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Agentless replication related

Agentless replication related - Application Migration Service
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This section contains answers to questions about agentless replication.

In which situations would you recommend using agentless replication (snapshot shipping)?

Agentless replication best serves customers whose company's security policies do not allow installing an agent on each of their source servers, or for operating systems that are only supported by agentless replication. This solution is only available for data centers using vCenter version 6.7, 7.0 and 8.0.

In which situations would you recommend using agent-based replication?

Agent-based replication is our default recommendation for all use cases, except when your company's security policies prevent you from using this method or if the OS is not supported. Using agent-based replication provides Continuous Data Replication, and ensures a cutover window of minutes . When using agentless replication, the data is transferred using snapshot shipping. Upon cutover, you may need to wait to have a fully updated snapshot, and your cutover window may be longer.

How does agentless replication work?

You can learn more about how agentless replication works and see a high-level diagram of the agentless replication framework in the agentless replication documentation.

Does agentless replication require installing any component in the customer's source data center?

Yes. In order to use agentless replication, customers must install the MGN vCenter Client in their source data center. The client discovers the source servers and replicates their data to AWS.

Is the agentless feature available in all Regions that AWS MGN service supports?

Yes. Both agent-based and agentless replication is supported in AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) in all Regions.

Does agentless replication support the same source operating systems that are supported by agent-based replication?

Agentless replication supports all of the supported OSs of agent-based replication.

Is the agentless feature supported in CloudEndure migration?

No. This feature is only available on AWS Application Migration Service.

Which virtualization environments are supported by the agentless feature?

The agentless replication feature is available for vCenter versions 6.7, 7.0 and 8.0. Other virtualization environments are not supported.

On which operating systems can the MGN vCenter Client be installed?

The MGN vCenter Client can be installed on the following 64 bit Linux versions:

  • Ubuntu 18.x+ (64 bit) - 22.04

  • Amazon Linux 2

  • RHEL 8.x

Do I need to generate special credentials to install the MGN vCenter Client?

Yes. In order to use the AWS MGN vCenter Client, you must first generate the correct IAM credentials. Learn more in the agentless replication documentation.

What are the agentless replication prerequisites?

The only prerequisite for agentless replication is to ensure that you have initialized AWS Application Migration Service.

How do I install the MGN vCenter Client?

You can learn more about installing the MGN vCenter Client as well as installation requirements in the agentless replication documentation.

Can a proxy server be used between the source server and the AWS Application Migration Service console?

Yes. You can configure transparent proxy either by using an environment variable prior to the installation (Linux and Windows), or by using the --proxy-address flag in the Linux installer:

  • Using the installer: ./ --proxy-address http://PROXY:PORT/

  • Using environment variable: export https_proxy=http://PROXY:PORT/; ./

Make sure the proxy has a trailing forward slash (/).

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