
class aws_cdk.aws_stepfunctions.StringDefinitionBody(body)

Bases: DefinitionBody




# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
# The values are placeholders you should change.
from aws_cdk import aws_stepfunctions as stepfunctions

# chainable: stepfunctions.IChainable

string_definition_body = stepfunctions.StringDefinitionBody.from_chainable(chainable)

body (str) –


bind(_scope, _sfn_principal, _sfn_props, _graph=None)
Return type:




Static Methods

classmethod from_chainable(chainable)

chainable (IChainable) –

Return type:


classmethod from_file(path, *, deploy_time=None, readers=None, asset_hash=None, asset_hash_type=None, bundling=None, exclude=None, follow_symlinks=None, ignore_mode=None)
  • path (str) –

  • deploy_time (Optional[bool]) – Whether or not the asset needs to exist beyond deployment time; i.e. are copied over to a different location and not needed afterwards. Setting this property to true has an impact on the lifecycle of the asset, because we will assume that it is safe to delete after the CloudFormation deployment succeeds. For example, Lambda Function assets are copied over to Lambda during deployment. Therefore, it is not necessary to store the asset in S3, so we consider those deployTime assets. Default: false

  • readers (Optional[Sequence[IGrantable]]) – A list of principals that should be able to read this asset from S3. You can use asset.grantRead(principal) to grant read permissions later. Default: - No principals that can read file asset.

  • asset_hash (Optional[str]) – Specify a custom hash for this asset. If assetHashType is set it must be set to AssetHashType.CUSTOM. For consistency, this custom hash will be SHA256 hashed and encoded as hex. The resulting hash will be the asset hash. NOTE: the hash is used in order to identify a specific revision of the asset, and used for optimizing and caching deployment activities related to this asset such as packaging, uploading to Amazon S3, etc. If you chose to customize the hash, you will need to make sure it is updated every time the asset changes, or otherwise it is possible that some deployments will not be invalidated. Default: - based on assetHashType

  • asset_hash_type (Optional[AssetHashType]) – Specifies the type of hash to calculate for this asset. If assetHash is configured, this option must be undefined or AssetHashType.CUSTOM. Default: - the default is AssetHashType.SOURCE, but if assetHash is explicitly specified this value defaults to AssetHashType.CUSTOM.

  • bundling (Union[BundlingOptions, Dict[str, Any], None]) – Bundle the asset by executing a command in a Docker container or a custom bundling provider. The asset path will be mounted at /asset-input. The Docker container is responsible for putting content at /asset-output. The content at /asset-output will be zipped and used as the final asset. Default: - uploaded as-is to S3 if the asset is a regular file or a .zip file, archived into a .zip file and uploaded to S3 otherwise

  • exclude (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – File paths matching the patterns will be excluded. See ignoreMode to set the matching behavior. Has no effect on Assets bundled using the bundling property. Default: - nothing is excluded

  • follow_symlinks (Optional[SymlinkFollowMode]) – A strategy for how to handle symlinks. Default: SymlinkFollowMode.NEVER

  • ignore_mode (Optional[IgnoreMode]) – The ignore behavior to use for exclude patterns. Default: IgnoreMode.GLOB

Return type:


classmethod from_string(definition)

definition (str) –

Return type:
