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Launch template key considerations

Launch template key considerations - Application Migration Service
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There are several key considerations when configuring your EC2 launch template. Review these key considerations as well as the full launch settings before creating your launch template.

  1. Instance Type – Ensure that you select an instance type that matches the hardware requirements of your source server. AWS Application Migration Service always utilizes the instance type that is set on the Amazon EC2 launch template unless the Instance right-sizing feature is activated.


    If you change your instance type and do not deactivate the instance right-sizing feature, then AWS Application Migration Service will use the instance type determined by the Instance right-sizing feature and not the instance type you chose in the EC2 launch template. Application Migration Service verifies the instance type once per hour, as a result, if you did not deactivate the instance right-sizing feature, the first time instance launch may still utilize the instance type you set in the EC2 launch template, but any subsequent launches will utilize the right-sizing instance.

  2. Subnet – You can select an existing subnet or create a new subnet.


    Customers that do not have a default VPC must modify the EC2 launch template and explicitly define the subnet in which to launch. Failure to do so will result in errors when launching test or cutover instances.

  3. Private IP – If you use the Copy private IP feature, then do not add your own IP to the EC2 launch template.

  4. Private IP and Subnet – Each subnet contains a CIDR block of IP ranges. If you use the Copy private IP feature, then ensure that this IP is included in the CIDR block range. Otherwise, instance launch will fail.

  5. Private IP and ENI – Make sure that you deactivate the Copy private IP feature if you wish to define an ENI to use on the EC2 launch template.

  6. Network interfaces – The EC2 launch template only supports two network interfaces. If you require more than two network interfaces, you will need to define them after the test or cutover instance has been launched. This can be done through a post launch action.

    If you wish to use an Elastic IP, you must create an ENI to specify the IP and then edit the Network interfaces to use the ENI. Learn more about working with Amazon Elastic Inference in this Developer Guide article.

  7. Networking platform – AWS Application Migration Service only supports Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). EC2-Classic is not supported. Do not add any security groups under the network platform.

  8. Custom device name – Do not alter this field. AWS Application Migration Service uses the device name as defined on the source server in order to map disks on the test or cutover instance. You can use this field to identify your disks.

  9. Disks – You cannot add disks to the EC2 launch template. Any disks that are added that do not exist on the source machine will be ignored by AWS Application Migration Service.

  10. Launch template name – Do not alter this field. AWS Application Migration Service automatically names this field.

  11. System tag – Do not alter this field. Application Migration Service automatically adds system tags that match the EC2 launch template to the specific source server. You can recognize which source server the launch template is matched with by the ID field.

  12. Automatic cleanup – Application Migration Service deletes the EC2 launch template and launch configuration for machines that have been disconnected from AWS Application Migration Service or machines for which the cutover has been finalized 90 minutes after disconnect or cutover finalization. This aids in ensuring that your account does not surpass the AWS 5000 EC2 launch template limit.

  13. Volumes – For each EBS volume, the service uses the user-selected values. If no matching volume exists in the launch template, the service will the default value. If the launch template includes a volume that does not exist in the source server, the system will disregard the specific volume.

    If you delete the EC2 launch template, the service will create a new one with default values.


    If you wish to set a KMS key, you should do so through the EBS Encryption section of the replication settings within the AWS Application Migration Service console.

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