Joining SVMs to Active Directory using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI and API
Use the following procedure to join an existing SVM to an Active Directory. In this procedure, the SVM is not already joined to an Active Directory.
To join an SVM to an Active Directory (AWS Management Console)
Open the Amazon FSx console at
. Choose the SVM that you want to join to an Active Directory:
In the left navigation pane, choose File systems, and then choose the ONTAP file system with the SVM that you want to update.
Choose the Storage virtual machines tab.
To display a list of all of the available SVMs, in the left navigation pane, expand ONTAP and choose Storage virtual machines. A list of all SVMs in your account in the AWS Region is displayed.
Select the SVM that you want to join to an Active Directory from the list.
On the upper right of the SVM Summary panel, choose Actions > Join/Update Active Directory. The Join SVM to an Active Directory window appears.
Enter the following information for the Active Directory that you are joining the SVM to:
The NetBIOS name of the Active Directory computer object to create for your SVM. This is the name of the SVM in Active Directory, which must be unique within your Active Directory. Don't use the NetBIOS name of the home domain. The NetBIOS name can't exceed 15 characters.
The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your Active Directory. The domain name can't exceed 255 characters.
DNS server IP addresses – The IPv4 addresses of the DNS servers for your domain.
Service account username – The user name of the service account in your existing Active Directory. Don't include a domain prefix or suffix. For example, for
, use onlyADMIN
. -
Service account password – The password for the service account.
Confirm password – The password for the service account.
(Optional) Organizational Unit (OU) – The distinguished path name of the organizational unit you want to join your SVM to.
Delegated file system administrators group – The name of the group in your Active Directory that can administer your file system.
If you are using AWS Managed Microsoft AD, you must specify a group such as AWS Delegated FSx Administrators, AWS Delegated Administrators, or a custom group with delegated permissions to the OU.
If you are joining to a self-managed Active Directory, use the name of the group in your Active Directory. The default group is
Domain Admins
Choose Join Active Directory to join the SVM to the Active Directory using the configuration you provided.
To join an SVM to an Active Directory (AWS CLI)
To join an FSx for ONTAP SVM to an Active Directory, use the update-storage-virtual-machine CLI command (or the equivalent UpdateStorageVirtualMachine API operation), as shown in the following example.
aws fsx update-storage-virtual-machine \ --storage-virtual-machine-id svm-abcdef0123456789a\ --active-directory-configuration SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration='{DomainName="", \ OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName="OU=FileSystems,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com",\ FileSystemAdministratorsGroup="FSxAdmins",UserName="
",\ Password="password
", \ DnsIps=[""]}',NetBiosName=amznfsx12345After successfully creating the storage virtual machine, Amazon FSx returns its description in JSON format, as shown in the following example.
{ "StorageVirtualMachine": { "ActiveDirectoryConfiguration": { "NetBiosName": "amznfsx12345", "SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration": { "UserName": "Admin", "DnsIps": [ "", "" ], "OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName": "OU=Computers,OU=customer-ad,DC=customer-ad,DC=example,DC=com", "DomainName": "" } } "CreationTime": 1625066825.306, "Endpoints": { "Management": { "DnsName": "", "IpAddressses": [""] }, "Nfs": { "DnsName": "", "IpAddressses": [""] }, "Smb": { "DnsName": "amznfsx12345", "IpAddressses": [""] }, "SmbWindowsInterVpc": { "IpAddressses": ["", ""] }, "Iscsi": { "DnsName": "", "IpAddressses": ["", ""] } }, "FileSystemId": "fs-0123456789abcdef0", "Lifecycle": "CREATED", "Name": "vol1", "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-1:123456789012:storage-virtual-machine/fs-0123456789abcdef0/svm-abcdef0123456789a", "StorageVirtualMachineId": "svm-abcdef0123456789a", "Subtype": "default", "Tags": [], } }