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Full launch template setting review

Full launch template setting review - Application Migration Service
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This section reviews the entire EC2 launch template and identifies which fields should and should not be changed in order for the EC2 launch template to work with Application Migration Service. Editing or changing any fields that are marked as "do not edit" or "do not change" can cause AWS Application Migration Service to not function.

  • Launch template name – This name is automatically generated when the template is first created upon Agent installation. The name cannot be changed.

  • Template version description – You can give the template any description you wish.

  • AMI – Customers do not typically choose a specific AMI to include in the launch template. If you edit the launch template to use an existing AMI, the contents of the AMI will not be used by AWS Application Migration Service. If the AMI is not configured properly (licensing, flags, and more), then this may prevent the test or cutover instance launched from booting correctly or from being properly licensed.

  • Instance type – You can select any instance type you want. The launch template will show the instance type suggested by AWS Application Migration Service.

  • Key pair (login)Do not alter this field. Do not include a key pair with the launch template.

  • Networking platform – Be sure to select Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). EC2-Classic is not supported.

  • Security groupsDo not add Security group here. This field should remain blank. You can add security groups later under Network interface.

  • Storage (volumes) – This section will show all of the disks that you chose to replicate from your source server upon AWS Replication Agent installation.


    Initial settings for EBS volumes are not derived from activity on the Source Server. Default values are chosen to give maximum performance on first launch.

    Each disk is composed of the following fields:

    • Storage type – Shows the default volume type (EBS). This cannot be changed.

    • Device nameDo not change or edit this field. The device name shown here corresponds to the disk name on the source server. This field allows you to identify which disk is which.

    • SnapshotDo not change or edit this field. Snapshots should not be included in the launch template.

    • SizeDo not change or edit this field.

    • Volume type – You can select any volume type you want to use. AWS Application Migration Service automatically sets General Purpose SSD (gp3) as the default. You may want to change the volume type in order to reduce costs. Ensure that you read the caveats in the EBS documentation.

    • IOPS – Set the number of I/O operations per second that the volume can support. You can select any number as long as it matches the EBS guidelines.

      • Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) : 50 IOPS per GiB of storage

      • Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) : 500 IOPS per GiB of storage

      • General Purpose SSD (gp3) : 500 IOPS per GiB of storage

      AWS Application Migration Service automatically provisions the maximum IOPS possible for the volume, based on the above ratio. This is to minimize the impact of the performance penalty when working with EBS volumes created from snapshots.

    • Delete on termination – Do not change or edit this field. This should not be included in the launch template.

    • EncryptedDo not change or edit this field. This should not be included in the launch template.

    • KeyDo not change or edit this field. This should not be included in the launch template.

    • Add volumeDo not use this functionality. You cannot add volumes to the source server through the launch template.

    • Remove (volume)Do not use this functionality. You cannot remove volumes from the source server through the launch template. If you do, AWS MGN will automatically create a volume using the default volume settings.

  • Resource tags – You can add up to 50 tags. These will be transferred to your test and cutover instances. Note that these tags may interfere with other tags that have already been added to the source server. Launch template tags always take precedence over tags set in the AWS MGN console or tags manually assigned to the server.

  • Network interfaces – The network interface is created by default based on your replication template. The network interface section is composed of the following fields:

    • Device indexDo not change or edit this field. The value should always be "0".

    • Network interface – Use this option only if you want use a pre-existing ENI (Elastic Network Interface). The Launch Template will overwrite certain ENI settings. Use this if you want to add an Elastic IP. You will have to attach the Elastic IP to the ENI.


      When selecting an pre-existing ENI, you must change the Auto-assign public IP value to Don't include in launch template for a successful target launch.

    • Description – Add an optional description for the network interface (if chosen).

    • Subnet – Choose the subnet. This is the subnet within which the network interface is located and the test or cutover instance will be launched. AWS Application Migration Service selects the default VPC subnet by default (if one exists).

    • Auto-assign public IP - Choose whether you want the public IP to be auto-assigned.

    • Primary IP – Use this field if you wish to utilize a private IP. The private IP you set in the Copy private IP field in the AWS MGN launch settings will be copied to this field.

    • Secondary IP - Define a secondary IP, if needed.

    • IPv6 IPs – Define IPv6 IPs, if needed.

    • Security groups – Choose a security group. If no security group is chosen, then the default VPC security group will be used by default.

    • Delete on termination – We suggest choosing "Yes". Choosing "No" will make this network interface a permanent ENI.

    • Elastic Fabric AdapterDo not change or edit this field.

    • Network card indexDo not change or edit this field.

    • Add network interface – Note that the EC2 launch template only supports two network interfaces. If you require more than two network interfaces, you will need to define them after the test or cutover instance has been launched. This can be done through a post-launch action.

  • Advanced details – In this section, we will focus on the fields you should not change or edit in order to allow AWS Application Migration Service to function properly. Do not change or edit any of the following fields:

    • RAM disk ID

    • Kernel

    • Nitro Enclave

    • Metadata accessible

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