In the Default EC2 launch template section, you can define the following options:
Default target subnet – Choose the target subnet for the test and cutover machines. All the test and cutover machines will be launched in this target subnet.
Target security groups – Choose a number of security groups for the test and cutover machines. Upon the target launch, the selected security groups will be attached to the Amazon EC2 instances.
Default instance type – Choose a default instance type for the test and cutover machines. The instance type chosen in this template will be propagated to source server’s launch template and will be used to launch the target instance.
EBS volume type – Choose an Amazon EBS volume type for the test and cutover machines. The Amazon EBS volume type can be chosen from io1, io2, gp3, st1, and sc1 volume types.
If this setting is not chosen, the default instance type selected in the launch template will be GP3 with maximum IOPS (16000). If a volume type is selected in this option, and if the disk size does not match the limits of the volume type, the default volume type GP3 will be used with maximum IOPS.
Note: if you manually delete the default launch template, AWS Application Migration Service will generate a new default launch template. Any changes previously made to the default template will be discarded, including subnet and security groups. You can reconfigure the same changes on the new default launch template, and they will be applied to servers added to the console, after you make the changes.