This topic shows how to customize text elements using the AWS Management Console and the AWS CLI.
When using the console, you can preview changes in real-time as you customize your web experience.
Using the AWS Management Console
The following procedure shows how to update text elements using the console.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and find the Amazon Q Business console.
From the Amazon Q Business Applications page, select your application, then choose Customize web experience.
In the Customize web experience section, choose Customize web experience from the right navigation panel.
Choose Text and enter the following information:
Title: A title for your web experience (visible to end users).
Subtitle (optional): Additional information for end users.
Welcome message: An optional message for end users (consider mentioning data sources and application capabilities).
Display sample prompts: Provide a list of sample prompts for the end user's conversation start screen.
Choose Save.
The following code snippet shows how to customize text elements using the AWS CLI.
aws qbusiness update-web-experience \ --application-id application-id \ --web-experience-id web-experience-id \ --title optional-title \ --subtitle optional-subtitle \ --welcome-message optional-welcome-message \ --sample-prompts-control-mode ENABLED