Receiving events from a SaaS partner with Amazon EventBridge - Amazon EventBridge

Receiving events from a SaaS partner with Amazon EventBridge

To receive events from SaaS partner applications and services, you need a partner event source from the partner. A partner event source is a resource created by a partner that you can then accept as an event source. To accept the partner event source, you create a custom event bus and match it to the partner event source.

An SaaS partner sends an event to a partner event source, which sends it to the partner event bus.

The following video covers SaaS integrations with EventBridge:

Supported SaaS partner integrations

EventBridge supports the following SaaS partner integrations:

Region availability of SaaS partner integrations

Partner event sources are available in the following Regions.

Code Name


US East (N. Virginia)


US East (Ohio)


US West (N. California)


US West (Oregon)


Canada (Central)


Europe (Frankfurt)


Europe (Zurich)


Europe (Ireland)


Europe (London)


Europe (Paris)


Europe (Stockholm)


Europe (Milan)


Europe (Spain)


Africa (Cape Town)


Asia Pacific (Mumbai)


Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)


Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)


Asia Pacific (Tokyo)


Asia Pacific (Seoul)


Asia Pacific (Osaka)


Asia Pacific (Singapore)


Asia Pacific (Sydney)


Asia Pacific (Jakarta)


Asia Pacific (Melbourne)


China (Beijing)


China (Ningxia)


Middle East (UAE)


Middle East (Bahrain)


South America (São Paulo)


Israel (Tel Aviv)

Configuring Amazon EventBridge to receive events from a SaaS integration

Configuring EventBridge to receive partner events consists of two main steps:

  • Creating the partner event source

  • Associating that partner source with a partner event bus


    Any events published by a partner to a partner event source that has not been associated with an event bus will be immediately dropped. Those events will not be persisted at rest in EventBridge.

Create a partner event source (console only)
  1. Open the Amazon EventBridge console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Partner event sources.

  3. Find the partner that you want and then choose Set up for that partner.

  4. To copy your account ID to the clipboard, choose Copy.

  5. In the navigation pane, choose Partner event sources.

  6. Go to the partner's website and follow the instructions to create a partner event source using your account ID. The event source that you create is available to only your account.

Associate the partner source with a partner event bus (console)
  1. In the EventBridge console, choose Partner event sources in the navigation pane.

  2. Select the button next to the partner event source and then choose Associate with event bus.

    The status of the event source changes from Pending to Active, and the name of the event bus updates to match the partner event source name. You can now start creating rules that match events from the partner event source.

Associate the partner source with a partner event bus (AWS CLI)
  • Use create-event-bus to create a partner event bus associated with the partner event source.

    Both name and event-source-name should be set to the partner event source name.

    For example:

    aws events create-event-bus \ --name "aws.partner/saas-integration/name" \ --event-source-name "aws.partner/saas-integration/name" \ --region us-east-1

    After EventBridge creates the event bus, you can call describe-event-source to return details about the partner source. The State of the partner source should be ACTIVE.

    aws events describe-event-source --name "aws.partner/saas-integration/name"

    Calling put-permission on a partner event bus returns an error. Only the partner account of the event source associated with the partner event bus is permitted to send events to it.

Associate the partner source with a partner event bus (AWS CloudFormation)
  1. Create a AWS CloudFormation template that provisions an AWS::Events::EventBus resource with the partner event source.

    Both Name and EventSourceName should be set to the partner event source name. For example:

    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: Cloudformation template to create Event Bus for receiving partner events Resources: ExamplePartnerEventBus: Type: AWS::Events::EventBus Properties: EventSourceName: 'aws.partner/saas-integration/name' Name: 'aws.partner/saas-integration/name'
  2. Use cloudformation create-stack or the AWS CloudFormation console to create a stack from the template. For example:

    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name eventbridge-saas --template-body file://template.yml --region us-east-1

    Including an AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy resource for the partner event bus in your template will result in an error. Only the partner account of the event source associated with the partner event bus is permitted to send events to it.