AWS CloudHSM deprecated Client SDK releases - AWS CloudHSM

AWS CloudHSM deprecated Client SDK releases

Versions 5.8.0 and earlier are deprecated. We do not recommend using deprecated releases in production workloads. We do not provide backwards compatible updates for deprecated releases, nor do we host deprecated releases for download. If you experience production impact while using deprecated releases, you must upgrade to obtain software fixes.

Deprecated Client SDK 5 releases

This section lists deprecated Client SDK 5 releases.

Version 5.8.0 introduces quorum authentication for CloudHSM CLI, SSL/TLS offload with JSSE, multi-slot support for PKCS #11, multi-cluster/multi-user support for JCE, key extraction with JCE, supported keyFactory for JCE, new retry configurations for non-terminal return codes, and includes improved stability and bug fixes for all SDKs.

PKCS #11 library
  • Added support for multi-slot configuration.

JCE provider
  • Added configuration based key extraction.

  • Added support for multi-cluster and multi-user configurations.

  • Added support for SSL and TLS offload with JSSE.

  • Added unwrap support for AES/CBC/NoPadding.

  • Added new types of key factories: SecretKeyFactory and KeyFactory.

  • Added support for quorum authentication

Version 5.7.0 introduces CloudHSM CLI and includes a new cipher-based message authentication code (CMAC) algorithm. This release adds ARM architecture on Amazon Linux 2. JCE provider Javadocs are now available for AWS CloudHSM.

PKCS #11 library
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

  • Now supported on ARM architecture with Amazon Linux 2.

  • Algorithms

    • CKM_AES_CMAC (sign and verify)

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

  • Now supported on ARM architecture with Amazon Linux 2.

JCE provider
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

  • Algorithms


Version 5.6.0 includes new mechanism support for PKCS #11 library and JCE provider. Additionally, version 5.6 supports Ubuntu 20.04.

PKCS #11 library
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

  • Mechanisms

    • CKM_RSA_X_509, for encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify modes

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

JCE provider
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

  • Ciphers

    • RSA/ECB/NoPadding, for encrypt and decrypt modes

Supported keys
  • EC with curves secp224r1 and secp521r1

Platform support
  • Added support for Ubuntu 20.04.

Version 5.5.0 adds support for OpenJDK 11, Keytool and Jarsigner integration, and additional mechanisms to the JCE provider. Resolves a known issue regarding a KeyGenerator class incorrectly interpreting key size parameter as number of bytes instead of bits.

PKCS #11 library
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

JCE provider
  • Support for the Keytool and Jarsigner utilities

  • Support for OpenJDK 11 on all platforms

  • Ciphers

    • AES/CBC/NoPadding Encrypt and Decrypt mode

    • AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding Encrypt and Decrypt mode

    • AES/CTR/NoPadding Encrypt and Decrypt mode

    • AES/GCM/NoPadding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • DESede/ECB/PKCS5Padding Encrypt and Decrypt mode

    • DESede/CBC/NoPadding Encrypt and Decrypt mode

    • AESWrap/ECB/NoPadding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • AESWrap/ECB/PKCS5Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • AESWrap/ECB/ZeroPadding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPPadding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-1ANDMGF1Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-224ANDMGF1Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256ANDMGF1Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-384ANDMGF1Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-512ANDMGF1Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSAAESWrap/ECB/OAEPPadding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSAAESWrap/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-1ANDMGF1Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSAAESWrap/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-224ANDMGF1Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSAAESWrap/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256ANDMGF1Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSAAESWrap/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-384ANDMGF1Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

    • RSAAESWrap/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-512ANDMGF1Padding Wrap and Unwrap mode

  • KeyFactory and SecretKeyFactory

    • RSA – 2048-bit to 4096-bit RSA keys, in increments of 256 bits

    • AES – 128, 192, and 256-bit AES keys

    • EC key pairs for NIST curves secp256r1 (P-256), secp384r1 (P-384), and secp256k1

    • DESede (3DES)

    • GenericSecret

    • HMAC – with SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 hash support

  • Sign/Verify


    • SHA1withRSA/PSS

    • SHA224withRSA/PSS

    • SHA256withRSA/PSS

    • SHA384withRSA/PSS

    • SHA512withRSA/PSS

    • SHA1withRSAandMGF1

    • SHA224withRSAandMGF1

    • SHA256withRSAandMGF1

    • SHA384withRSAandMGF1

    • SHA512withRSAandMGF1

Version 5.4.2 includes improved stability and bug fixes for all SDKs. This is also the last release for the CentOS 8 platform. For more information, see the CentOS website.

PKCS #11 library
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

JCE provider
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

Version 5.4.1 resolves a known issue with the PKCS #11 library. This is also the last release for the CentOS 8 platform. For more information, see the CentOS website.

PKCS #11 library
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

JCE provider
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

Version 5.4.0 adds initial support for the JCE provider for all platforms. The JCE provider is compatible with OpenJDK 8.

PKCS #11 library
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine
  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

JCE provider
  • Key types
    • RSA – 2048-bit to 4096-bit RSA keys, in increments of 256 bits.

    • AES – 128, 192, and 256-bit AES keys.

    • ECC key pairs for NIST curves secp256r1 (P-256), secp384r1 (P-384), and secp256k1.

    • DESede (3DES)

    • HMAC – with SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 hash support.

  • Ciphers (encrypt and decrypt only)
    • AES/GCM/NoPadding

    • AES/ECB/NoPadding

    • AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding

    • DESede/ECB/NoPadding

    • DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding

    • AES/CTR/NoPadding

    • RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPPadding


    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-224ANDMGF1Padding

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256ANDMGF1Padding

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-384ANDMGF1Padding

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-512ANDMGF1Padding

  • Digests
    • SHA-1

    • SHA-224

    • SHA-256

    • SHA-384

    • SHA-512

  • Sign/Verify
    • NONEwithRSA

    • SHA1withRSA

    • SHA224withRSA

    • SHA256withRSA

    • SHA384withRSA

    • SHA512withRSA

    • NONEwithECDSA

    • SHA1withECDSA

    • SHA224withECDSA

    • SHA256withECDSA

    • SHA384withECDSA

    • SHA512withECDSA

  • Integration with the Java KeyStore

PKCS #11 library

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Add support for ECDSA sign/verify with curves P-256, P-384, and secp256k1.

  • Add support for the platforms: Amazon Linux, Amazon Linux 2, Centos 7.8+, RHEL 7 (7.8+).

  • Add support for OpenSSL version 1.0.2.

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

JCE provider
  • Key types
    • RSA – 2048-bit to 4096-bit RSA keys, in increments of 256 bits.

    • AES – 128, 192, and 256-bit AES keys.

    • EC key pairs for NIST curves secp256r1 (P-256), secp384r1 (P-384), and secp256k1.

    • DESede (3DES)

    • HMAC – with SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 hash support.

  • Ciphers (encrypt and decrypt only)
    • AES/GCM/NoPadding

    • AES/ECB/NoPadding

    • AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding

    • DESede/ECB/NoPadding

    • DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding

    • AES/CTR/NoPadding

    • RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPPadding


    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-224ANDMGF1Padding

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256ANDMGF1Padding

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-384ANDMGF1Padding

    • RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-512ANDMGF1Padding

  • Digests
    • SHA-1

    • SHA-224

    • SHA-256

    • SHA-384

    • SHA-512

  • Sign/Verify
    • NONEwithRSA

    • SHA1withRSA

    • SHA224withRSA

    • SHA256withRSA

    • SHA384withRSA

    • SHA512withRSA

    • NONEwithECDSA

    • SHA1withECDSA

    • SHA224withECDSA

    • SHA256withECDSA

    • SHA384withECDSA

    • SHA512withECDSA

  • Integration with the Java KeyStore

PKCS #11 library

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

Version 5.2.0 adds support additional key types and mechanisms to the PKCS #11 library.

PKCS #11 library

Key Types

  • ECDSA– P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 and secp256k1 curves

  • Triple DES (3DES)













  • CKM_RSA_PKCS for Encrypt/Decrypt

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

Version 5.1.0 adds support for additional mechanisms to the PKCS #11 library.

PKCS #11 library


  • CKM_RSA_PKCS for Wrap/Unwrap


















  • CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP Wrap/Unwrap only





API Operations

  • C_CreateObject

  • C_DeriveKey

  • C_WrapKey

  • C_UnWrapKey

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

Version 5.0.1 adds initial support for OpenSSL Dynamic Engine.

PKCS #11 library

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

Version 5.0.0 is the first release.

PKCS #11 library

  • This is the initial release.

Introductory PKCS #11 library support in client SDK version 5.0.0

This section details support for key types, mechanisms, API operations and attributes Client SDK version 5.0.0.

Key Types:

  • AES– 128, 192, and 256-bit AES keys

  • RSA– 2048-bit to 4096-bit RSA keys, in increments of 256 bits







  • CKM_SHA1


  • CKM_SHA224


  • CKM_SHA256


  • CKM_SHA384


  • CKM_SHA512


API Operations:

  • C_CloseAllSessions

  • C_CloseSession

  • C_Decrypt

  • C_DecryptFinal

  • C_DecryptInit

  • C_DecryptUpdate

  • C_DestroyObject

  • C_Digest

  • C_DigestFinal

  • C_DigestInit

  • C_DigestUpdate

  • C_Encrypt

  • C_EncryptFinal

  • C_EncryptInit

  • C_EncryptUpdate

  • C_Finalize

  • C_FindObjects

  • C_FindObjectsFinal

  • C_FindObjectsInit

  • C_GenerateKey

  • C_GenerateKeyPair

  • C_GenerateRandom

  • C_GetAttributeValue

  • C_GetFunctionList

  • C_GetInfo

  • C_GetMechanismInfo

  • C_GetMechanismList

  • C_GetSessionInfo

  • C_GetSlotInfo

  • C_GetSlotList

  • C_GetTokenInfo

  • C_Initialize

  • C_Login

  • C_Logout

  • C_OpenSession

  • C_Sign

  • C_SignFinal

  • C_SignInit

  • C_SignUpdate

  • C_Verify

  • C_VerifyFinal

  • C_VerifyInit

  • C_VerifyUpdate


  • GenerateKeyPair

    • All RSA Key attributes

  • GenerateKey

    • All AES Key attributes

  • GetAttributeValue

    • All RSA Key attributes

    • All AES Key attributes


Deprecated Client SDK 3 releases

This section lists deprecated Client SDK 3 releases.

Version 3.4.3 adds updates to JCE provider.

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

  • Updated the version for consistency.

PKCS #11 library

  • Updated the version for consistency.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Updated the version for consistency.

JCE provider

  • Update log4j to version 2.17.0.

Windows (CNG and KSP providers)

  • Updated the version for consistency.

Version 3.4.2 adds updates to JCE provider.

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

  • Updated the version for consistency.

PKCS #11 library

  • Updated the version for consistency.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Updated the version for consistency.

JCE provider

  • Update log4j to version 2.16.0.

Windows (CNG and KSP providers)

  • Updated the version for consistency.

Version 3.4.1 adds updates to JCE provider.

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

  • Updated the version for consistency.

PKCS #11 library

  • Updated the version for consistency.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Updated the version for consistency.

JCE provider

  • Update log4j to version 2.15.0.

Windows (CNG and KSP providers)

  • Updated the version for consistency.

Version 3.4.0 adds updates to all components.

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

PKCS #11 library

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

JCE provider

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

Windows (CNG and KSP providers)

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

Version 3.3.2 resolves an issue with the client_info script.

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

  • Updated the version for consistency.

PKCS #11 library

  • Updated the version for consistency.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Updated the version for consistency.

JCE provider

  • Updated the version for consistency.

Windows (CNG and KSP providers)

  • Updated the version for consistency.

Version 3.3.1 adds updates to all components.

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

PKCS #11 library

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

JCE provider

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

Windows (CNG and KSP providers)

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

Version 3.3.0 adds two-factor authentication (2FA) and other improvements.

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

  • Added 2FA authentication for crypto officers (CO). For more information, see Managing Two-Factor Authentication for Crypto Officers.

  • Removed platform support for RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 and CentOS 6. For more information, see Linux Support.

  • Added a standalone version of CMU for use with Client SDK 5 or Client SDK 3. This is the same version of CMU included with the client daemon of version 3.3.0, and now you can download CMU without downloading the client daemon.

PKCS #11 library

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

  • Removed platform support for RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 and CentOS 6. For more information, see Linux Support.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Updated the version for consistency

  • Removed platform support for RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 and CentOS 6. For more information, see Linux Support.

JCE provider

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

  • Removed platform support for RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 and CentOS 6. For more information, see Linux Support.

Windows (CNG and KSP providers)

  • Updated the version for consistency

Version 3.2.1 adds a compliance analysis between the AWS CloudHSM implementation of the PKCS #11 library and the PKCS #11 standard, new platforms, and other improvements.

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

PKCS #11 library

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

JCE provider

Windows (CNG and KSP providers)

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

Version 3.2.0 adds support for masking passwords and other improvements.

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

PKCS #11 library

  • Adds support for hashing large data in software for some PKCS #11 mechanisms that were previously unsupported. For more information, see Supported Mechanisms.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

JCE provider

  • Updated the version for consistency.

Windows (CNG and KSP providers)

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.

Version 3.1.2 adds updates to JCE provider.

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

  • Updated the version for consistency

PKCS #11 library

  • Updated the version for consistency

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Updated the version for consistency

JCE provider

  • Update log4j to version 2.13.3

Windows (CNG and KSP providers)

  • Updated the version for consistency

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

  • Updated the version for consistency.

PKCS #11 Library

  • Updated the version for consistency.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • Updated the version for consistency.

JCE provider

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Windows (CNG, KSP)

  • Updated the version for consistency.

Version 3.1.0 adds standards-compliant AES key wrapping.

AWS CloudHSM Client Software

  • A new requirement for upgrade: the version of your client must match the version of any software libraries you are using. To upgrade, you must use a batch command that upgrades the client and all the libraries at the same time. For more information, see Client SDK 3 Upgrade.

  • Key_mgmt_util (KMU) includes the following updates:

    • Added two new AES key wrap methods – standards-compliant AES key wrap with zero padding and AES key wrap with no padding. For more information, see wrapKey and unwrapKey.

    • Disabled ability to specify custom IV when wrapping a key using AES_KEY_WRAP_PAD_PKCS5. For more information, see AES Key Wrapping.

PKCS #11 Library

  • Added two new AES key wrap methods - standards-compliant AES key wrap with zero padding and AES key wrap with no padding. For more information, see AES Key Wrapping.

  • You can configure salt length for RSA-PSS signatures. To learn how to use this feature, see Configurable salt length for RSA-PSS signatures on GitHub.

OpenSSL Dynamic Engine

  • BREAKING CHANGE: TLS 1.0 and 1.2 cipher suites with SHA1 are not available in OpenSSL Engine 3.1.0. This issue will be resolved shortly.

  • If you intend to install the OpenSSL Dynamic Engine library on RHEL 6 or CentOS 6, see a known issue about the default OpenSSL version installed on those operating systems.

  • Improved stability and bug fixes

JCE provider

  • BREAKING CHANGE: To address an issue with Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) compliance, AES wrap and unwrap now properly use the AESWrap algorithm instead of the AES algorithm. This means Cipher.WRAP_MODE and Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE no longer succeed for AES/ECB and AES/CBC mechanisms.

    To upgrade to client version 3.1.0, you must update your code. If you have existing wrapped keys, you must pay particular attention to the mechanism you use to unwrap and how IV defaults have changed. If you wrapped keys with client version 3.0.0 or earlier, then in 3.1.1 you must use AESWrap/ECB/PKCS5Padding to unwrap your existing keys. For more information, see AES Key Wrapping.

  • You can list multiple keys with the same label from the JCE provider. To learn how to iterate through all available keys, see Find all keys on GitHub.

  • You can set more restrictive values for attributes during key creation, including specifying different labels for public and private keys. For more information, see Supported Java Attributes.

Windows (CNG, KSP)

  • Improved stability and bug fixes.