Adding / Removing nodes from a cluster - Amazon MemoryDB

Adding / Removing nodes from a cluster

You can add or remove nodes from a cluster using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or the MemoryDB API.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the MemoryDB console at

  2. From the list of clusters, choose the cluster name from which you want to add or remove a node.

  3. Under the Shards and nodes tab, choose Add/Delete nodes

  4. In New number of nodes, enter the the number of nodes you want.

  5. Choose Confirm.


    If you set the number of nodes to 1, you will no longer be Multi-AZ enabled. You can also to choose to enable Auto failover.

  1. Identify the names of the nodes that you want to remove. For more information, see Viewing a cluster's details.

  2. Use the update-cluster CLI operation with a list of the nodes to remove, as in the following example.

    To remove nodes from a cluster using the command-line interface, use the command update-cluster with the following parameters:

    • --cluster-name The ID of the cluster that you want to remove nodes from.

    • --replica-configuration – Allows you to set the number of replicas:

      • ReplicaCount – Set this property to specify the number of replica nodes you want.

    • --region Specifies the AWS Region of the cluster that you want to remove nodes from.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws memorydb update-cluster \ --cluster-name my-cluster \ --replica-configuration \ ReplicaCount=1 \ --region us-east-1

    For Windows:

    aws memorydb update-cluster ^ --cluster-name my-cluster ^ --replica-configuration ^ ReplicaCount=1 ^ --region us-east-1

For more information, see the AWS CLI topics update-cluster.

To remove nodes using the MemoryDB API, call the UpdateCluster API operation with the cluster name and a list of nodes to remove, as shown:

  • ClusterName The ID of the cluster that you want to remove nodes from.

  • ReplicaConfiguration – Allows you to set the number of replicas:

    • ReplicaCount – Set this property to specify the number of replica nodes you want.

  • Region Specifies the AWS Region of the cluster that you want to remove a node from.

For more information, see UpdateCluster.