Using ec2_instance_attribute examples - Amazon Managed Grafana

Using ec2_instance_attribute examples

JSON filters

The ec2_instance_attribute query takes filters in JSON format. You can specify pre-defined filters of ec2:DescribeInstances. Note that the actual filtering takes place in AWS, not in Grafana.

The following code example shows the filters syntax.

{ filter_name1: [ filter_value1 ], filter_name2: [ filter_value2 ] }

The following example shows the ec2_instance_attribute() query.

ec2_instance_attribute(us - east - 1, InstanceId, { 'tag:Environment': ['production'] });

Selecting attributes

Only one attribute per instance can be returned. Any flat attribute can be selected (that is, if the attribute has a single value and isn’t an object or array). The following flat attributes are available.

  • AmiLaunchIndex

  • Architecture

  • ClientToken

  • EbsOptimized

  • EnaSupport

  • Hypervisor

  • IamInstanceProfile

  • ImageId

  • InstanceId

  • InstanceLifecycle

  • InstanceType

  • KernelId

  • KeyName

  • LaunchTime

  • Platform

  • PrivateDnsName

  • PrivateIpAddress

  • PublicDnsName

  • PublicIpAddress

  • RamdiskId

  • RootDeviceName

  • RootDeviceType

  • SourceDestCheck

  • SpotInstanceRequestId

  • SriovNetSupport

  • SubnetId

  • VirtualizationType

  • VpcId

Tags can be selected by prefixing the tag name with Tags.

The following example shows the ec2_instance_attribute() query.

ec2_instance_attribute(us - east - 1, Tags.Name, { 'tag:Team': ['sysops'] });