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General questions

General questions - Application Migration Service
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This section contains answers to general questions about AWS Application Migration Service.

Can AWS Application Migration Service protect or migrate physical servers?

Because AWS Application Migration Service works at the OS layer it can protect and migrate not only virtual servers but physical ones as well.

What data is stored on and transmitted through Application Migration Service servers?

AWS Application Migration Service store only configuration and log data on the AWS Application Migration Service console's encrypted database. Replicated data is always stored on the customer’s own cloud VPC. The replicated data is encrypted in transit.

What should I consider when replicating Active Directory?

There are two main approaches when it comes to migrating Active Directory or domain controllers from a disaster:

  1. Replicating the entire environment, including the AD server(s) – in this approach it is recommended to launch the test or cutover AD servers first, wait until it's up and running, and then launch the other test or cutover instances, to make sure the AD servers are ready to authenticate them.

  2. Leaving the AD server(s) in the source environment – in this approach, the test or cutover instances will communicate back to the AD server in the source environment and will take the source server's place in the AD automatically.

    In this case, it is important to conduct any tests using an isolated subnet in the AWS cloud, so to avoid having the test or cutover instances communicate into the source AD server outside of a cutover.

Does AWS Application Migration Service work with LVM and RAID configurations?

Yes, AWS Application Migration Service works with any such configuration.

What is there to note regarding SAN/NAS support?

If the disks are represented as block devices on the machine, as most SAN are, AWS Application Migration Service will replicate them transparently, just like actual local disks.

If the disks are mounted over the network, such as an NFS share, as most NAS implementations are, the AWS Replication Agent would need to be installed on the actual NFS server in order to replicate the disk.

Does AWS Application Migration Service support Windows License migration?

AWS Application Migration Service conforms to the Microsoft Licensing on AWS guidelines.

Can you perform an OS (Operating System) upgrade with AWS Application Migration Service?

Yes. AWS Application Migration Service allows you to perform an OS upgrade using a predefined action. The action will clone your machine and upgrade the clone. After the upgrade, verify that the cloned machine is working well, and then you can begin using it.

What are the AWS Application Migration Service quota limits?

The following are the AWS Application Migration Service service quota limits:

Name Default Description

Concurrent jobs in progress

Each supported AWS Region: 20

Launching a test or cutover instance, or a cleanup action is considered a "job". This parameter is the maximum number of Jobs that can be run concurrently. Jobs that are Completed are not counted against this quota.

Max active source servers

Each supported AWS Region: 150

The maximum number of servers that can be actively replicating at any time. For larger migrations contact Support.

Max non-archived source servers

Each supported AWS Region: 4,000

This parameter is used for agentless migrations. This is the max number of servers that can be managed by MGN, in non-archived state. This includes the servers that are actively replicating, as well as any servers whose replication has not yet started. The number of actively replicating servers is controlled by the parameter Max active source servers.
Max source servers in a single job

Each supported AWS Region: 200

Launching a test or cutover instance, or a cleanup action is considered a "Job". If you select multiple servers, and perform one of these actions, they are grouped into a single job. This is the maximum number of servers that can be grouped into a single Job.

Max source servers in all jobs

Each supported AWS Region: 200

Launching a test or cutover instance, or a cleanup action is considered a "Job". This is the maximum total number of servers that can be configured in all active Jobs. Jobs that are Completed are not counted against this quota.
Max total source servers per AWS account

Each supported AWS Region: 50,000

This parameter is the maximum total servers, both active and archived, that can be migrated in a single account in each AWS Region. Servers that are deleted, are not counted against this quota.

Max concurrent jobs per source server

Each supported AWS Region: 1

Launching a test or cutover instance, or a cleanup action is considered a "Job". This is the maximum number of active Jobs, that can be configured per server. Jobs that are Completed are not counted against this quota.

You can learn about the AWS Application Migration Service limits in the AWS General Reference.

What are the Private APIs used by AWS MGN to define actions in the IAM Policy?

MGN utilizes the following Private API resources as actions in the IAM Policy. Learn more about Actions, resources, and condition keys for MGN.

  • BatchCreateVolumeSnapshotGroupForMgn – Grants permission to create volume snapshot group.

  • BatchDeleteSnapshotRequestForMgn – Grants permission to batch delete snapshot request.

  • DescribeReplicationServerAssociationsForMgn – Grants permission to describe replication server associations.

  • DescribeSnapshotRequestsForMgn – Grants permission to describe snapshots requests.

  • GetAgentCommandForMgn – Grants permission to get agent command.

  • GetAgentConfirmedResumeInfoForMgn – Grants permission to get agent confirmed resume info.

  • GetAgentInstallationAssetsForMgn – Grants permission to get agent installation assets.

  • GetAgentReplicationInfoForMgn – Grants permission to get agent replication info.

  • GetAgentRuntimeConfigurationForMgn – Grants permission to get agent runtime configuration.

  • GetAgentSnapshotCreditsForMgn – Grants permission to get agent snapshots credits.

  • GetChannelCommandsForMgn – Grants permission to get channel commands.

  • NotifyAgentAuthenticationForMgn – Grants permission to notify agent authentication.

  • NotifyAgentConnectedForMgn – Grants permission to notify agent is connected.

  • NotifyAgentDisconnectedForMgn – Grants permission to notify agent is disconnected

  • NotifyAgentReplicationProgressForMgn – Grants permission to notify agent replication progress.

  • RegisterAgentForMgn – Grants permission to register agent.

  • SendAgentLogsForMgn – Grants permission to send agent logs.

  • SendAgentMetricsForMgn – Grants permission to send agent metrics.

  • SendChannelCommandResultForMgn – Grants permission to send channel command result.

  • SendClientLogsForMgn – Grants permission to send client logs.

  • SendClientMetricsForMgn – Grants permission to send client metrics.

  • UpdateAgentBacklogForMgn – Grants permission to update agent backlog.

  • UpdateAgentConversionInfoForMgn – Grants permission to update agent conversion info.

  • UpdateAgentReplicationInfoForMgn – Grants permission to update agent replication info.

  • UpdateAgentReplicationProcessStateForMgn – Grants permission to update agent replication process state.

  • UpdateAgentSourcePropertiesForMgn – Grants permission to update agent source properties.

  • CreateVcenterClientForMgn – Grants permission to create a vCenter client.

  • GetVcenterClientCommandsForMgn – Grants permission get a vCenter client.

  • SendVcenterClientCommandResultForMgn – Grants permission to send vCenter client command result.

  • SendVcenterClientLogsForMgn – Grants permission to send vCenter client logs.

  • SendVcenterClientMetricsForMgn – Grants permission to send vCenter client metrics.

  • NotifyVcenterClientStartedForMgn – Grants permission to notify vCenter client started.

  • IssueAgentCertificateForMgn – Grants permission to send certificate signing request.

Which post-launch scripts does AWS MGN support?

MGN can run scripts on a launched test or cutover instance. This is done by creating the following folder on the source server and placing the scripts within that folder.

Linux: /boot/post_launch (any files that are marked as executable)

Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS Replication Agent\post_launch\ (any .exe, .cmd, or .bat files)

Once you put these scripts in the above folders on the source server, the folder will be replicated to the test or cutover instance and be executed once after the instance boots for the first time.


Post-launch scripts on Windows run under the Local System context. Post-launch scripts on Linux run under the 'root' user.

Uninstalling VMTools from Windows

The following script can be utilized to uninstall VMTools post migration from Windows. This is a powershell script. It needs to be wrapped by a .CMD file, as powershell scripts are not run automatically by the post_launch.

$regpath = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\uninstall" Get-childItem $regpath | % { $keypath = $_.pschildname $key = Get-Itemproperty $regpath\$keypath if ($key.DisplayName -match "VMware Tools") { $VMwareToolsGUID = $keypath } MsiExec.exe /x $VMwareToolsGUID /qn /norestart }

What happens if I use a custom DNS?

Custom DNS settings can cause issues in the replication servers.

Therefore, if you are using a custom DNS, you will need to add a TCP port 53 to the security group outbound rules, for replication and conversion servers.

Can I use AWS Application Migration Service to migrate servers from VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC) to Amazon EC2?

Yes, you can. For migrations of source servers from VMC to EC2 you have two options. You can install the agentless appliance in your VMC environment, and migrate your servers using agentless replication, or install the AWS replication agent on each of your source servers, and use agent-based replication for your migration.

When should I use AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) for migration?

In cases that DRS supports a feature that does not exist in MGN, DRS can be used for migration. You can install the DRS replication agent on your source servers. Following replication, you can launch recovery instances in your target environment, to complete the migration.

DRS can be used for migration, as the DRS and MGN services use shared technology for performing block level replication. Both MGN and DRS have a replication agent, for replicating servers into a staging area in AWS. MGN supports launching test and cutover instances from the staging area. DRS supports launching recovery instances from the staging area. The technology used by both of these services for launching instances in AWS is very similar. DRS also has the capability to failback to the source environment, after the source environment has recovered. This capability does not exist in MGN.

Note that you cannot install the DRS and MGN agents on the same server at the same time. If you already installed the MGN agent on a server, and want to use DRS for migration, you must uninstall the MGN agent before installing the DRS agent.

Note that there are costs associated with using the DRS service. For DRS pricing information see AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery pricing.

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