With the launch of Valkey in MemoryDB, you can now apply your Redis OSS reserved node discount to the Valkey engine. You can upgrade from Redis OSS to Valkey while still benefitting from existing contracts and reservations. In addition to being able to apply your benefits within the node family and engine, you can even receive more incremental value. Valkey is priced at a 30% discount relative to Redis OSS, and with reserved node flexibility, you can use your Redis OSS reserved nodes to cover more running Valkey nodes.
To calculate the discounted rate, each MemoryDB node and engine combination has a normalization factor that's measured in units. Reserved node units can be applied to any running node within the reserved node's instance family for a given engine. Redis OSS reserved nodes can additionally apply across engines to cover running Valkey nodes. Because Valkey is priced at a discount relative to Redis OSS, its units for a given instance type are lower, which allows a Redis OSS reserved node to cover more Valkey nodes.
As an example, let's say you have purchased a reserved node for a db.r7g.4xlarge for the Redis OSS engine (32 units) and are running one db.r7g.4xlarge Redis OSS node (32 units). If you upgrade the node to Valkey, the normalization factor of the running node drops to 22.4 units, and your existing reserved node provides you with an additional 9.6 units to use against any other running Valkey or Redis OSS node within the db.r7g family in the Region. You could use this to cover 42% of another db.r7g.4xlarge Valkey node in the account (22.4 units), or 100% of a db.r7g.xlarge Valkey node (5.6 units) and 100% of a db.r7g.large Valkey node (2.8 units).