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Editing the post-launch settings

Editing the post-launch settings - Application Migration Service
このページはお客様の言語に翻訳されていません。 翻訳のリクエスト

To edit the post-launch settings for a single source servers, check the box to the left of the Hostname of each source server for which you want to edit the post-launch settings, open the Replication menu, and choose Edit post-launch settings.

Alternatively, when editing the settings for a single server, you can choose Edit from the Post-launch settings tab.

The following settings can be edited within the post-launch settings template. Once you have edited all your settings, click Save template.

Types of post-launch actions

AWS MGN supports post-launch modernization actions, giving you the opportunity to move and improve. All post-launch actions are based on SSM documents (either public or ones you created) that can executed on your EC2 launch instances.

There are 2 types of post-launch actions:

  • Predefined post-launch actions – These out-of-the box actions are based on public SSM documents that cannot be changed and have certain unchangeable parameters such as the platform name and order. Fields are prepopulated with the necessary values and only need to be activated or deactivated. For a list of the available actions, see Predefined post-launch actions reference

  • Custom post-launch actions – These actions are based on SSM documents that you create and upload to your account. To add a custom post-launch action, see Create custom post-launch action. To edit a custom post-launch action, see Edit custom post-launch actions.

Use the Filter by options on the left-hand side to filter the available actions according to your preferences.

Click the settings icon in the right-hand corner of the screen to alternate between card and list view, according to your preferences.


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