Configure the Micro Focus managed application - AWS Mainframe Modernization

Configure the Micro Focus managed application

You can configure your applications with Micro Focus runtime engine to customize additional properties including integrations.

Supported third party integrations for Micro Focus

To make use of third party integrations, your AWS Mainframe Modernization managed environment must use a Micro Focus engine version that supports this type of configuration. Engine versions with the postfix R (e.g., version 9.0.9.R) are supported. That means, engine version 9.0.9.R includes client installation support for the party integrations, but 9.0.9 doesn't.


Printer resources are configured through the Micro Focus application definition as described in the Printers - optional section.

A printer definition may define a custom or service-provided exit module for the printer. Some examples of possible exit module configurations are:

1. Example of loading service provided binary.

... { "name": "p1", "classes": [ "AB" ], "description": "Using service managed LRS Queue exit module", "exit-module": { "name": "lrsprte6" } }, ...

2. Example of providing binary from S3.

"exit-module": { "name": "s3Exit", "module": "${s3-source}/3pa/" }

3. Example of providing binary from EFS.


To use EFS mount, it must be attached during the creation of the environment, along with some additional values to be set such as program-path.

... "batch-settings": { "jes-printers": [ { "name": "p3", "classes": [ "EF" ], "description": "Using binary from customer provided exit module on EFS Mount", "exit-module": { "name": "efsExit" } } ], "program-path": "$EFS_MOUNT/path/to/directory/containing/binaries/" }, "runtime-settings": { "environment-variables": { "EFS_MOUNT": "/m2/mount/efs" } } ...

LRS queue - optional

To use LRS queue, you must be using a Micro Focus engine that supports third party artifacts (i.e. engines ending with .R). In addition to setting up a printer with an exit module pointing to lrsprte6 as the exit module’s entry name, LRS queue requires an additional environment variable, as defined in the pre-existing “runtime-settings” block of the Micro Focus application definition.


(Required) Specifies the LRS server address for the LRSQ print exit module to send to.

LRS printers - Configuring an LRS Printer requires the definition of a jes printer as specified in the Printers - optional section.

Additionally, the LRSQ_ADDRESS must be specified as part of the runtime-settings field in the application definition.

"runtime-settings": { "environment-variables": { "LRSQ_ADDRESS": "<lrsq-address>" } }