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Connecting Salesforce Online to Amazon Q Business

Connecting Salesforce Online to Amazon Q Business - Amazon Q Business
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Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool for managing support, sales, and marketing teams. You can connect Salesforce Online instance to Amazon Q Business—using either the AWS Management Console or the CreateDataSource API—and create an Amazon Q web experience.

The Amazon Q Salesforce Online connector supports the following Salesforce Online editions: Developer Edition and Enterprise Edition.

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Known limitations for the Salesforce Online connector

The Salesforce Online connector has the following known limitations:

  • The Salesforce Online connector doesn't currently (as of 2/14/25) support explicit deny permission specifications for Contract, Task, and Custom objects and their respective attachments, although it respects base access controls for Salesforce Online entities. Users who have access to an entity through base access controls would still have access to those entities in Amazon Q Business - even if they have been added to the explicit deny list in Salesforce.

  • The Salesforce Online connector doesn't support field-level access control, respecting only the parent-level access control. If a field-level access control configuration is detected within an entity, Amazon Q Business will utilize the parent level security setting. This means that if a user has access to the parent entity/document in Salesforce, they will be able to see all fields of that document in Amazon Q Business, regardless of any field-level security restrictions that exist in Salesforce.

  • The Salesforce Online connector does not offer the ability to perform incremental syncs based on new, modified, or deleted files. At this time, it can perform only full syncs.

  • The Salesforce Online API doesn't provide the status of deleted Group, Partner, Profile, and User entities. So, the Salesforce Online connector can't retrieve this information.

  • The Salesforce Online API doesn't provide the status of modified Attachment titles (Lightning Version). So, the Salesforce Online connector can't retrieve this information.

  • The Salesforce Online connector supports custom field mappings only for the following entities: Account, Campaign, Contact, Contract, Case, Product Lead, Pricebook, and CustomEntity.

  • The Salesforce Online API does not provide ACL information for documents with shared access types.

  • By default, Salesforce Online Developer has a maximum limit of 15000 total calls per 24 hour period. If a request exceeds this limit, the API returns a REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error.

  • Because Amazon Q Business uses email address as unique identifiers, each user must have a unique email address.

  • The Salesforce Online connector only updates user status during connector syncs, meaning that any deactivated users are only deactivated in Amazon Q Business during the next connector sync. If a user is deactivated in Salesforce they may retain access through Amazon Q Business until the next sync.

  • The Salesforce Online connector respects hierarchies for custom object record access regardless of Salesforce settings, due to Salesforce API limitations. In other words, while Salesforce Online lets users disable Grant Access Using Hierarchies for custom objects, the role hierarchy will still apply for Amazon Q Business.


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