Build your own customizations - AWS Control Tower

Build your own customizations

To build your own customizations, you can modify the CfCT manifest.yaml file by adding or updating service control policies (SCPs), resource control policies (RCPs), and AWS CloudFormation resources. For resources that must be deployed, you can add or remove accounts and OUs. You can add or modify the templates in the package folders, create your own folders, and reference the templates or folders in the manifest.yaml file.

This section explains the two main parts of building your own customizations:

  • how to set up your own configuration package for service control policies

  • how to set up your own configuration package for AWS CloudFormation stack sets

JSON schema for the customization package

The JSON schema for the customization package for CfCT is located in the source code repository on GitHub. You can use the schema with many of your favorite development tools, and you may find it helpful for reducing errors when you build your own CfCT manifest.yaml file.