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Grant permission to tag resources during creation

Grant permission to tag resources during creation - Application Migration Service
このページはお客様の言語に翻訳されていません。 翻訳のリクエスト

Some resource-creating Amazon MGN API actions enable you to specify tags when you create the resource. You can use resource tags to implement attribute-based control (ABAC).

To enable users to tag resources on creation, they must have permissions to use the action that creates the resource, such as mgn:RegisterAgentForMgn. If tags are specified in the resource-creating action, Amazon performs additional authorization on the mgn:TagResource action to verify if users have permissions to create tags. Therefore, users must also have explicit permissions to use the mgn:TagResource action.

In the IAM policy definition for the mgn:TagResource action, use the Condition element with the mgn:CreateAction condition key to give tagging permissions to the action that creates the resource. The following example demonstrates a policy that allows an agent installer to create a source server and apply any tags to the source server on creation. The installer is not permitted to tag any existing resources (it cannot call the mgn:TagResource action directly).

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "mgn:SendAgentMetricsForMgn", "mgn:SendAgentLogsForMgn", "mgn:SendClientMetricsForMgn", "mgn:SendClientLogsForMgn" ], "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "mgn:RegisterAgentForMgn", "mgn:UpdateAgentSourcePropertiesForMgn", "mgn:UpdateAgentReplicationInfoForMgn", "mgn:UpdateAgentConversionInfoForMgn", "mgn:GetAgentInstallationAssetsForMgn", "mgn:GetAgentCommandForMgn", "mgn:GetAgentConfirmedResumeInfoForMgn", "mgn:GetAgentRuntimeConfigurationForMgn", "mgn:UpdateAgentBacklogForMgn", "mgn:GetAgentReplicationInfoForMgn" ], "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "mgn:TagResource", "Resource": "arn:aws:mgn:*:*:source-server/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "mgn:CreateAction": "RegisterAgentForMgn" } } } ] }

The mgn:TagResource action is only evaluated if tags are applied during the resource-creating action. Therefore, an installer that has permissions to create a resource (assuming there are no tagging conditions) does not require permissions to use the mgn:TagResource action if no tags are specified in the request. However, if the installer attempts to create a resource with tags, the request fails if the installer does not have permissions to use the mgn:TagResource action.

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