Setting up AWS IAM Identity Center for Amazon DataZone
AWS Identity Center must be enabled in the same AWS Region as your Amazon DataZone domain. Currently, AWS Identity Center can only be enabled in a single AWS Region.
You can access the Amazon DataZone data portal by using either your single sign-on (SSO) credentials or AWS credentials. Follow the instructions in this section to set up AWS IAM Identity Center for Amazon DataZone. For more information about using Amazon DataZone with your AWS credentials, see Configure the IAM permissions required to use the Amazon DataZone management console.
You can skip the procedures in this section if you already have AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) enabled and configured in the same AWS region where you want to create your Amazon DataZone domain.
Complete the following procedure to enable AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On).
To enable AWS IAM Identity Center, you must sign in to the AWS Management Console by using the credentials of your AWS Organizations management account. You can't enable IAM Identity Center while signed in with credentials from an AWS Organizations member account. For more information, see Creating and managing an organization in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
Open the AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) console
and use the region selector in the top navigation bar to choose the AWS region in which you want create your Amazon DataZone domain. -
Choose Enable.
Choose your identity source.
By default, you get an IAM Identity Center store for quick and easy user management. Optionally, you can connect an external identity provider instead. In this procedure, we use the default IAM Identity Center store.
For more information, see Choose your identity source.
In the IAM Identity Center navigation pane, choose Groups, and choose Create group. Enter the group name and choose Create.
In the IAM Identity Center navigation pane, choose Users.
On the Add user screen, enter the required information and choose Send an email to the user with password setup instructions. The user should get an email about the next setup steps.
Choose Next: Groups, choose the group that you want, and choose Add user. Users should receive an email inviting them to use SSO. In this email, they need to choose Accept invitation and set the password.
After you create your Amazon DataZone domain, you can enable AWS Identity Center for Amazon DataZone and provide access to your SSO users and SSO groups. For more information, see Enable IAM Identity Center for Amazon DataZone.