The resources section of the manifest file - AWS Control Tower

The resources section of the manifest file

This topic describes the resources section of the manifest file, where you'll define the resources that are required for your customizations. This section of the manifest file begins at the keyword resources and continues to the end of the file.

The resources section of the manifest file specifies the AWS CloudFormation StackSets or AWS Organizations SCPs, which CfCT deploys automatically through the code pipeline. You can list OUs, accounts, and Regions to deploy stack instances.

Stack instances are deployed at the account level instead of the OU level. SCPs are deployed at the OU level. For more information, see Build your own customizations.

The following example template describes the possible entries that are available for the resources section of the manifest file.

resources: # List of resources - name: [String] resource_file: [String] [Local File Path, S3 URI, S3 URL] deployment_targets: # account and/or organizational unit names accounts: # array of strings, [0-9]{12} - 012345678912 - AccountName1 organizational_units: #array of strings - OuName1 - OuName2 deploy_method: scp | stack_set parameters: # List of parameters [SSM, Alfred, Values] - parameter_key: [String] parameter_value: [String] export_outputs: # list of ssm parameters to store output values - name: /org/member/test-ssm/app-id value: $[output_ApplicationId] regions: #list of strings - [String]

The remainder of this topic gives detailed definitions for the keywords shown in the previous code example.

name – The name that is associated with the AWS CloudFormation StackSets.
The string you provide assigns a more user-friendly name for a stack set.

  • Type: String

  • Required: Yes

  • Valid Values: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and an underscore (_). Any other character is automatically replaced with an underscore (_).

description – The description for the resource.

  • Type: String

  • Required: No

resource_file – This file can be specified as the relative location to the manifest file, an Amazon S3 URI or URL that points to an AWS CloudFormation template or AWS Organizations service control policy in JSON for creating AWS CloudFormation resources or SCPs.

  • Type: String

  • Required: Yes

  1. The following example shows the resource_file, given as a relative location to the resource file inside the configuration package.

    resources: - name: SecurityRoles resource_file: templates/custom-security.template
  2. The following example shows the resource file given as an Amazon S3 URI

    resources: - name: SecurityRoles resource_file: s3://bucket-name/[key-name]
  3. The following example shows the resource file given as an Amazon S3 HTTPS URL

    resources: - name: SecurityRoles resource_file:

    If you provide an Amazon S3 URL, verify that the bucket policy allows read access for the AWS Control Tower management account from which you are deploying CfCT. If you provide an Amazon S3 HTTPS URL, verify that the path uses dot notation. For example, CfCT does not support endpoints that contain a dash between S3 and the Region, such as S3‐us-west-2.

  4. The following example shows an Amazon S3 bucket policy and an ARN where resources are stored.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::AccountId:root"}, "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*” } ] }

    You'll replace the AccountId variable shown in the example with the AWS account ID for the management account that is deploying CfCT. For more examples, refer to Bucket policy examples in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

parameters – Specifies the name and value for AWS CloudFormation parameters.

  • Type: MapList

  • Required: No

The parameters section contains pairs of key/value parameters. The following pseudo template outlines the parameters section.

parameters: - parameter_key: [String] parameter_value: [String]
  • parameter_key – The key associated with the parameter.

    • Type: String

    • Required: Yes (under parameters property)

    • Valid Values: a-z, A-Z, and 0-9

  • parameter_value – The input value associated with the parameter.

    • Type: String

    • Required: Yes (under parameters property)

deploy_method – The deployment method for deploying resource(s) into the account. Currently, deploy_method supports deploying resources using the stack_set option for resource deployment through AWS CloudFormation StackSets, or the scp option if you are deploying SCPs.

  • Type: String

  • Valid Values: stack_set | scp

  • Required: Yes

deployment_targets – List of accounts or Organizational Units (OUs), into which CfCT will deploy the AWS CloudFormation resources, specified as accounts or organizational_units.


If you want to deploy an SCP, the target must be an OU, not an account.

  • Type: List of string account name or account number to indicate that this resource will be deployed into the given account list, or OU names to indicate that this resource will be deployed into the given OU list.

  • Required: At least one of accounts or organizational_units

    • accounts:

      Type: List of string account name or account number to indicate that this resource will be deployed into the given account list.

    • organizational_units:

      Type: List of string OU names to indicate that this resource will be deployed into a given OU list. If you provide an OU that doesn’t contain accounts and the accounts property is not added, CfCT only creates the stack set.


      The organization’s management account ID is not an allowed value. CfCT does not support deploying stack instances into the organization’s management account.

export_outputs – List of name/value pairs that denote SSM parameter keys. These SSM parameter keys allow you to store template outputs into the SSM parameter store. The output is intended for reference by other resources, defined earlier in the manifest file.

export_outputs: # List of SSM parameters - name: [String] value: [String]
  • Type: List of name and value key pairs. The name contains the name string of an SSM parameter store key, and value contains the parameter's value string.

  • Valid Values: Any string or the $[output_CfnOutput-Logical-ID] variable where CfnOutput-Logical-ID corresponds to the template output variable. For more information about the Outputs section in an AWS CloudFormation template, see Outputs in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

  • Required: No

For example, the following code snippet stores the template VPCID output variable into the SSM parameter key that's named /org/member/audit/vpc_id.

export_outputs: # List of SSM parameters - name: /org/member/audit/VPC-ID value: $[output_VPCID]

The export_outputs key name may contain a value other than output. For example, if the name is /org/environment-name, the value may be production.

regions – List of Regions in which CfCT will deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack instances.

  • Type: Any list of AWS commercial Region names, to indicate that this resource will be deployed into the given Region list. If this keyword does not exist in the manifest file, the resources are deployed in the home Region only.

  • Required: No