BackoffFunction |
Algorithms which can be used by SNS to calculate the delays associated with all of the retry attempts between the first and last retries in the backoff phase. |
BetweenCondition |
CfnSubscription |
The AWS::SNS::Subscription resource subscribes an endpoint to an Amazon SNS topic. |
CfnSubscriptionProps |
CfnTopic |
The AWS::SNS::Topic resource creates a topic to which notifications can be published. |
CfnTopicInlinePolicy |
The AWS::SNS::TopicInlinePolicy resource associates one Amazon SNS topic with one policy. |
CfnTopicInlinePolicyProps |
CfnTopicPolicy |
The AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy resource associates Amazon SNS topics with a policy. |
CfnTopicPolicyProps |
CfnTopicProps |
DeliveryPolicy |
Filter |
Filter implementation of FilterOrPolicy. |
FilterOrPolicy |
Class for building the FilterPolicy by avoiding union types. |
FilterOrPolicyType |
The type of the MessageBody at a given key value pair. |
HealthyRetryPolicy |
ITopic |
Represents an SNS topic. |
ITopicSubscription |
Topic subscription. |
LoggingConfig |
LoggingProtocol |
The type of supported protocol for delivery status logging. |
NumericConditions |
Policy |
Policy Implementation of FilterOrPolicy. |
RequestPolicy |
StringConditions |
Subscription |
A new subscription. |
SubscriptionFilter |
A subscription filter for an attribute. |
SubscriptionOptions |
SubscriptionProps |
SubscriptionProtocol |
The type of subscription, controlling the type of the endpoint parameter. |
ThrottlePolicy |
Topic |
A new SNS topic. |
TopicAttributes |
TopicBase |
Either a new or imported Topic. |
TopicPolicy |
The policy for an SNS Topic. |
TopicPolicyProps |
TopicProps |
TopicSubscriptionConfig |
TracingConfig |
The tracing mode of an Amazon SNS topic. |