Schema for reporting the location of sensitive data - Amazon Macie

Schema for reporting the location of sensitive data

Amazon Macie uses standardized JSON structures to store information about where it finds sensitive data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) objects. The structures are used by sensitive data findings and sensitive data discovery results. For sensitive data findings, the structures are part of the JSON schema for findings. To review the complete JSON schema for findings, see Findings in the Amazon Macie API Reference. To learn more about sensitive data discovery results, see Storing and retaining sensitive data discovery results.

Schema overview

To report the location of sensitive data that Amazon Macie found in an affected S3 object, the JSON schema for sensitive data findings and sensitive data discovery results includes one customDataIdentifiers object and one sensitiveData object. The customDataIdentifiers object provides details about data that Macie detected using custom data identifiers. The sensitiveData object provides details about data that Macie detected using managed data identifiers.

Each customDataIdentifiers and sensitiveData object contains one or more detections arrays:

  • In a customDataIdentifiers object, the detections array indicates which custom data identifiers detected the data and produced the finding. For each custom data identifier, the array also indicates the number of occurrences of the data that the identifier detected. It can also indicate the location of the data that the identifier detected.

  • In a sensitiveData object, a detections array indicates the types of sensitive data that Macie detected using managed data identifiers. For each type of sensitive data, the array also indicates the number of occurrences of the data, and it can indicate the location of the data.

For a sensitive data finding, a detections array can include 1–15 occurrences objects. Each occurrences object specifies where Macie detected individual occurrences of a specific type of sensitive data.

For example, the following detections array indicates the location of three occurrences of sensitive data (US Social Security numbers) that Macie found in a CSV file.

"sensitiveData": [ { "category": "PERSONAL_INFORMATION", "detections": [ { "count": 30, "occurrences": { "cells": [ { "cellReference": null, "column": 1, "columnName": "SSN", "row": 2 }, { "cellReference": null, "column": 1, "columnName": "SSN", "row": 3 }, { "cellReference": null, "column": 1, "columnName": "SSN", "row": 4 } ] }, "type": "USA_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER" }

The location and number of occurrences objects in a detections array varies based on the categories, types, and number of occurrences of sensitive data that Macie detects during an automated sensitive data discovery analysis cycle or a run of a sensitive data discovery job. For each analysis cycle or job run, Macie uses a depth-first search algorithm to populate the resulting findings with location data for 1–15 occurrences of sensitive data that Macie detects in S3 objects. These occurrences are indicative of the categories and types of sensitive data that an affected S3 bucket and object might contain.

An occurrences object can contain any the following structures, depending on an affected S3 object's file type or storage format:

  • cells array – This array applies to Microsoft Excel workbooks, CSV files, and TSV files. An object in this array specifies a cell or field that Macie detected an occurrence of sensitive data in.

  • lineRanges array – This array applies to email message (EML) files, and non-binary text files other than CSV, JSON, JSON Lines, and TSV files—for example, HTML, TXT, and XML files. An object in this array specifies a line or an inclusive range of lines that Macie detected an occurrence of sensitive data in, and the position of the data on the specified line or lines.

    In certain cases, an object in a lineRanges array specifies the location of a sensitive data detection in a file type or storage format that's supported by another type of array. Those cases are: a detection in an unstructured section of an otherwise structured file, such as a comment in a file; a detection in a malformed file that Macie analyzes as plaintext; and, a CSV or TSV file that has one or more column names that Macie detected sensitive data in.

  • offsetRanges array – This array is reserved for future use. If this array is present, the value for it is null.

  • pages array – This array applies to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. An object in this array specifies a page that Macie detected an occurrence of sensitive data in.

  • records array – This array applies to Apache Avro object containers, Apache Parquet files, JSON files, and JSON Lines files. For Avro object containers and Parquet files, an object in this array specifies a record index and the path to a field in a record that Macie detected an occurrence of sensitive data in. For JSON and JSON Lines files, an object in this array specifies the path to a field or array that Macie detected an occurrence of sensitive data in. For JSON Lines files, it also specifies the index of the line that contains the data.

The contents of these arrays vary based on an affected S3 object's file type or storage format and its contents.

Schema details and examples

Amazon Macie tailors the contents of the JSON structures that it uses to indicate where it detected sensitive data in specific types of files and content. The following topics explain and provide examples of these structures.

For a complete list of JSON structures that can be included in a sensitive data finding, see Findings in the Amazon Macie API Reference.

Cells array

Applies to: Microsoft Excel workbooks, CSV files, and TSV files

In a cells array, a Cell object specifies a cell or field that Macie detected an occurrence of sensitive data in. The following table describes the purpose of each field in a Cell object.

Field Type Description
cellReference String The location of the cell, as an absolute cell reference, that contains the occurrence. This field applies only to Excel workbooks. This value is null for CSV and TSV files.
column Integer The column number of the column that contains the occurrence. For an Excel workbook, this value correlates to the alphabetical character(s) for a column identifier—for example, 1 for column A, 2 for column B, and so on.
columnName String The name of the column that contains the occurrence, if available.
row Integer The row number of the row that contains the occurrence.

The following example shows the structure of a Cell object that specifies the location of an occurrence of sensitive data that Macie detected in a CSV file.

"cells": [ { "cellReference": null, "column": 3, "columnName": "SSN", "row": 5 } ]

In the preceding example, the finding indicates that Macie detected sensitive data in the field in the fifth row of the third column (named SSN) of the file.

The following example shows the structure of a Cell object that specifies the location of an occurrence of sensitive data that Macie detected in an Excel workbook.

"cells": [ { "cellReference": "Sheet2!C5", "column": 3, "columnName": "SSN", "row": 5 } ]

In the preceding example, the finding indicates that Macie detected sensitive data in the worksheet named Sheet2 in the workbook. In that worksheet, Macie detected sensitive data in the cell in the fifth row of the third column (column C, named SSN).

LineRanges array

Applies to: Email message (EML) files, and non-binary text files other than CSV, JSON, JSON Lines, and TSV files—for example, HTML, TXT, and XML files

In a lineRanges array, a Range object specifies a line or an inclusive range of lines that Macie detected an occurrence of sensitive data in, and the position of the data on the specified line or lines.

This object is often empty for file types that are supported by other types of arrays in occurrences objects. Exceptions are:

  • Data in unstructured sections of an otherwise structured file, such as a comment in a file.

  • Data in a malformed file that Macie analyzes as plaintext.

  • A CSV or TSV file that has one or more column names that Macie detected sensitive data in.

The following table describes the purpose of each field in a Range object of a lineRanges array.

Field Type Description
end Integer The number of lines from the beginning of the file to the end of the occurrence.
start Integer The number of lines from the beginning of the file to the beginning of the occurrence.
startColumn Integer The number of characters, with spaces and starting from 1, from the beginning of the first line that contains the occurrence (start) to the beginning of the occurrence.

The following example shows the structure of a Range object that specifies the location of an occurrence of sensitive data that Macie detected on a single line in a TXT file.

"lineRanges": [ { "end": 1, "start": 1, "startColumn": 119 } ]

In the preceding example, the finding indicates that Macie detected a complete occurrence of sensitive data (a mailing address) in the first line of the file. The first character in the occurrence is 119 characters (with spaces) from the beginning of that line.

The following example shows the structure of a Range object that specifies the location of an occurrence of sensitive data that spans multiple lines in a TXT file.

"lineRanges": [ { "end": 54, "start": 51, "startColumn": 1 } ]

In the preceding example, the finding indicates that Macie detected an occurrence of sensitive data (a mailing address) spanning lines 51 through 54 of the file. The first character in the occurrence is the first character on line 51 of the file.

Pages array

Applies to: Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files

In a pages array, a Page object specifies a page that Macie detected an occurrence of sensitive data in. The object contains a pageNumber field. The pageNumber field stores an integer that specifies the page number of the page that contains the occurrence.

The following example shows the structure of a Page object that specifies the location of an occurrence of sensitive data that Macie detected in a PDF file.

"pages": [ { "pageNumber": 10 } ]

In the preceding example, the finding indicates that page 10 of the file contains the occurrence.

Records array

Applies to: Apache Avro object containers, Apache Parquet files, JSON files, and JSON Lines files

For an Avro object container or a Parquet file, a Record object in a records array specifies a record index and the path to a field in a record that Macie detected an occurrence of sensitive data in. For JSON and JSON Lines files, a Record object specifies the path to a field or array that Macie detected an occurrence of sensitive data in. For JSON Lines files, it also specifies the index of the line that contains the occurrence.

The following table describes the purpose of each field in a Record object.

Field Type Description
jsonPath String

The path, as a JSONPath expression, to the occurrence.

For an Avro object container or a Parquet file, this is the path to the field in the record (recordIndex) that contains the occurrence. For a JSON or JSON Lines file, this is the path to the field or array that contains the occurrence. If the data is a value in an array, the path also indicates which value contains the occurrence.

If Macie detects sensitive data in the name of any element in the path, Macie omits the jsonPath field from a Record object. If the name of a path element exceeds 240 characters, Macie truncates the name by removing characters from the beginning of the name. If the resulting full path exceeds 250 characters, Macie also truncates the path, starting with the first element in the path, until the path contains 250 or fewer characters.

recordIndex Integer For an Avro object container or a Parquet file, the record index, starting from 0, for the record that contains the occurrence. For a JSON Lines file, the line index, starting from 0, for the line that contains the occurrence. This value is always 0 for JSON files.

The following example shows the structure of a Record object that specifies the location of an occurrence of sensitive data that Macie detected in a Parquet file.

"records": [ { "jsonPath": "$['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz']", "recordIndex": 7663 } ]

In the preceding example, the finding indicates that Macie detected sensitive data in the record of index 7663 (record number 7664). In that record, Macie detected sensitive data in the field named abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. The full JSON path to the field in the record is $.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. The field is a direct descendant of the root (outer-level) object.

The following example also shows the structure of a Record object for an occurrence of sensitive data that Macie detected in a Parquet file. However, in this example, Macie truncated the name of the field that contains the occurrence because the name exceeds the character limit.

"records": [ { "jsonPath": "$['...uvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz']", "recordIndex": 7663 } ]

In the preceding example, the field is a direct descendant of the root (outer-level) object.

In the following example, also for an occurrence of sensitive data that Macie detected in a Parquet file, Macie truncated the full path to the field that contains the occurrence. The full path exceeds the character limit.

"records": [ { "jsonPath": "$..usssn2.usssn3.usssn4.usssn5.usssn6.usssn7.usssn8.usssn9.usssn10.usssn11.usssn12.usssn13.usssn14.usssn15.usssn16.usssn17.usssn18.usssn19.usssn20.usssn21.usssn22.usssn23.usssn24.usssn25.usssn26.usssn27.usssn28.usssn29['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz']", "recordIndex": 2335 } ]

In the preceding example, the finding indicates that Macie detected sensitive data in the record of index 2335 (record number 2336). In that record, Macie detected sensitive data in the field named abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. The full JSON path to the field in the record is:


The following example shows the structure of a Record object that specifies the location of an occurrence of sensitive data that Macie detected in a JSON file. In this example, the occurrence is a specific value in an array.

"records": [ { "jsonPath": "$.access.key[2]", "recordIndex": 0 } ]

In the preceding example, the finding indicates that Macie detected sensitive data in the second value of an array named key. The array is a child of an object named access.

The following example shows the structure of a Record object that specifies the location of an occurrence of sensitive data that Macie detected in a JSON Lines file.

"records": [ { "jsonPath": "$.access.key", "recordIndex": 3 } ]

In the preceding example, the finding indicates that Macie detected sensitive data in the third value (line) in the file. In that line, the occurrence is in a field named key, which is a child of an object named access.