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Updating the vCenter or AWS Credentials

Updating the vCenter or AWS Credentials - Application Migration Service
このページはお客様の言語に翻訳されていません。 翻訳のリクエスト

Users who want to change the vCenter or AWS credentials used by the Application Migration Service appliance should follow these steps. This change requires root privileges on the appliance:

  1. In the command prompt, navigate to the aws-vcenter-client directory:

    cd /var/lib/aws-vcenter-client/1.1.8/

  2. Run the vCenter configuration update tool with the following command:

    sudo ./vcenter_configuration_update

  3. When running the vCenter configuration update tool, you will be prompted to provide the necessary credentials. Follow these steps to update the credentials. Provide the required info in each field and then press Enter:

    • New vCenter username (--new-vcenter-username)

    • New vCenter password (--new-vcenter-password)

    • New AWS Secret Key ID (--new-aws-access-key-id)

    • New AWS Secret Access Key (--new-aws-secret-access-key)

    • New path to the CA (optional) (--new-ca-path)

  4. If you do not provide the `--new-ca-path` flag, the tool will first ask if you want to update the CA path. If you answer yes, it will prompt you for the new CA path. If you answer no, the tool will use the CA path from the previous configuration. The tool will verify the new vCenter and AWS credentials by attempting to connect to vCenter and Application Migration Service using them.

  5. Upon successful connection to vCenter and Application Migration Service, the tool will save the new credentials and restart the necessary services.

  6. In case of failure to connect to vCenter or Application Migration Service, the new credentials will not be stored, and the previous configuration will be retained. The following error message will be displayed: Failed to connect to the vCenter endpoint or MGN using the new connection details. The configuration changes will not be applied.

プライバシーサイト規約Cookie の設定
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