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按表查看查询警报 - Amazon Redshift



如果所确定的表的行的 minutes 值较大,请检查该表以查看是否需要对其执行日常维护(如对其运行 ANALYZEVACUUM)。

如果某一行的 count 值高但 table 值为 null,则对 STL_ALERT_EVENT_LOG 运行查询以获得相关的 event 值,从而调查如此频繁引发提示的原因。

select trim(s.perm_table_name) as table, (sum(abs(datediff(seconds, s.starttime, s.endtime)))/60)::numeric(24,0) as minutes, trim(split_part(l.event,':',1)) as event, trim(l.solution) as solution, max(l.query) as sample_query, count(*) from stl_alert_event_log as l left join stl_scan as s on s.query = l.query and s.slice = l.slice and s.segment = l.segment and s.step = l.step where l.event_time >= dateadd(day, -7, current_Date) group by 1,3,4 order by 2 desc,6 desc;
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