Os exemplos de código a seguir mostram como implementar uma função do Lambda que se conecte a um banco de dados do RDS. A função faz uma solicitação simples ao banco de dados e exibe o resultado.
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. Conectar-se a um banco de dados do Amazon RDS em uma função do Lambda usando .NET.
using System.Data; using System.Text.Json; using Amazon.Lambda.APIGatewayEvents; using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace aws_rds; public class InputModel { public string key1 { get; set; } public string key2 { get; set; } } public class Function { /// <summary> // Handles the Lambda function execution for connecting to RDS using IAM authentication. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input event data passed to the Lambda function</param> /// <param name="context">The Lambda execution context that provides runtime information</param> /// <returns>A response object containing the execution result</returns> public async Task<APIGatewayProxyResponse> FunctionHandler(APIGatewayProxyRequest request, ILambdaContext context) { // Sample Input: {"body": "{\"key1\":\"20\", \"key2\":\"25\"}"} var input = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<InputModel>(request.Body); /// Obtain authentication token var authToken = RDSAuthTokenGenerator.GenerateAuthToken( Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RDS_ENDPOINT"), Convert.ToInt32(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RDS_PORT")), Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RDS_USERNAME") ); /// Build the Connection String with the Token string connectionString = $"Server={Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RDS_ENDPOINT")};" + $"Port={Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RDS_PORT")};" + $"Uid={Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RDS_USERNAME")};" + $"Pwd={authToken};"; try { await using var connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString); await connection.OpenAsync(); const string sql = "SELECT @param1 + @param2 AS Sum"; await using var command = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param1", int.Parse(input.key1 ?? "0")); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param2", int.Parse(input.key2 ?? "0")); await using var reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(); if (await reader.ReadAsync()) { int result = reader.GetInt32("Sum"); //Sample Response: {"statusCode":200,"body":"{\"message\":\"The sum is: 45\"}","isBase64Encoded":false} return new APIGatewayProxyResponse { StatusCode = 200, Body = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new { message = $"The sum is: {result}" }) }; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}"); } return new APIGatewayProxyResponse { StatusCode = 500, Body = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new { error = "Internal server error" }) }; } }
Para ver uma lista completa dos Guias do desenvolvedor e exemplos de código do SDK da AWS, consulte Utilizar o Lambda com um AWS SDK. Este tópico também inclui informações sobre como começar e detalhes sobre versões anteriores do SDK.