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Troubleshooting your SharePoint (Online) connector

Troubleshooting your SharePoint (Online) connector - Amazon Q Business
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The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Microsoft SharePoint connector and suggested troubleshooting actions. If you used the Amazon Q section of the AWS console to configure your connectors, be sure to make the changes associated with an error through the console as well. You can refer to the Microsoft SharePoint documentation for more information regarding SharePoint settings and details.

Authentication issues

Error code Error message Suggested resolution Context Where to find error
SPE-5001 Authentication failed. Configuration might contain wrong credentials. Provide valid credentials like username, password or client Id, client secret and tenant Id. Occurs during initial connector setup or when authentication credentials expire Console: During configuration or Sync run history
SPE-5124 There was a problem while retrieving authType. Auth-Type might be empty or null. Ensure AUTH Type in configuration must be not null. Authentication type configuration error Console: Configuration page
SPE-5129 There was a problem while retrieving password. Password might be empty or null. Provide password. Basic authentication configuration error Console: During initial setup
SPE-5130 There was a problem while retrieving username.Username might be empty or null. Provide username. Basic authentication configuration error Console: During initial setup
SPE-5136 The provided authType was not a valid Sharepoint Connector authentication method. Provide valid authType. The value of authType should be one of [Basic, OAuth2Certificate, OAuth2]. Authentication method configuration error Console: Configuration page
SPE-5125 There was a problem while retrieving clientId. Client ID might be empty or null. Provide Client Id. OAuth configuration error Console: Authentication Configuration
SPE-5126 There was a problem while retrieving clientSecret. Client Secret might be empty or null. Provide Client Secret. OAuth configuration error Console: Authentication Configuration
SPE-5127 There was a problem while retrieving tenantId. Tenant ID might be empty or null. Provide Tenant Id. SharePoint tenant configuration error Console: Authentication Configuration

SharePoint Configuration issues

Error code Error message Suggested resolution Context Where to find error
SPE-5135 The provided version was not a valid Sharepoint Connector version. Version should be one of [Online, Server]. Version should be one of [Online, Server]. SharePoint version selection error Console: During initial setup
SPE-5138 There was a problem while retrieving onPremVersion. On prem Version might be empty or null Ensure onPremVersion is not be null or non-empty. SharePoint on-premises version error Console: Version Configuration
SPE-5139 The provided onPremVersion was not valid Sharepoint on-prem version. On prem version should be one of [2013, 2016, 2019, SubscriptionEdition]. Provide a valid onPremVersion. On prem version should be one of [2013, 2016, 2019, SubscriptionEdition]. SharePoint on-premises version selection error Console: Version Configuration
SPE-5121 There was a problem while retrieving values for crawl entities. Values might be empty or incorrect. It should be either true or false. In the connector's settings, ensure all crawl options are set to either 'true' or 'false'. These settings determine what content types are indexed. Crawler configuration error Console: Crawl Configuration
SPE-5122 There was a problem while retrieving domain. Domain might be empty or null. Provide a valid SharePoint domain name in the connector configuration. Domain configuration error during SharePoint connection setup. Console: Domain Configuration
SPE-5123 There was a problem while retrieving version. Version might be empty or null. Provide valid version and it should not be null. SharePoint version configuration error Console: Version Configuration

Network and Connectivity issues

Error code Error message Suggested resolution Context Where to find error
SPE-5004 Inet Address validation Failed. Check your network configuration and ensure the SharePoint server address is accessible from your network. Verify DNS resolution and network routing are properly configured. Network address validation error CloudWatch Logs during sync
SPE-5005 Failed : HTTP protocol violation has occurred. Try running the connector again. Occurs when the connector is configured to use a proxy but cannot establish connection. CloudWatch Logs during sync
SPE-5200 There was a problem while connecting to the URL. Verify that the SharePoint site URL is accessible and that you have proper network connectivity. Check SharePoint site status and your network configuration. Site connectivity error Console: Sync run history
SPE-5002 There was a problem while connecting to Host Url and/or Domain. hostUrl and/or domain values might be incorrect. Provide valid Host URL or Domain. Happens during connector configuration when trying to establish initial connection Console: Basic Configuration
SPE-5003 Provided URL is incorrect Provide correct URL. Generic URL validation error Console: Site Configuration

LDAP Configuration issues

Error code Error message Suggested resolution Context Where to find error
SPE-5009 There was a problem while connecting to LDAP. Check LDAP configuration. Provide valid LDAP configuration details. LDAP connection failure Console: LDAP Configuration
SPE-5140 There was a problem while retrieving ldapUrl. LDAP Url might be empty or null. Ensure ldapUrl is not null or empty. LDAP configuration error Console: LDAP Configuration
SPE-5141 There was a problem while retrieving baseDn. Base DN might be empty or null. Ensure baseDn is not be null or empty. LDAP configuration error Console: LDAP Configuration
SPE-5146 There was a problem while retrieving ldapUsername. LDAP Username might be empty or null. Ensure ldapUser is not null or empty. LDAP authentication error Console: LDAP Configuration
SPE-5147 There was a problem while retrieving ldapPassword. LDAP Password might be empty or null. Ensure ldapPassword is not null or empty. LDAP authentication error Console: LDAP Configuration

Azure AD Configuration issues

Error code Error message Suggested resolution Context Where to find error
SPE-5152 There was a problem while retrieving AD Client ID. AD Client ID should not be empty. Ensure AD Client Id must be non-empty. Azure AD configuration error Console: Azure AD Configuration
SPE-5153 Invalid AD Client Id pattern. Provide valid AD Client Id pattern. Azure AD Client ID format error Console: Azure AD Configuration
SPE-5154 There was a problem while retrieving AD Client Secret. AD Client Secret should not be empty. Ensure AD Client Secret is non-empty. Azure AD configuration error Console: Azure AD Configuration

Document Access and Permissions issues

Error code Error message Suggested resolution Context Where to find error
SPE-5144 There was a problem while retrieving aclConfiguration. ACL Configuration might be empty, null or invalid Provide valid aclConfiguration. aclConfiguration should be one of [ ACLWithLDAPEmailFmt, ACLWithManualEmailFmt, ACLWithUsernameFmt ]. ACL configuration error Console: Access Control Configuration
SPE-5145 There was a problem while retrieving emailDomain. Email Domain might be empty or null. Ensure emailDomain is not null or empty. Email domain configuration error Console: Domain Configuration
SPE-5155 There can't be more than one site for SharePoint on-prem app-only authentication. Ensure that their must be only single site present for SharePoint on-prem app-only authentication. SharePoint on-premises app authentication configuration error Console: Site Configuration

Security Configuration issues

Error code Error message Suggested resolution Context Where to find error
SPE-5008 Valid SSL Certificate could not be found for connector. Upload a valid SSL certificate. For SharePoint on-premises installations, ensure you have exported your SharePoint SSL certificate and uploaded it to the connector. SSL certificate validation failure Console: Security Configuration

IAM Configuration issues

Error code Error message Suggested resolution Context Where to find error
SPE-5101 There was a problem while retrieving dataSourceIamRoleArn. Data Source IAM Role ARN might be empty or null. Verify that the IAM role exists and has the correct permissions. Check the IAM console to ensure the role is properly configured. This error occurs when the connector cannot access the required IAM role during synchronization. Console: IAM Configuration

Site Configuration issues

Error code Error message Suggested resolution Context Where to find error
SPE-5128 There was a problem while retrieving siteUrls. Site URLs might be empty or null. Provide at least one Site Url. Site configuration error Console: Site Configuration
SPE-5131 There was a problem while retrieving username. Email was invalid. Provide valid email address. User email validation error Console: User Configuration
SPE-5132 There was a problem while retrieving url. This URL was invalid. Provide a valid URL. Provide a valid SharePoint site URL in the format Console: Site Configuration
SPE-5149 The provided siteUrls contain duplicate sites. Remove duplicates. Ensure SiteUrls must not be the same. Duplicate site URL configuration error Console: Site Configuration

Other Configuration issues

Error code Error message Suggested resolution Context Where to find error
SPE-5133 There was a problem while retrieving s3CertificateName. S3 Certificate Name might be empty or null. When using certificate-based authentication, upload your authentication certificate to an S3 bucket and provide the certificate name and bucket details in the connector configuration. S3 certificate configuration error Console: Security Configuration
SPE-5134 There was a problem while retrieving s3BucketName. S3 Bucket Name might be empty or null When using certificate-based authentication, upload your authentication certificate to an S3 bucket and provide the certificate name and bucket details in the connector configuration. S3 bucket configuration error Console: S3 Configuration
SPE-5151 Error parsing the field value. Size is over maximum allowed limit. Reduce the field value size to within the maximum allowed limit. Field size limit exceeded Console: Field Configuration
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