Amazon DataZone data catalog
You can use the Amazon DataZone business data catalog to catalog data across your organization with business context and thus enable everyone in your organization to find and understand data quickly.
In order to use Amazon DataZone to catalog your data, you must first bring your data (assets) as inventory of your project in Amazon DataZone. Creating inventory for a project, makes the assets discoverable only to that project’s members. Project inventory assets are not available to all domain users in search/browse unless explicitly published.
After creating a project inventory, data owners can curate their inventory assets with the required business metadata by adding or updating business names (asset and schema), descriptions (asset and schema), read me, glossary terms (asset and schema), and metadata forms.
The next step of using Amazon DataZone to catalog your data, is to make your project’s inventory assets discoverable by the domain users. You can do this by publishing the inventory assets to the Amazon DataZone catalog. Only the latest version of the inventory asset can be published to the catalog and only the latest published version is active in the discovery catalog. If an inventory asset is updated after it's been published into the Amazon DataZone catalog, you must explicitly publish it again in order for the latest version to be in the discovery catalog.
For more information, see Amazon DataZone terminology and concepts.