AdditionalHealthCheckType |
Additional Health Check Type. |
AdditionalHealthChecksOptions |
AdjustmentTier |
AdjustmentType |
How adjustment numbers are interpreted. |
ApplyCloudFormationInitOptions |
AutoScalingGroup |
A Fleet represents a managed set of EC2 instances. |
AutoScalingGroupProps |
AutoScalingGroupRequireImdsv2Aspect |
Aspect that makes IMDSv2 required on instances deployed by AutoScalingGroups. |
BaseTargetTrackingProps |
BasicLifecycleHookProps |
BasicScheduledActionProps |
BasicStepScalingPolicyProps |
BasicTargetTrackingScalingPolicyProps |
BindHookTargetOptions |
BlockDevice |
BlockDeviceVolume |
Describes a block device mapping for an EC2 instance or Auto Scaling group. |
CapacityDistributionStrategy |
The strategies for when launches fail in an Availability Zone. |
CfnAutoScalingGroup |
The AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource defines an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group, which is a collection of Amazon EC2 instances that are treated as a logical grouping for the purposes of automatic scaling and management. |
CfnAutoScalingGroupProps |
CfnLaunchConfiguration |
The AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration resource specifies the launch configuration that can be used by an Auto Scaling group to configure Amazon EC2 instances. |
CfnLaunchConfigurationProps |
CfnLifecycleHook |
The AWS::AutoScaling::LifecycleHook resource specifies lifecycle hooks for an Auto Scaling group. |
CfnLifecycleHookProps |
CfnScalingPolicy |
The AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy resource specifies an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling scaling policy so that the Auto Scaling group can scale the number of instances available for your application. |
CfnScalingPolicyProps |
CfnScheduledAction |
The AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction resource specifies an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling scheduled action so that the Auto Scaling group can change the number of instances available for your application in response to predictable load changes. |
CfnScheduledActionProps |
CfnWarmPool |
The AWS::AutoScaling::WarmPool resource creates a pool of pre-initialized EC2 instances that sits alongside the Auto Scaling group. |
CfnWarmPoolProps |
CommonAutoScalingGroupProps |
CpuUtilizationScalingProps |
CronOptions |
DefaultResult |
EbsDeviceOptions |
EbsDeviceOptionsBase |
EbsDeviceProps |
EbsDeviceSnapshotOptions |
EbsDeviceVolumeType |
Supported EBS volume types for blockDevices. |
Ec2HealthCheckOptions |
Ec2HealthChecksOptions |
ElbHealthCheckOptions |
GroupMetric |
Group metrics that an Auto Scaling group sends to Amazon CloudWatch. |
GroupMetrics |
A set of group metrics. |
HealthCheck |
(deprecated) Health check settings. |
HealthChecks |
Health check settings for multiple types. |
IAutoScalingGroup |
An AutoScalingGroup. |
ILifecycleHook |
A basic lifecycle hook object. |
ILifecycleHookTarget |
Interface for autoscaling lifecycle hook targets. |
InstancesDistribution |
LaunchTemplateOverrides |
LifecycleHook |
Define a life cycle hook. |
LifecycleHookProps |
LifecycleHookTargetConfig |
LifecycleTransition |
What instance transition to attach the hook to. |
MetricAggregationType |
How the scaling metric is going to be aggregated. |
MetricTargetTrackingProps |
MixedInstancesPolicy |
Monitoring |
The monitoring mode for instances launched in an autoscaling group. |
NetworkUtilizationScalingProps |
NotificationConfiguration |
OnDemandAllocationStrategy |
Indicates how to allocate instance types to fulfill On-Demand capacity. |
PoolState |
The instance state in the warm pool. |
PredefinedMetric |
One of the predefined autoscaling metrics. |
RenderSignalsOptions |
RequestCountScalingProps |
RollingUpdateOptions |
ScalingEvent |
Fleet scaling events. |
ScalingEvents |
A list of ScalingEvents, you can use one of the predefined lists, such as ScalingEvents.ERRORS or create a custom group by instantiating a NotificationTypes object, e.g: new NotificationTypes(``NotificationType.INSTANCE_LAUNCH )``. |
ScalingInterval |
ScalingProcess |
Schedule |
Schedule for scheduled scaling actions. |
ScheduledAction |
Define a scheduled scaling action. |
ScheduledActionProps |
Signals |
Configure whether the AutoScalingGroup waits for signals. |
SignalsOptions |
SpotAllocationStrategy |
Indicates how to allocate instance types to fulfill Spot capacity. |
StepScalingAction |
Define a step scaling action. |
StepScalingActionProps |
StepScalingPolicy |
Define a acaling strategy which scales depending on absolute values of some metric. |
StepScalingPolicyProps |
TargetTrackingScalingPolicy |
TargetTrackingScalingPolicyProps |
TerminationPolicy |
Specifies the termination criteria to apply before Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling chooses an instance for termination. |
UpdatePolicy |
How existing instances should be updated. |
WarmPool |
Define a warm pool. |
WarmPoolOptions |
WarmPoolProps |