In Amazon Macie, an allow list defines specific text or a text pattern that you want Macie to ignore when it inspects Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) objects for sensitive data. If text matches an entry or pattern in an allow list, Macie doesn’t report the text in sensitive data findings, statistics, or other types of results. This is the case even if the text matches the criteria of a managed data identifier or a custom data identifier.
You can create the following types of allow lists in Macie.
- Predefined text
Use this type of list to specify words, phrases, and other kinds of character sequences that aren’t sensitive, aren’t likely to change, and don’t necessarily adhere to a common pattern. Examples are: the names of public representatives for your organization, specific phone numbers, and specific sample data that your organization uses for testing. If you use this type of list, Macie ignores text that exactly matches an entry in the list.
For this type of list, you create a line-delimited plaintext file that lists specific text to ignore. You then store the file in an S3 bucket and configure settings for Macie to access the list in the bucket. You can then create and configure sensitive data discovery jobs to use the list, or add the list to your settings for automated sensitive data discovery. When each job starts to run or the next automated discovery analysis cycle starts, Macie retrieves the latest version of the list from Amazon S3. Macie then uses that version of the list when it inspects S3 objects for sensitive data. If Macie finds text that exactly matches an entry in the list, Macie doesn't report that occurrence of text as sensitive data.
- Regular expression
Use this type of list to specify a regular expression (regex) that defines a text pattern to ignore. Examples are: public phone numbers for your organization, email addresses for your organization’s domain, and patterned sample data that your organization uses for testing. If you use this type of list, Macie ignores text that completely matches the regex pattern defined by the list.
For this type of list, you create a regex that defines a common pattern for text that isn't sensitive but varies or is likely to change. Unlike a list of predefined text, you create and store the regex and all other list settings in Macie. You can then create and configure sensitive data discovery jobs to use the list, or add the list to your settings for automated sensitive data discovery. When those jobs run or Macie performs automated discovery, Macie uses the latest version of the list's regex to analyze data. If Macie finds text that completely matches the pattern defined by the list, Macie doesn't report that occurrence of text as sensitive data.
For detailed requirements, recommendations, and examples of each type, see Configuration options and requirements for allow lists.
You can create as many as 10 allow lists in each supported AWS Region: up to five allow lists that specify predefined text, and up to five allow lists that specify regular expressions. You can create and use allow lists in all the AWS Regions where Macie is currently available except the Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region.
To create an allow list
How you create an allow list depends on the type of list that you want to create: a file that lists predefined text to ignore, or a regular expression that defines a text pattern to ignore. The following sections provide instructions for each type. Choose the section for the type of list that you want to create.
Before you create this type of allow list in Macie, do the following:
By using a text editor, create a line-delimited plaintext file that lists specific text to ignore—for example, a .txt, .text, or .plain file. For more information, see Syntax requirements.
Upload the file to an S3 general purpose bucket and note the name of the bucket and the object. You'll need to enter these names when you configure the settings in Macie.
Ensure that the settings for the S3 bucket and object allow you and Macie to retrieve the list from the bucket. For more information, see Storage requirements.
If you encrypted the S3 object, ensure that it's encrypted with a key that you and Macie are allowed to use. For more information, see Encryption/Decryption requirements.
After you complete these tasks, you're ready to configure the list's settings in Macie. You can configure the settings by using the Amazon Macie console or the Amazon Macie API.
After you save the list's settings, you can create and configure sensitive data discovery jobs to use the list, or add the list to your settings for automated sensitive data discovery. Each time those jobs start to run or an automated discovery analysis cycle starts, Macie retrieves the latest version of the list from Amazon S3. Macie then uses that version of the list when it analyzes data.
When you create an allow list that specifies a regular expression (regex), you define the regex and all other list settings directly
in Macie. For the regex, Macie supports a subset of the pattern syntax provided by the
Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE)
You can create this type of list by using the Amazon Macie console or the Amazon Macie API.
After you save the list, you can create and configure sensitive data discovery jobs to use it, or add it to your settings for automated sensitive data discovery. When those jobs run or Macie performs automated discovery, Macie uses the latest version of the list's regex to analyze data.