Accelerator |
The Accelerator construct. |
AcceleratorAttributes |
AcceleratorProps |
CfnAccelerator |
The AWS::GlobalAccelerator::Accelerator resource is a Global Accelerator resource type that contains information about how you create an accelerator. |
CfnAcceleratorProps |
CfnCrossAccountAttachment |
Create a cross-account attachment in AWS Global Accelerator . |
CfnCrossAccountAttachmentProps |
CfnEndpointGroup |
The AWS::GlobalAccelerator::EndpointGroup resource is a Global Accelerator resource type that contains information about how you create an endpoint group for the specified listener. |
CfnEndpointGroupProps |
CfnListener |
The AWS::GlobalAccelerator::Listener resource is a Global Accelerator resource type that contains information about how you create a listener to process inbound connections from clients to an accelerator. |
CfnListenerProps |
ClientAffinity |
Client affinity gives you control over whether to always route each client to the same specific endpoint. |
ConnectionProtocol |
The protocol for the connections from clients to the accelerator. |
EndpointGroup |
EndpointGroup construct. |
EndpointGroupOptions |
EndpointGroupProps |
HealthCheckProtocol |
The protocol for the connections from clients to the accelerator. |
IAccelerator |
The interface of the Accelerator. |
IEndpoint |
An endpoint for the endpoint group. |
IEndpointGroup |
The interface of the EndpointGroup. |
IListener |
Interface of the Listener. |
IpAddressType |
The IP address type that an accelerator supports. |
Listener |
The construct for the Listener. |
ListenerOptions |
ListenerProps |
PortOverride |
PortRange |
RawEndpoint |
Untyped endpoint implementation. |
RawEndpointProps |