Creating storage virtual machines (SVM)
You can create an FSx for ONTAP SVM using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and API.
The maximum number of SVMs you can create for a file system depends on your file system's deployment type and the amount of throughput capacity provisioned. For more information, see Maximum number of SVMs per file system.
SVM properties
When creating an SVM, you define the following properties:
The FSx for ONTAP file system to which it belongs.
The Microsoft Active Directory (AD) configuration – You can optionally join your SVM to a self-managed AD for authentication and access control of Windows and macOS clients. For more information, see Working with Microsoft Active Directory in FSx for ONTAP.
The root volume security style – Set the root volume security style (Unix, NTFS, or Mixed) to align with the type of clients that you're using to access your data within the SVM. For more information, see Volume security style.
The SVM administrative password – you can optionally set the password for the SVM's
user. For more information, see Managing SVMs with the ONTAP CLI.
To create a storage virtual machine (console)
Open the Amazon FSx console at
. In the left navigation pane, choose Storage virtual machines.
Choose Create new storage virtual machine.
The Create new storage virtual machine dialog box appears.
For File system, choose the file system to create the storage virtual machine on.
In the Storage virtual machine name field, provide a name for the storage virtual machine. You can use a maximum of 47 alphanumeric characters, plus the underscore (_) special character.
For SVM administrative password, you can optionally choose Specify a password and provide a password for this SVM's
user. You can use thevsadmin
user to administer the SVM using the ONTAP CLI or REST API. For more information about thevsadmin
user, see Managing SVMs with the ONTAP CLI.If you choose Don't specify a password (the default), you can still use the file system's
user to manage your file system using the ONTAP CLI or REST API, but you can't use your SVM'svsadmin
user to do the same. -
For Active Directory, you have the following options:
If you are not joining your file system to an Active Directory (AD), choose Do not join an Active Directory.
If you are joining your SVM to a self-managed AD domain, choose Join an Active Directory, and provide the following details for your AD. For more information, see Prerequisites for joining an SVM to a self-managed Microsoft AD.
The NetBIOS name of the Active Directory computer object to create for your SVM. The NetBIOS name cannot exceed 15 characters. This is the name of this SVM in Active Directory.
The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your Active Directory. The FQDN cannot exceed 255 characters.
DNS server IP addresses – The IPv4 addresses of the DNS servers for your domain.
Service account username – The username of the service account in your existing Active Directory. Do not include a domain prefix or suffix. For
, useADMIN
. -
Service account password – The password for the service account.
Confirm password – The password for the service account.
(Optional) Organizational Unit (OU) – The distinguished path name of the organizational unit to which you want to join your file system.
Delegated file system administrators group – The name of the group in your AD that can administer your file system.
If you are using AWS Managed Microsoft AD, you must specify a group such as AWS Delegated FSx Administrators, AWS Delegated Administrators, or a custom group with delegated permissions to the OU.
If you are joining to a self-managed AD, use the name of the group in your AD. The default group is
Domain Admins
For SVM root volume security style, choose the security style for the SVM depending on the type of clients that access your data. Choose Unix (Linux) if you primarily access your data using Linux clients; choose NTFS if you primarily access your data using Windows clients. For more information, see Volume security style.
Choose Confirm to create the storage virtual machine.
You can monitor the update progress on the File systems detail page, in the Status column of the Storage virtual machines pane. The storage virtual machine is ready for use when its status is Created.
To create a storage virtual machine (CLI)
To create an FSx for ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVM), use the create-storage-virtual-machine CLI command (or the equivalent CreateStorageVirtualMachine API operation), as shown in the following example.
aws fsx create-storage-virtual-machine \ --file-system-id fs-0123456789abcdef0 \ --name svm1 \ --svm-admin-password
\ --active-directory-configuration SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration='{DomainName="", \ OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName="OU=FileSystems,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com",FileSystemAdministratorsGroup="FSxAdmins", \ UserName="FSxService
", \ DnsIps=[""]}',NetBiosName=amznfsx12345
After successfully creating the storage virtual machine, Amazon FSx returns its description in JSON format, as shown in the following example.
{ "StorageVirtualMachine": { "CreationTime": 1625066825.306, "Endpoints": { "Management": { "DnsName": "", "IpAddressses": [""] }, "Nfs": { "DnsName": "", "IpAddressses": [""] }, "Smb": { "DnsName": "amznfsx12345", "IpAddressses": [""] }, "SmbWindowsInterVpc": { "IpAddressses": ["", ""] }, "Iscsi": { "DnsName": "", "IpAddressses": ["", ""] } }, "FileSystemId": "fs-0123456789abcdef0", "Lifecycle": "CREATING", "Name": "vol1", "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:123456789012:storage-virtual-machine/fs-0123456789abcdef0/svm-abcdef0123456789a", "StorageVirtualMachineId": "svm-abcdef0123456789a", "Subtype": "default", "Tags": [], "ActiveDirectoryConfiguration": { "NetBiosName": "amznfsx12345", "SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration": { "UserName": "Admin", "DnsIps": [ "", "" ], "OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName": "OU=Computers,OU=customer-ad,DC=customer-ad,DC=example,DC=com", "DomainName": "" } } } }