Creating volumes
You can create an FSx for ONTAP FlexVol or FlexGroup volume using the Amazon FSx console, the AWS CLI, and the Amazon FSx API, in addition to the NetApp ONTAP command line interface (CLI) and REST API.
The volume's security style is automatically set to the root volume's security style.
Open the Amazon FSx console at
. -
In the left navigation pane, choose Volumes.
Choose Create volume.
For File system type, choose Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP.
In the File system details section, provide the following information:
For File system, choose the file system to create the volume on.
For Storage virtual machine, choose the storage virtual machine (SVM) to create the volume on.
In the Volume style section, choose FlexVol.
In the Volume details section, provide the following information:
In the Volume name field, provide a name for the volume. You can use up to 203 alphanumeric or underscore (_) characters.
For Volume size, enter any whole number in the range of 20–314572800 to specify the size in mebibytes (MiB).
For Volume type, choose Read-Write (RW) to create a volume that is readable and writable or Data Protection (DP) to create a volume that is read-only and can be used as the destination of a NetApp SnapMirror or SnapVault relationship. For more information, see Volume types.
For Junction path, enter a location within the file system to mount the volume. The name must have a leading forward slash, for example
. -
For Storage efficiency, choose Enabled to enable the ONTAP storage-efficiency features (deduplication, compression, and compaction) on this volume. For more information, see Storage efficiency.
For Volume security style, choose between Unix (Linux) and NTFS for the volume. For more information, see Volume security style.
For Snapshot policy, choose a snapshot policy for the volume. For more information about snapshot policies, see Snapshot policies.
If you choose Custom policy, you must specify the policy's name in the custom-policy field. The custom policy must already exist on the SVM or in the file system. You can create a custom snapshot policy with the ONTAP CLI or REST API. For more information, see Create a Snapshot Policy
in the NetApp ONTAP Product Documentation.
In the Storage tiering section, provide the following information:
For Capacity pool tiering policy, choose the storage pool tiering policy for the volume, which can be Auto (the default), Snapshot Only, All, or None. For more information, see Volume tiering policies.
If you choose either Auto or Snapshot Only, you can set the Tiering policy cooling period to define the number of days before data that has not been accessed is marked cold and moved to capacity pool storage. You can provide a value between 2 and 183 days. The default setting is 31 days.
In the Advanced section, for SnapLock Configuration, choose between Enabled and Disabled. For more information about configuring a SnapLock Compliance volume or a SnapLock Enterprise volume, see SnapLock Compliance and SnapLock Enterprise. For more information about SnapLock, see Protecting your data with SnapLock.
Choose Confirm to create the volume.
You can monitor the update progress on the File systems detail page, in the Status column of the Volumes pane. The volume is ready for use when its status is Created.
You can only create FlexGroup volumes for file systems with multiple HA pairs using the Amazon FSx console. To create FlexVol volumes for file systems with multiple HA pairs, use the AWS CLI, Amazon FSx API, or NetApp management tools.
Open the Amazon FSx console at
. -
In the left navigation pane, choose Volumes.
Choose Create volume.
For File system type, choose Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP.
In the File system details section, provide the following information:
For File system, choose the file system to create the volume on.
For Storage virtual machine, choose the storage virtual machine (SVM) to create the volume on.
In the Volume style section, choose FlexGroup.
In the Volume details section, provide the following information:
In the Volume name field, provide a name for the volume. You can use up to 203 alphanumeric or underscore (_) characters.
For Volume size, enter any whole number in the range of 800 gibibytes (GiB)–2,400 tebibytes (TiB) per HA pair. For example, a file system with 12 high-availability (HA) pairs would have a minimum volume size of 9,600 GiB and a maximum size of 20,480 TiB.
For Volume type, choose Read-Write (RW) to create a volume that is readable and writable or Data Protection (DP) to create a volume that is read-only and can be used as the destination of a NetApp SnapMirror or SnapVault relationship. For more information, see Volume types.
For Junction path, enter a location within the file system to mount the volume. The name must have a leading forward slash, for example
. -
For Storage efficiency, choose Enabled to enable the ONTAP storage-efficiency features (deduplication, compression, and compaction). For more information, see Storage efficiency.
For Volume security style, choose between Unix (Linux) and NTFS for the volume. For more information, see Volume security style.
The volume's security style is automatically set to the root volume's security style.
For Snapshot policy, choose a snapshot policy for the volume. For more information about snapshot policies, see Snapshot policies.
If you choose Custom policy, you must specify the policy's name in the custom-policy field. The custom policy must already exist on the SVM or in the file system. You can create a custom snapshot policy with the ONTAP CLI or REST API. For more information, see Create a Snapshot Policy
in the NetApp ONTAP Product Documentation.
In the Storage tiering section, provide the following information:
For Capacity pool tiering policy, choose the storage pool tiering policy for the volume, which can be Auto (the default), Snapshot Only, All, or None. For more information, see Volume tiering policies.
If you choose either Auto or Snapshot Only, you can set the Tiering policy cooling period to define the number of days before data that has not been accessed is marked cold and moved to capacity pool storage. You can provide a value between 2–183 days. The default setting is 31 days.
In the Advanced section, for SnapLock Configuration, choose between Enabled and Disabled. For more information about configuring a SnapLock Compliance volume or a SnapLock Enterprise volume, see SnapLock Compliance and SnapLock Enterprise. For more information about SnapLock, see Protecting your data with SnapLock.
Choose Confirm to create the volume.
You can monitor the update progress on the File systems detail page, in the Status column of the Volumes pane. The volume is ready for use when its status is Created.
To create an FSx for ONTAP volume, use the create-volume CLI command (or the equivalent CreateVolume API operation), as shown in the following example.
aws fsx create-volume \ --volume-type ONTAP \ --name vol1 \ --ontap-configuration CopyTagsToBackups=true,JunctionPath=/vol1,SecurityStyle=NTFS, \ SizeInMegabytes=1024,SnapshotPolicy=default, \ StorageVirtualMachineId=svm-abcdef0123456789a,OntapVolumeType=RW, \ StorageEfficiencyEnabled=true
After successfully creating the volume, Amazon FSx returns its description in JSON format, as shown in the following example.
{ "Volume": { "CreationTime": "2022-08-12T13:03:37.625000-04:00", "FileSystemId": "fs-abcdef0123456789c", "Lifecycle": "CREATING", "Name": "vol1", "OntapConfiguration": { "CopyTagsToBackups": true, "FlexCacheEndpointType": "NONE", "JunctionPath": "/vol1", "SecurityStyle": "NTFS", "SizeInMegabytes": 1024, "SnapshotPolicy": "default", "StorageEfficiencyEnabled": true, "StorageVirtualMachineId": "svm-abcdef0123456789a", "StorageVirtualMachineRoot": false, "TieringPolicy": { "Name": "NONE" }, "OntapVolumeType": "RW" }, "ResourceARN": "arn:aws:fsx:us-east-2:111122223333:volume/fs-abcdef0123456789c/fsvol-abcdef0123456789b", "VolumeId": "fsvol-abcdef0123456789b", "VolumeType": "ONTAP" } }
You can also create a new volume by restoring a backup of a volume to a new volume. For more information, see Restoring backups to a new volume.