AccountRecovery |
How will a user be able to recover their account? |
AdvancedSecurityMode |
(deprecated) The different ways in which a user pool’s Advanced Security Mode can be configured. |
AttributeMapping |
AuthFlow |
AutoVerifiedAttrs |
BaseUrlOptions |
BooleanAttribute |
The Boolean custom attribute type. |
CfnIdentityPool |
The AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool resource creates an Amazon Cognito identity pool. |
CfnIdentityPoolPrincipalTag |
A list of the identity pool principal tag assignments for attributes for access control. |
CfnIdentityPoolPrincipalTagProps |
CfnIdentityPoolProps |
CfnIdentityPoolRoleAttachment |
The AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRoleAttachment resource manages the role configuration for an Amazon Cognito identity pool. |
CfnIdentityPoolRoleAttachmentProps |
CfnLogDeliveryConfiguration |
Sets up or modifies the logging configuration of a user pool. |
CfnLogDeliveryConfigurationProps |
CfnManagedLoginBranding |
Creates a new set of branding settings for a user pool style and associates it with an app client. |
CfnManagedLoginBrandingProps |
CfnUserPool |
The AWS::Cognito::UserPool resource creates an Amazon Cognito user pool. |
CfnUserPoolClient |
The AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient resource specifies an Amazon Cognito user pool client. |
CfnUserPoolClientProps |
CfnUserPoolDomain |
The AWS::Cognito::UserPoolDomain resource creates a new domain for a user pool. |
CfnUserPoolDomainProps |
CfnUserPoolGroup |
A user pool group. |
CfnUserPoolGroupProps |
CfnUserPoolIdentityProvider |
The AWS::Cognito::UserPoolIdentityProvider resource creates an identity provider for a user pool. |
CfnUserPoolIdentityProviderProps |
CfnUserPoolProps |
CfnUserPoolResourceServer |
The AWS::Cognito::UserPoolResourceServer resource creates a new OAuth2.0 resource server and defines custom scopes in it. |
CfnUserPoolResourceServerProps |
CfnUserPoolRiskConfigurationAttachment |
The AWS::Cognito::UserPoolRiskConfigurationAttachment resource sets the risk configuration that is used for Amazon Cognito advanced security features. |
CfnUserPoolRiskConfigurationAttachmentProps |
CfnUserPoolUICustomizationAttachment |
A container for the UI customization information for the hosted UI in a user pool. |
CfnUserPoolUICustomizationAttachmentProps |
CfnUserPoolUser |
The AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUser resource creates an Amazon Cognito user pool user. |
CfnUserPoolUserProps |
CfnUserPoolUserToGroupAttachment |
Adds a user to a group. |
CfnUserPoolUserToGroupAttachmentProps |
ClientAttributes |
A set of attributes, useful to set Read and Write attributes. |
CognitoDomainOptions |
CustomAttributeConfig |
CustomAttributeProps |
CustomDomainOptions |
DateTimeAttribute |
The DateTime custom attribute type. |
DeviceTracking |
EmailSettings |
FeaturePlan |
The user pool feature plan, or tier. |
ICustomAttribute |
Represents a custom attribute type. |
IUserPool |
Represents a Cognito UserPool. |
IUserPoolClient |
Represents a Cognito user pool client. |
IUserPoolDomain |
Represents a user pool domain. |
IUserPoolGroup |
Represents a user pool group. |
IUserPoolIdentityProvider |
Represents a UserPoolIdentityProvider. |
IUserPoolResourceServer |
Represents a Cognito user pool resource server. |
KeepOriginalAttrs |
LambdaVersion |
The user pool trigger version of the request that Amazon Cognito sends to your Lambda function. |
Mfa |
The different ways in which a user pool’s MFA enforcement can be configured. |
MfaSecondFactor |
NumberAttribute |
The Number custom attribute type. |
NumberAttributeConstraints |
NumberAttributeProps |
OAuthFlows |
OAuthScope |
OAuth scopes that are allowed with this client. |
OAuthSettings |
OidcAttributeRequestMethod |
The method to use to request attributes. |
OidcEndpoints |
PasswordPolicy |
ProviderAttribute |
An attribute available from a third party identity provider. |
ResourceServerScope |
A scope for ResourceServer. |
ResourceServerScopeProps |
SignInAliases |
SignInUrlOptions |
SigningAlgorithm |
Signing algorithms for SAML requests. |
StandardAttribute |
StandardAttributes |
StandardAttributesMask |
StringAttribute |
The String custom attribute type. |
StringAttributeConstraints |
StringAttributeProps |
UserInvitationConfig |
UserPool |
Define a Cognito User Pool. |
UserPoolClient |
Define a UserPool App Client. |
UserPoolClientIdentityProvider |
Identity providers supported by the UserPoolClient. |
UserPoolClientOptions |
UserPoolClientProps |
UserPoolDomain |
Define a user pool domain. |
UserPoolDomainOptions |
UserPoolDomainProps |
UserPoolEmail |
Configure how Cognito sends emails. |
UserPoolEmailConfig |
UserPoolGroup |
Define a user pool group. |
UserPoolGroupOptions |
UserPoolGroupProps |
UserPoolIdentityProvider |
User pool third-party identity providers. |
UserPoolIdentityProviderAmazon |
Represents an identity provider that integrates with Login with Amazon. |
UserPoolIdentityProviderAmazonProps |
UserPoolIdentityProviderApple |
Represents an identity provider that integrates with Apple. |
UserPoolIdentityProviderAppleProps |
UserPoolIdentityProviderFacebook |
Represents an identity provider that integrates with Facebook Login. |
UserPoolIdentityProviderFacebookProps |
UserPoolIdentityProviderGoogle |
Represents an identity provider that integrates with Google. |
UserPoolIdentityProviderGoogleProps |
UserPoolIdentityProviderOidc |
Represents an identity provider that integrates with OpenID Connect. |
UserPoolIdentityProviderOidcProps |
UserPoolIdentityProviderProps |
UserPoolIdentityProviderSaml |
Represents an identity provider that integrates with SAML. |
UserPoolIdentityProviderSamlMetadata |
Metadata for a SAML user pool identity provider. |
UserPoolIdentityProviderSamlMetadataType |
Metadata types that can be used for a SAML user pool identity provider. |
UserPoolIdentityProviderSamlProps |
UserPoolOperation |
User pool operations to which lambda triggers can be attached. |
UserPoolProps |
UserPoolResourceServer |
Defines a User Pool OAuth2.0 Resource Server. |
UserPoolResourceServerOptions |
UserPoolResourceServerProps |
UserPoolSESOptions |
UserPoolTriggers |
UserVerificationConfig |
VerificationEmailStyle |
The email verification style. |