ApiBase |
Base Class for API. |
ApiKeyConfig |
AppSyncApiKeyConfig |
AppSyncAuthProvider |
AppSyncAuthorizationType |
enum with all possible values for AppSync authorization type. |
AppSyncCognitoConfig |
AppSyncDomainOptions |
AppSyncEventResource |
A class used to generate resource arns for AppSync Event APIs. |
AppSyncFieldLogLevel |
log-level for fields in AppSync. |
AppSyncLambdaAuthorizerConfig |
AppSyncLogConfig |
AppSyncOpenIdConnectConfig |
AppsyncFunction |
AppSync Functions are local functions that perform certain operations onto a backend data source. |
AppsyncFunctionAttributes |
AppsyncFunctionProps |
AssetCode |
Represents a local file with source code used for an AppSync Function or Resolver. |
Assign |
Utility class representing the assigment of a value to an attribute. |
AttributeValues |
Specifies the attribute value assignments. |
AttributeValuesStep |
Utility class to allow assigning a value to an attribute. |
AuthorizationConfig |
AuthorizationMode |
AuthorizationType |
enum with all possible values for AppSync authorization type. |
AwsIamConfig |
BackedDataSource |
Abstract AppSync datasource implementation. |
BackedDataSourceProps |
BaseAppsyncFunctionProps |
BaseChannelNamespaceProps |
BaseDataSource |
Abstract AppSync datasource implementation. |
BaseDataSourceProps |
BaseResolverProps |
CachingConfig |
CfnApi |
The AWS::AppSync::Api resource creates an AWS AppSync API that you can use for an AWS AppSync API with your preferred configuration, such as an Event API that provides real-time message publishing and message subscriptions over WebSockets. |
CfnApiCache |
The AWS::AppSync::ApiCache resource represents the input of a CreateApiCache operation. |
CfnApiCacheProps |
CfnApiKey |
The AWS::AppSync::ApiKey resource creates a unique key that you can distribute to clients who are executing GraphQL operations with AWS AppSync that require an API key. |
CfnApiKeyProps |
CfnApiProps |
CfnChannelNamespace |
The AWS::AppSync::ChannelNamespace resource creates a channel namespace associated with an Api . |
CfnChannelNamespaceProps |
CfnDataSource |
The AWS::AppSync::DataSource resource creates data sources for resolvers in AWS AppSync to connect to, such as Amazon DynamoDB , AWS Lambda , and Amazon OpenSearch Service . |
CfnDataSourceProps |
CfnDomainName |
The AWS::AppSync::DomainName resource creates a DomainNameConfig object to configure a custom domain. |
CfnDomainNameApiAssociation |
The AWS::AppSync::DomainNameApiAssociation resource represents the mapping of your custom domain name to the assigned API URL. |
CfnDomainNameApiAssociationProps |
CfnDomainNameProps |
CfnFunctionConfiguration |
The AWS::AppSync::FunctionConfiguration resource defines the functions in GraphQL APIs to perform certain operations. |
CfnFunctionConfigurationProps |
CfnGraphQLApi |
The AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi resource creates a new AWS AppSync GraphQL API. |
CfnGraphQLApiProps |
CfnGraphQLSchema |
The AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema resource is used for your AWS AppSync GraphQL schema that controls the data model for your API. |
CfnGraphQLSchemaProps |
CfnResolver |
The AWS::AppSync::Resolver resource defines the logical GraphQL resolver that you attach to fields in a schema. |
CfnResolverProps |
CfnSourceApiAssociation |
Describes the configuration of a source API. |
CfnSourceApiAssociationProps |
ChannelNamespace |
A Channel Namespace. |
ChannelNamespaceOptions |
ChannelNamespaceProps |
Code |
Represents source code for an AppSync Function or Resolver. |
CodeConfig |
DataSourceOptions |
Definition |
AppSync definition. |
DomainOptions |
DynamoDbDataSource |
An AppSync datasource backed by a DynamoDB table. |
DynamoDbDataSourceProps |
ElasticsearchDataSource |
(deprecated) An Appsync datasource backed by Elasticsearch. |
ElasticsearchDataSourceProps |
EventApi |
An AppSync Event API. |
EventApiAttributes |
EventApiAuthConfig |
EventApiBase |
Base Class for Event API. |
EventApiProps |
EventBridgeDataSource |
An AppSync datasource backed by EventBridge. |
EventBridgeDataSourceProps |
ExtendedDataSourceProps |
ExtendedResolverProps |
FieldLogLevel |
log-level for fields in AppSync. |
FunctionRuntime |
Utility class for specifying specific appsync runtime versions. |
FunctionRuntimeFamily |
Appsync supported runtimes. |
GraphqlApi |
An AppSync GraphQL API. |
GraphqlApiAttributes |
GraphqlApiBase |
Base Class for GraphQL API. |
GraphqlApiProps |
HttpDataSource |
An AppSync datasource backed by a http endpoint. |
HttpDataSourceOptions |
HttpDataSourceProps |
IApi |
Interface for an API. |
IAppSyncAuthConfig |
Exposes methods for defining authorization config for AppSync APIs. |
IAppsyncFunction |
Interface for AppSync Functions. |
IChannelNamespace |
An AppSync channel namespace. |
IEventApi |
Interface for Event API. |
IGraphqlApi |
Interface for GraphQL. |
ISchema |
Interface for implementing your own schema. |
ISchemaConfig |
Configuration for bound graphql schema. |
ISourceApiAssociation |
Interface for AppSync Source Api Association. |
IamResource |
A class used to generate resource arns for AppSync. |
InlineCode |
AppSync function code from an inline string. |
IntrospectionConfig |
Introspection configuration for a GraphQL API. |
KeyCondition |
Factory class for DynamoDB key conditions. |
LambdaAuthorizerConfig |
LambdaDataSource |
An AppSync datasource backed by a Lambda function. |
LambdaDataSourceProps |
LogConfig |
MappingTemplate |
MappingTemplates for AppSync resolvers. |
MergeType |
Merge type used to associate the source API. |
NamespaceAuthConfig |
NoneDataSource |
An AppSync dummy datasource. |
NoneDataSourceProps |
OpenIdConnectConfig |
OpenSearchDataSource |
An Appsync datasource backed by OpenSearch. |
OpenSearchDataSourceProps |
PartitionKey |
Specifies the assignment to the partition key. |
PartitionKeyStep |
Utility class to allow assigning a value or an auto-generated id to a partition key. |
PrimaryKey |
Specifies the assignment to the primary key. |
RdsDataSource |
An AppSync datasource backed by RDS. |
RdsDataSourceProps |
RdsDataSourcePropsV2 |
Resolver |
An AppSync resolver. |
ResolverProps |
RuntimeConfig |
SchemaBindOptions |
SchemaFile |
The Schema for a GraphQL Api. |
SchemaProps |
SortKeyStep |
Utility class to allow assigning a value or an auto-generated id to a sort key. |
SourceApi |
SourceApiAssociation |
AppSync SourceApiAssociation which associates an AppSync source API to an AppSync Merged API. |
SourceApiAssociationAttributes |
SourceApiAssociationProps |
SourceApiOptions |
UserPoolConfig |
UserPoolDefaultAction |
enum with all possible values for Cognito user-pool default actions. |
Values |
Factory class for attribute value assignments. |
Visibility |
Visibility type for a GraphQL API. |