CfnAccountAuditConfiguration |
Use the AWS::IoT::AccountAuditConfiguration resource to configure or reconfigure the Device Defender audit settings for your account. |
CfnAccountAuditConfigurationProps |
CfnAuthorizer |
Specifies an authorizer. |
CfnAuthorizerProps |
CfnBillingGroup |
Creates a new billing group. |
CfnBillingGroupProps |
CfnCACertificate |
Specifies a CA certificate. |
CfnCACertificateProps |
CfnCertificate |
Use the AWS::IoT::Certificate resource to declare an AWS IoT X.509 certificate. For information about working with X.509 certificates, see X.509 Client Certificates in the AWS IoT Developer Guide . |
CfnCertificateProps |
CfnCertificateProvider |
Creates a certificate provider. |
CfnCertificateProviderProps |
CfnCustomMetric |
Use the AWS::IoT::CustomMetric resource to define a custom metric published by your devices to Device Defender. |
CfnCustomMetricProps |
CfnDimension |
Use the AWS::IoT::Dimension to limit the scope of a metric used in a security profile for AWS IoT Device Defender . |
CfnDimensionProps |
CfnDomainConfiguration |
Specifies a domain configuration. |
CfnDomainConfigurationProps |
CfnFleetMetric |
Use the AWS::IoT::FleetMetric resource to declare a fleet metric. |
CfnFleetMetricProps |
CfnJobTemplate |
Represents a job template. |
CfnJobTemplateProps |
CfnLogging |
Configure logging. |
CfnLoggingProps |
CfnMitigationAction |
Defines an action that can be applied to audit findings by using StartAuditMitigationActionsTask. |
CfnMitigationActionProps |
CfnPolicy |
Use the AWS::IoT::Policy resource to declare an AWS IoT policy. |
CfnPolicyPrincipalAttachment |
Use the AWS::IoT::PolicyPrincipalAttachment resource to attach an AWS IoT policy to a principal (an X.509 certificate or other credential). |
CfnPolicyPrincipalAttachmentProps |
CfnPolicyProps |
CfnProvisioningTemplate |
Creates a fleet provisioning template. |
CfnProvisioningTemplateProps |
CfnResourceSpecificLogging |
Configure resource-specific logging. |
CfnResourceSpecificLoggingProps |
CfnRoleAlias |
Specifies a role alias. |
CfnRoleAliasProps |
CfnScheduledAudit |
Use the AWS::IoT::ScheduledAudit resource to create a scheduled audit that is run at a specified time interval. |
CfnScheduledAuditProps |
CfnSecurityProfile |
Use the AWS::IoT::SecurityProfile resource to create a Device Defender security profile. |
CfnSecurityProfileProps |
CfnSoftwarePackage |
Use the AWS::IoT::SoftwarePackage resource to create a software package. |
CfnSoftwarePackageProps |
CfnSoftwarePackageVersion |
Use the AWS::IoT::SoftwarePackageVersion resource to create a software package version. |
CfnSoftwarePackageVersionProps |
CfnThing |
Use the AWS::IoT::Thing resource to declare an AWS IoT thing. |
CfnThingGroup |
Creates a new thing group. |
CfnThingGroupProps |
CfnThingPrincipalAttachment |
Use the AWS::IoT::ThingPrincipalAttachment resource to attach a principal (an X.509 certificate or another credential) to a thing. |
CfnThingPrincipalAttachmentProps |
CfnThingProps |
CfnThingType |
Creates a new thing type. |
CfnThingTypeProps |
CfnTopicRule |
Use the AWS::IoT::TopicRule resource to declare an AWS IoT rule. |
CfnTopicRuleDestination |
A topic rule destination. |
CfnTopicRuleDestinationProps |
CfnTopicRuleProps |