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Prerequisites for connecting Amazon Q Business to GitHub (Cloud)

Prerequisites for connecting Amazon Q Business to GitHub (Cloud) - Amazon Q Business
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Before you begin, make sure that you have completed the following prerequisites.

In GitHub (Cloud), make sure you have:

  • Created a GitHub (Cloud) user with administrative permissions to the GitHub (Cloud) organization.

  • Created a classic personal access token for authentication credentials. See GitHub (Cloud) documentation on creating a personal access token.

  • Recommended: Created an OAuth token for authentication credentials. Use OAuth token for better API throttle limits and connector performance. See GitHub (Cloud) documentation on OAuth authorization.

    Then, added the following OAuth scopes:

    • repo:status – Grants read/write access to commit statuses in public and private repositories. This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to private repository commit statuses without granting access to the code.

    • repo_deployment – Grants access to deployment statuses for public and private repositories. This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to deployment statuses, without granting access to the code.

    • public_repo – Limits access to public repositories. That includes read/write access to code, commit statuses, repository projects, collaborators, and deployment statuses for public repositories and organizations. Also required for starring public repositories.

    • repo:invite – Grants accept/decline abilities for invitations to collaborate on a repository. This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to invites without granting access to the code.

    • security_events – Grants: read and write access to security events in the code scanning API. This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to security events without granting access to the code.

    • read:org – Read-only access to organization membership, organization projects, and team membership.

    • user:email – Grants read access to a user's email addresses. Required by Amazon Q Business to crawl ACLs.

    • user:follow – Grants access to follow or unfollow other users. Required by Amazon Q Business to crawl ACLs.

    • read:user – Grants access to read a user's profile data. Required by Amazon Q Business to crawl ACLs.

    • workflow – Grants the ability to add and update GitHub (Cloud) Actions workflow files. Workflow files can be committed without this scope if the same file (with both the same path and contents) exists on another branch in the same repository.

    For more information, see Scopes for OAuth apps in GitHub (Cloud) Docs.

  • Noted the GitHub (Cloud) host URL for the type of GitHub (Cloud) service that you use. For example, the host URL for GitHub (Cloud) Cloud could be

  • Noted the name of your organization for GitHub (Cloud) the GitHub (Cloud) Enterprise account you want to connect to. You can find your organization name by logging into GitHub (Cloud) desktop and selecting Your organizations under your profile picture dropdown.

In your AWS account, make sure you have:

  • Created a Amazon Q Business application.

  • Created a Amazon Q Business retriever and added an index.

  • Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the Amazon Q API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.

  • Stored your GitHub (Cloud) authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the Amazon Q API, noted the ARN of the secret.


    If you’re a console user, you can create the IAM role and Secrets Manager secret as part of configuring your Amazon Q application on the console.

For a list of things to consider while configuring your data source, see Data source connector configuration best practices.


For more information on connecting GitHub (Cloud) to Amazon Q Business, see Connect the Amazon Q Business generative AI coding companion to your GitHub repositories with Amazon Q GitHub (Cloud) connector in the AWS Machine Learning Blog.

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