调整环境使用的 Amazon EBS 卷大小 - AWS Cloud9

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调整环境使用的 Amazon EBS 卷大小

此步骤说明如何调整 Amazon EBS 卷大小。

  1. 为您要调整大小的亚马逊 EBS 卷打开与亚马逊 EC2 实例关联的环境。

  2. 在环境的 AWS Cloud9 IDE 中,创建一个包含以下内容的文件,然后使用扩展名保存该文件.sh(例如,resize.sh)。


    此脚本适用于与运行 AL2 023、亚马逊 Linux 2、亚马逊 Linux 或 EC2 Ubuntu 服务器和已配置为使用 IMDSv2。

    该脚本还会调整作为 NVMe 区块设备公开的 Amazon EBS 卷的大小 Nitro基于的实例。有关基于 Nitro 系统的实例列表,请参阅 NitroAmazon EC2 用户指南中的基于实例的实例。

    #!/bin/bash # Specify the desired volume size in GiB as a command line argument. If not specified, default to 20 GiB. SIZE=${1:-20} # Get the ID of the environment host Amazon EC2 instance. TOKEN=$(curl -s -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 60") INSTANCEID=$(curl -s -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" -v 2> /dev/null) REGION=$(curl -s -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" -v 2> /dev/null) # Get the ID of the Amazon EBS volume associated with the instance. VOLUMEID=$(aws ec2 describe-instances \ --instance-id $INSTANCEID \ --query "Reservations[0].Instances[0].BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.VolumeId" \ --output text \ --region $REGION) # Resize the EBS volume. aws ec2 modify-volume --volume-id $VOLUMEID --size $SIZE # Wait for the resize to finish. while [ \ "$(aws ec2 describe-volumes-modifications \ --volume-id $VOLUMEID \ --filters Name=modification-state,Values="optimizing","completed" \ --query "length(VolumesModifications)"\ --output text)" != "1" ]; do sleep 1 done # Check if we're on an NVMe filesystem if [[ -e "/dev/xvda" && $(readlink -f /dev/xvda) = "/dev/xvda" ]] then # Rewrite the partition table so that the partition takes up all the space that it can. sudo growpart /dev/xvda 1 # Expand the size of the file system. # Check if we're on AL2 or AL2023 STR=$(cat /etc/os-release) SUBAL2="VERSION_ID=\"2\"" SUBAL2023="VERSION_ID=\"2023\"" if [[ "$STR" == *"$SUBAL2"* || "$STR" == *"$SUBAL2023"* ]] then sudo xfs_growfs -d / else sudo resize2fs /dev/xvda1 fi else # Rewrite the partition table so that the partition takes up all the space that it can. sudo growpart /dev/nvme0n1 1 # Expand the size of the file system. # Check if we're on AL2 or AL2023 STR=$(cat /etc/os-release) SUBAL2="VERSION_ID=\"2\"" SUBAL2023="VERSION_ID=\"2023\"" if [[ "$STR" == *"$SUBAL2"* || "$STR" == *"$SUBAL2023"* ]] then sudo xfs_growfs -d / else sudo resize2fs /dev/nvme0n1p1 fi fi
  3. 从 IDE 中的终端会话中,切换到包含 resize.sh 文件的目录。然后,运行以下任一命令,同时将 20 替换为要将 Amazon EBS 卷调整至的期望大小(以 GiB 为单位):

    • bash resize.sh 20
    • chmod +x resize.sh ./resize.sh 20