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Prerequisites for connecting Amazon Q Business to Amazon RDS (MySQL)

Prerequisites for connecting Amazon Q Business to Amazon RDS (MySQL) - Amazon Q Business
このページはお客様の言語に翻訳されていません。 翻訳のリクエスト

Before you begin, make sure that you have completed the following prerequisites.

In Amazon RDS (MySQL), make sure you have:

  • Noted your database username and password.


    As a best practice, provide Amazon Q with read-only database credentials.

  • Copied your database host URL, port, and instance. You can find this information on the Amazon RDS console.

In your AWS account, make sure you have:

  • Created a Amazon Q Business application.

  • Created a Amazon Q Business retriever and added an index.

  • Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the Amazon Q API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.

  • Stored your Amazon RDS (MySQL) authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the Amazon Q API, noted the ARN of the secret.


    If you’re a console user, you can create the IAM role and Secrets Manager secret as part of configuring your Amazon Q application on the console.

For a list of things to consider while configuring your data source, see Data source connector configuration best practices.

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