You can restore a snapshot to a new cluster with data tiering enabled using the (Console), (AWS CLI) or (MemoryDB API). When you create a cluster using node types in the r6gd family, data tiering is enabled.
Restoring data from a snapshot into clusters with data tiering enabled (console)
To restore a snapshot to a new cluster with data tiering enabled (console), follow the steps at Restoring from a snapshot (Console)
Note that to enable data-tiering, you need to select a node type from the r6gd family.
When creating a cluster using the AWS CLI, data tiering is by default used by selecting a node type from the r6gd family, such as db.r6gd.xlarge and setting the --data-tiering
You cannot opt out of data tiering when selecting a node type from the r6gd family. If you set the --no-data-tiering
parameter, the operation will fail.
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws memorydb create-cluster \ --cluster-name my-cluster \ --node-type db.r6gd.xlarge \ --engine valkey --acl-name my-acl \ --subnet-group my-sg \ --data-tiering \ --snapshot-name
For Windows:
aws memorydb create-cluster ^ --cluster-name my-cluster ^ --node-type db.r6gd.xlarge ^ --engine valkey ^ --acl-name my-acl ^ --subnet-group my-sg ^ --data-tiering ^ --snapshot-name
After running this operation, you will see a response similar to the following:
"Cluster": {
"Name": "my-cluster",
"Status": "creating",
"NumberOfShards": 1,
"AvailabilityMode": "MultiAZ",
"ClusterEndpoint": {
"Port": 6379
"NodeType": "db.r6gd.xlarge",
"EngineVersion": "7.2",
"EnginePatchVersion": "7.2.6",
"Engine": "valkey"
"ParameterGroupName": "default.memorydb-valkey7",
"ParameterGroupStatus": "in-sync",
"SubnetGroupName": "my-sg",
"TLSEnabled": true,
"ARN": "arn:aws:memorydb:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:cluster/my-cluster",
"SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0,
"MaintenanceWindow": "wed:03:00-wed:04:00",
"SnapshotWindow": "04:30-05:30",
"ACLName": "my-acl",
"DataTiering": "true"