Amazon Macie can detect multiple types of sensitive credentials data by using managed data identifiers. The topics on this page specify each type and provide information about the managed data identifier that's designed to detect the data. Each topic provides the following information:
Managed data identifier ID – Specifies the unique identifier (ID) for the managed data identifier that's designed to detect the data. When you create a sensitive data discovery job or configure settings for automated sensitive data discovery, you can use this ID to specify whether you want Macie to use the managed data identifier when it analyzes data.
Supported countries and regions – Indicates which countries or regions the applicable managed data identifier is designed for. If the managed data identifier isn't designed for a particular country or region, this value is Any.
Keyword required – Specifies whether detection requires a keyword to be in proximity of the data. If a keyword is required, the topic also provides examples of required keywords. For information about how Macie uses keywords when it analyzes data, see Keyword requirements.
Comments – Provides any relevant details that might affect your choice of managed data identifier or your investigation into reported occurrences of the sensitive data. The details include information such as supported standards, syntax requirements, and exceptions.
The topics are listed in alphabetical order by sensitive data type.
Sensitive data types
AWS secret access key
Managed data identifier ID: AWS_CREDENTIALS
Supported countries and regions: Any
Keyword required: Yes. Keywords include: aws_secret_access_key, credentials, secret access key, secret key, set-awscredential
Comments: Macie doesn't report occurrences of the following character
sequences, which are commonly used as fictitious examples:
Google Cloud API key
Managed data identifier ID: GCP_API_KEY
Supported countries and regions: Any
Keyword required: Yes. Keywords include: G_PLACES_KEY, GCP api key, GCP key, google cloud key, google-api-key, google-cloud-apikeys, GOOGLEKEY, X-goog-api-key
Comments: Macie can detect only the string (keyString
component of a Google Cloud API key. Support doesn't include detection of the ID or display name
component of a Google Cloud API key.
HTTP Basic Authorization header
Managed data identifier ID: HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_HEADER
Supported countries and regions: Any
Keyword required: No
Comments: Detection requires a complete header, including the field name
and authentication scheme directive, as specified by RFC 7617Authorization:
Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
and Proxy-Authorization: Basic
JSON Web Token (JWT)
Managed data identifier ID: JSON_WEB_TOKEN
Supported countries and regions: Any
Keyword required: No
Comments: Macie can detect JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) that comply with the
requirements specified by RFC 7519
OpenSSH private key
Managed data identifier ID: OPENSSH_PRIVATE_KEY
Supported countries and regions: Any
Keyword required: No
Comments: None
PGP private key
Managed data identifier ID: PGP_PRIVATE_KEY
Supported countries and regions: Any
Keyword required: No
Comments: None
Public-Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) private
Managed data identifier ID: PKCS
Supported countries and regions: Any
Keyword required: No
Comments: None
PuTTY private key
Managed data identifier ID: PUTTY_PRIVATE_KEY
Supported countries and regions: Any
Keyword required: No
Comments: Macie can detect PuTTY private keys that use the following
standard headers and header sequence: PuTTY-User-Key-File
, Encryption
, Public-Lines
, Private-Lines
, and
. The header values can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens
), and newline characters (\n
or \r
and Private-Lines
values can also contain forward slashes
), plus signs (+
), and equal signs (=
values can also contain plus signs (+
). Support doesn’t
include detection of private keys with header values that contain other characters, such as
spaces or underscores (_
). Support also doesn’t include detection of private keys
that include custom headers.
Stripe API key
Managed data identifier ID: STRIPE_CREDENTIALS
Supported countries and regions: Any
Keyword required: No
Comments: Macie doesn't report occurrences of the following character
sequences, which are commonly used in Stripe code examples: