Deleting an allow list - Amazon Macie

Deleting an allow list

When you delete an allow list in Amazon Macie, you permanently delete all the list's settings. These settings can't be recovered after they're deleted. If the settings specify a list of predefined text that you store in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Macie doesn't delete the S3 object that stores the list. Only the settings in Macie are deleted.

If you configure sensitive data discovery jobs to use an allow list that you subsequently delete, the jobs will run as scheduled. However, your job results, both sensitive data findings and sensitive data discovery results, might report text that you previously specified in the allow list. Similarly, if you configure automated sensitive data discovery to use a list that you subsequently delete, daily analyses cycles will proceed. However, sensitive data findings, statistics, and other types of results might report text that you previously specified in the allow list.

Before you delete an allow list, we recommend that you review your job inventory to identify jobs that use the list and are scheduled to run in the future. In the inventory, the details panel indicates whether a job is configured to use any allow lists and, if so, which ones. We recommend that you also check your settings for automated sensitive data discovery. You might determine that it's best to change a list instead of deleting it.

As an additional safeguard, Macie checks the settings for all of your jobs when you try to delete an allow list. If you configured jobs to use the list and any of those jobs have a status other than Complete or Cancelled, Macie doesn't delete the list unless you provide additional confirmation.

To delete an allow list

You can delete an allow list by using the Amazon Macie console or the Amazon Macie API.


Follow these steps to delete an allow list by using the Amazon Macie console.

To delete an allow list by using the console
  1. Open the Amazon Macie console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Settings, choose Allow lists.

  3. On the Allow lists page, select the checkbox for the allow list that you want to delete.

  4. On the Actions menu, choose Delete.

  5. When prompted for confirmation, enter delete, and then choose Delete.


To delete an allow list programmatically, use the DeleteAllowList operation of the Amazon Macie API. For the id parameter, specify the unique identifier for the allow list to delete. You can get this identifier by using the ListAllowLists operation. The ListAllowLists operation retrieves information about all the allow lists for your account. If you're using the AWS CLI, you can run the list-allow-lists command to retrieve this information.

For the ignoreJobChecks parameter, specify whether to force deletion of the list, even if sensitive data discovery jobs are configured to use the list:

  • If you specify false, Macie checks the settings for all of your jobs that have a status other than COMPLETE or CANCELLED. If none of those jobs are configured to use the list, Macie deletes the list permanently. If any of those jobs are configured to use the list, Macie rejects your request and returns an HTTP 400 (ValidationException) error. The error message indicates the number of applicable jobs for up to 200 jobs.

  • If you specify true, Macie deletes the list permanently without checking the settings for any of your jobs.

To delete an allow list by using the AWS CLI, run the delete-allow-list command. For example:

C:\> aws macie2 delete-allow-list --id nkr81bmtu2542yyexample --ignore-job-checks false

Where nkr81bmtu2542yyexample is the unique identifier for the allow list to delete.

If your request succeeds, Macie returns an empty HTTP 200 response. Otherwise, Macie returns an HTTP 4xx or 500 response that indicates why the operation failed.

If the allow list specified predefined text, you can optionally delete the S3 object that stores the list. However, keeping this object can help ensure that you have an immutable history of sensitive data findings and discovery results for data privacy and protection audits or investigations.