SearchFlowTemplates | API call |
AWS IoT Things Graph | SearchSystemInstances | API call |
AWS IoT Things Graph | SearchSystemTemplates | API call |
AWS IoT Things Graph | SearchThings | API call |
AWS IoT TwinMaker | ExecuteQuery | API call |
AWS IoT Wireless | CreateNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration | API call |
AWS IoT Wireless | DeleteNetworkAnalyzerConfiguration | API call |
AWS IoT Wireless | DeregisterWirelessDevice | API call |
Amazon Interactive Video Service | BatchGetChannel | API call |
Amazon Interactive Video Service | BatchGetStreamKey | API call |
Amazon Kendra | BatchGetDocumentStatus | API call |
Amazon Kendra | Query | API call |
Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink | DiscoverInputSchema | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | Decrypt | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | Encrypt | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | GenerateDataKey | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | GenerateDataKeyPair | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintext | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | GenerateMac | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | GenerateRandom | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | ReEncrypt | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | Sign | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | Verify | API call |
AWS Key Management Service | VerifyMac | API call |
AWS Lake Formation | SearchDatabasesByLFTags | API call |
AWS Lake Formation | SearchTablesByLFTags | API call |
AWS Lake Formation | StartQueryPlanning | API call |
Amazon Lex | BatchCreateCustomVocabularyItem | API call |
Amazon Lex | BatchDeleteCustomVocabularyItem | API call |
Amazon Lex | BatchUpdateCustomVocabularyItem | API call |
Amazon Lex | DeleteCustomVocabulary | API call |
Amazon Lex | SearchAssociatedTranscripts | API call |
Amazon Lightsail | CreateGUISessionAccessDetails | API call |
Amazon Lightsail | DownloadDefaultKeyPair | API call |
Amazon Lightsail | IsVpcPeered | API call |
Amazon CloudWatch Logs | FilterLogEvents | API call |
Amazon Macie | BatchGetCustomDataIdentifiers | API call |
Amazon Macie | UpdateFindingsFilter | API call |
AWS Elemental MediaConnect | ManagedDescribeFlow | API call |
AWS Elemental MediaConnect | PrivateDescribeFlowMeta | API call |
AWS Application Migration Service | OperationalDescribeJobLogItems | API call |
AWS Application Migration Service | OperationalDescribeJobs | API call |
AWS Application Migration Service | OperationalDescribeReplicationConfigurationTemplates | API call |
AWS Application Migration Service | OperationalDescribeSourceServer | API call |
AWS Application Migration Service | OperationalGetLaunchConfiguration | API call |
AWS Application Migration Service | OperationalListSourceServers | API call |
AWS Application Migration Service | VerifyClientRoleForMgn | API call |
AWS HealthOmics | VerifyResourceExists | API call |
AWS HealthOmics | VerifyResourcesExistForTagris | API call |
Amazon Polly | SynthesizeLongSpeech | API call |
Amazon Polly | SynthesizeSpeech | API call |
Amazon Polly | SynthesizeSpeechGet | API call |
AWS service providing managed private networks | Ping | API call |
AWS Proton | DeleteEnvironmentTemplateVersion | API call |
AWS Proton | DeleteServiceTemplateVersion | API call |
Amazon QLDB | ShowCatalog | API call |
Amazon QuickSight | GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser | API call |
Amazon QuickSight | GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser | API call |
Amazon QuickSight | QueryDatabase | Service event |
Amazon QuickSight | SearchAnalyses | API call |
Amazon QuickSight | SearchDashboards | API call |
Amazon QuickSight | SearchDataSets | API call |
Amazon QuickSight | SearchDataSources | API call |
Amazon QuickSight | SearchFolders | API call |
Amazon QuickSight | SearchGroups | API call |
Amazon QuickSight | SearchUsers | API call |
Amazon Relational Database Service | DownloadCompleteDBLogFile | API call |
Amazon Relational Database Service | DownloadDBLogFilePortion | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | CompareFaces | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | DetectCustomLabels | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | DetectFaces | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | DetectLabels | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | DetectModerationLabels | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | DetectProtectiveEquipment | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | DetectText | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | RecognizeCelebrities | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | SearchFaces | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | SearchFacesByImage | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | SearchUsers | API call |
Amazon Rekognition | SearchUsersByImage | API call |
AWS Resource Explorer | BatchGetView | API call |
AWS Resource Explorer | Search | API call |
AWS Resource Groups | SearchResources | API call |
AWS Resource Groups | ValidateResourceSharing | API call |
AWS RoboMaker | BatchDescribeSimulationJob | API call |
Amazon Route 53 | TestDNSAnswer | API call |
Amazon Route 53 Domains | checkAvailabilities | API call |
Amazon Route 53 Domains | CheckDomainAvailability | API call |
Amazon Route 53 Domains | checkDomainTransferability | API call |
Amazon Route 53 Domains | CheckDomainTransferability | API call |
Amazon Route 53 Domains | isEmailReachable | API call |
Amazon Route 53 Domains | searchDomains | API call |
Amazon Route 53 Domains | sendVerificationMessage | API call |
Amazon Route 53 Domains | ViewBilling | API call |
Amazon Route 53 Domains | viewBilling | API call |
Amazon CloudWatch RUM | BatchGetRumMetricDefinitions | API call |
Amazon Simple Storage Service | echo | API call |
Amazon Simple Storage Service | GenerateInventory | Service event |
Amazon SageMaker AI | BatchDescribeModelPackage | API call |
Amazon SageMaker AI | DeleteModelCard | API call |
Amazon SageMaker AI | QueryLineage | API call |
Amazon SageMaker AI | RenderUiTemplate | API call |
Amazon SageMaker AI | Search | API call |
Amazon EventBridge Schemas | ExportSchema | API call |
Amazon EventBridge Schemas | SearchSchemas | API call |
Amazon SimpleDB | DomainMetadata | API call |
AWS Secrets Manager | ValidateResourcePolicy | API call |
AWS Service Catalog | ScanProvisionedProducts | API call |
AWS Service Catalog | SearchProducts | API call |
AWS Service Catalog | SearchProductsAsAdmin | API call |
AWS Service Catalog | SearchProvisionedProducts | API call |
Amazon SES | BatchGetMetricData | API call |
Amazon SES | TestRenderEmailTemplate | API call |
Amazon SES | TestRenderTemplate | API call |
Amazon Simple Notification Service | CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut | API call |
AWS SQL Workbench | BatchGetNotebookCell | API call |
AWS SQL Workbench | ExportNotebook | API call |
Amazon EC2 Systems Manager | ExecuteApi | API call |
AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager | DeleteContactChannel | API call |
AWS IAM Identity Center | IsMemberInGroup | API call |
AWS IAM Identity Center | SearchGroups | API call |
AWS IAM Identity Center | SearchUsers | API call |
AWS STS | AssumeRole | API call |
AWS STS | AssumeRoleWithSAML | API call |
AWS STS | AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity | API call |
AWS STS | DecodeAuthorizationMessage | API call |
AWS Tax Settings | BatchGetTaxExemptions | API call |
AWS WAFV2 | CheckCapacity | API call |
AWS WAFV2 | GenerateMobileSdkReleaseUrl | API call |
AWS Well-Architected Tool | ExportLens | API call |
AWS Well-Architected Tool | TagResource | API call |
AWS Well-Architected Tool | UntagResource | API call |
AWS Well-Architected Tool | UpdateGlobalSettings | API call |
Amazon Connect Wisdom | QueryAssistant | API call |
Amazon Connect Wisdom | SearchContent | API call |
Amazon Connect Wisdom | SearchSessions | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | AbortDocumentVersionUpload | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | AddUsersToGroup | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | BatchGetUsers | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | CheckAlias | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | CompleteDocumentVersionUpload | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | CreateAnnotation | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | CreateComment | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | CreateFeedbackRequest | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | CreateFolder | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | CreateGroup | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | CreateShare | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | CreateUser | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | DeleteAnnotation | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | DeleteComment | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | DeleteDocument | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | DeleteFeedbackRequest | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | DeleteFolder | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | DeleteFolderContents | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | DeleteGroup | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | DeleteOrganizationShare | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | DeleteUser | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | DownloadDocumentVersion | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | DownloadDocumentVersionUnderlays | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | InitiateDocumentVersionUpload | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | LogoutUser | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | PaginatedOrganizationActivity | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | PublishAnnotations | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | PublishComments | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | RestoreDocument | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | RestoreFolder | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | SearchGroups | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | SearchOrganizationUsers | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | TransferUserResources | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | UpdateAnnotation | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | UpdateComment | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | UpdateDocument | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | UpdateDocumentVersion | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | UpdateFolder | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | UpdateGroup | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | UpdateOrganization | API call |
Amazon WorkDocs | UpdateUser | API call |
Amazon WorkMail | AssumeImpersonationRole | API call |
Amazon WorkMail | QueryDnsRecords | API call |
Amazon WorkMail | SearchMembers | API call |
Amazon WorkMail | TestAvailabilityConfiguration | API call |
Amazon WorkMail | TestInboundMailFlowRules | API call |
Amazon WorkMail | TestOutboundMailFlowRules | API call |