Demographics charts - Amazon Pinpoint

Demographics charts

The charts on the Demographics page help you understand the characteristics of your customers and the devices that they use to access your app. If you've configured your app to report custom metrics to Amazon Pinpoint, this page shows the data for those metrics.

Viewing the demographics charts

Complete the following steps to view the Demographics charts on the Amazon Pinpoint console. You can filter the data by channel.

To view and filter the demographics charts
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. On the All projects page, choose the project that you want to view demographic data for.

  3. In the navigation pane, under Analytics, choose Demographics.

  4. (Optional) To apply a filter that displays the data for only a specific channel, choose All channels, and then choose a channel.

Chart descriptions

The Demographics page includes the following sections:


Shows the proportion of users who use your app on various platforms.

App version

Shows the proportion of users who use various versions of your app.

Device model

Shows the proportion of users who use your app on various device models, such as iPhone or Galaxy S9.

Device make

Shows the proportion of users who use your app on various makes of devices, such as Apple or Samsung.

User location

Shows the countries where users of your app are located.

Custom attributes

Shows the values for each custom attribute that's reported by your app.