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Network Access Control List (NACL) configuration for AWS DMS

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Network Access Control List (NACL) configuration for AWS DMS - AWS Database Migration Service
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When using Amazon RDS as a replication source, you should update the Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) for your DMS and RDS instance. Ensure that the NACLs are associated with the subnets where these instances reside. This allows inbound and outbound traffic on the specific database port.

To update the Network Access Control Lists, you must perform the following steps:


If your DMS and RDS instances are in the same subnet, you only need to update that subnet's NACL.

Identify the relevant NACLs
  1. Navigate to the Amazon VPC console.

  2. In the navigation pane on the left under Security, select Network ACLs.

  3. Select the relevant NACLs associated with the subnets where your DMS and RDS instances reside.

Update the NACLs for the DMS instance subnet
  1. Identify the NACL associated with your DMS instance's subnet. To do so, you can browse through the subnets in the Amazon VPC console, find the DMS subnet, and note the associated NACL ID.

  2. Edit the inbound rules:

    1. Click the Inbound Rules tab for the selected NACL.

    2. Select Edit inbound rules.

    3. Add a new rule:

      • Rule #: Choose a unique number (Example: 100).

      • Type: Select Custom TCP Rule.

      • Protocol: TCP

      • Port Range: Enter your database port (Example: 3306 for MySQL).

      • Source: Enter the CIDR block of the RDS subnet (Example:

      • Allow/Deny: Select Allow.

  3. Edit the outbound rules:

    1. Click the Outbound Rules tab for the selected NACL.

    2. Click Edit outbound rules.

    3. Add a new rule:

      • Rule #: Use the same number as used in the inbound rules.

      • Type: All traffic.

      • Destination:

      • Allow/Deny: Select Allow.

  4. Click Save changes.

  5. Perform the same steps to update the NACLs associated with the RDS instance's subnet.

Verify the NACL rules

You must ensure the following criteria for regarding the NACL rules.:

  • Order of rules: NACLs processes rules in the ascending order based on th erule number. Ensure that all the rules set as "Allow" have lower rule numbers than all the rules set as "Deny" as that might block traffic.

  • Stateless nature: NACLs are stateless. You must explicity allow both inbound and outbound traffic.

  • CIDR blocks: You must ensure that the CIDR blocks you use accurately represent the subnets of your DMS and RDS instances.

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