@aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha module
Language | Package |
![]() | Amazon.CDK.AWS.IoT.Actions.Alpha |
![]() | github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdkiotactionsalpha/v2 |
![]() | software.amazon.awscdk.services.iot.actions.alpha |
![]() | aws_cdk.aws_iot_actions_alpha |
![]() | @aws-cdk/aws-iot-actions-alpha |
Actions for AWS IoT Rule
The APIs of higher level constructs in this module are experimental and under active development. They are subject to non-backward compatible changes or removal in any future version. These are not subject to the Semantic Versioning model and breaking changes will be announced in the release notes. This means that while you may use them, you may need to update your source code when upgrading to a newer version of this package.
This library contains integration classes to send data to any number of
supported AWS Services. Instances of these classes should be passed to
defined in aws-cdk-lib/aws-iot
Currently supported are:
- Republish a message to another MQTT topic
- Invoke a Lambda function
- Put objects to a S3 bucket
- Put logs to CloudWatch Logs
- Capture CloudWatch metrics
- Change state for a CloudWatch alarm
- Put records to Kinesis Data stream
- Put records to Amazon Data Firehose stream
- Send messages to SQS queues
- Publish messages on SNS topics
- Write messages into columns of DynamoDB
- Put messages IoT Events input
- Send messages to HTTPS endpoints
Republish a message to another MQTT topic
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that republish a message to another MQTT topic when it is triggered.
new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT topic(2) as device_id, timestamp() as timestamp, temperature FROM 'device/+/data'"),
actions: [
new actions.IotRepublishMqttAction('${topic()}/republish', {
qualityOfService: actions.MqttQualityOfService.AT_LEAST_ONCE, // optional property, default is MqttQualityOfService.ZERO_OR_MORE_TIMES
Invoke a Lambda function
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that invoke a Lambda function when it is triggered.
const func = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {
runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_LATEST,
handler: 'index.handler',
code: lambda.Code.fromInline(`
exports.handler = (event) => {
console.log("It is test for lambda action of AWS IoT Rule.", event);
new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT topic(2) as device_id, timestamp() as timestamp, temperature FROM 'device/+/data'"),
actions: [new actions.LambdaFunctionAction(func)],
Put objects to a S3 bucket
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that puts objects to a S3 bucket when it is triggered.
const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');
new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT topic(2) as device_id FROM 'device/+/data'"),
actions: [new actions.S3PutObjectAction(bucket)],
The property key
of S3PutObjectAction
is given the value ${topic()}/${timestamp()}
by default. This ${topic()}
and ${timestamp()}
is called Substitution templates. For more information see
this documentation.
In above sample, ${topic()}
is replaced by a given MQTT topic as device/001/data
. And ${timestamp()}
is replaced
by the number of the current timestamp in milliseconds as 1636289461203
. So if the MQTT broker receives an MQTT topic
on 2021-11-07T00:00:00.000Z
, the S3 bucket object will be put to device/001/data/1636243200000
You can also set specific key
as following:
const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');
new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323(
"SELECT topic(2) as device_id, year, month, day FROM 'device/+/data'",
actions: [
new actions.S3PutObjectAction(bucket, {
key: '${year}/${month}/${day}/${topic(2)}',
If you wanna set access control to the S3 bucket object, you can specify accessControl
as following:
const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');
new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT * FROM 'device/+/data'"),
actions: [
new actions.S3PutObjectAction(bucket, {
accessControl: s3.BucketAccessControl.PUBLIC_READ,
Put logs to CloudWatch Logs
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that puts logs to CloudWatch Logs when it is triggered.
import * as logs from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-logs';
const logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'MyLogGroup');
new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT topic(2) as device_id FROM 'device/+/data'"),
actions: [new actions.CloudWatchLogsAction(logGroup)],
Capture CloudWatch metrics
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that capture CloudWatch metrics when it is triggered.
const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323(
"SELECT topic(2) as device_id, namespace, unit, value, timestamp FROM 'device/+/data'",
actions: [
new actions.CloudWatchPutMetricAction({
metricName: '${topic(2)}',
metricNamespace: '${namespace}',
metricUnit: '${unit}',
metricValue: '${value}',
metricTimestamp: '${timestamp}',
Start Step Functions State Machine
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that starts a Step Functions State Machine when it is triggered.
const stateMachine = new stepfunctions.StateMachine(this, 'SM', {
definitionBody: stepfunctions.DefinitionBody.fromChainable(new stepfunctions.Wait(this, 'Hello', { time: stepfunctions.WaitTime.duration(Duration.seconds(10)) })),
new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT * FROM 'device/+/data'"),
actions: [
new actions.StepFunctionsStateMachineAction(stateMachine),
Change the state of an Amazon CloudWatch alarm
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that changes the state of an Amazon CloudWatch alarm when it is triggered:
import * as cloudwatch from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch';
const metric = new cloudwatch.Metric({
namespace: 'MyNamespace',
metricName: 'MyMetric',
dimensionsMap: { MyDimension: 'MyDimensionValue' },
const alarm = new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'MyAlarm', {
metric: metric,
threshold: 100,
evaluationPeriods: 3,
datapointsToAlarm: 2,
const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT topic(2) as device_id FROM 'device/+/data'"),
actions: [
new actions.CloudWatchSetAlarmStateAction(alarm, {
reason: 'AWS Iot Rule action is triggered',
alarmStateToSet: cloudwatch.AlarmState.ALARM,
Put records to Kinesis Data stream
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that puts records to Kinesis Data stream when it is triggered.
import * as kinesis from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-kinesis';
const stream = new kinesis.Stream(this, 'MyStream');
const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT * FROM 'device/+/data'"),
actions: [
new actions.KinesisPutRecordAction(stream, {
partitionKey: '${newuuid()}',
Put records to Amazon Data Firehose stream
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that puts records to Put records to Amazon Data Firehose stream when it is triggered.
import * as firehose from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-kinesisfirehose';
const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');
const stream = new firehose.DeliveryStream(this, 'MyStream', {
destination: new firehose.S3Bucket(bucket),
const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323("SELECT * FROM 'device/+/data'"),
actions: [
new actions.FirehosePutRecordAction(stream, {
batchMode: true,
recordSeparator: actions.FirehoseRecordSeparator.NEWLINE,
Send messages to an SQS queue
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that send messages to an SQS queue when it is triggered:
import * as sqs from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-sqs';
const queue = new sqs.Queue(this, 'MyQueue');
const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323(
"SELECT topic(2) as device_id, year, month, day FROM 'device/+/data'",
actions: [
new actions.SqsQueueAction(queue, {
useBase64: true, // optional property, default is 'false'
Publish messages on an SNS topic
The code snippet below creates and AWS IoT Rule that publishes messages to an SNS topic when it is triggered:
import * as sns from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-sns';
const topic = new sns.Topic(this, 'MyTopic');
const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323(
"SELECT topic(2) as device_id, year, month, day FROM 'device/+/data'",
actions: [
new actions.SnsTopicAction(topic, {
messageFormat: actions.SnsActionMessageFormat.JSON, // optional property, default is SnsActionMessageFormat.RAW
Write attributes of a message to DynamoDB
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT rule that writes all or part of an MQTT message to DynamoDB using the DynamoDBv2 action.
import * as dynamodb from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-dynamodb';
declare const table: dynamodb.Table;
const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323(
"SELECT * FROM 'device/+/data'",
actions: [
new actions.DynamoDBv2PutItemAction(table)
Put messages IoT Events input
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that puts messages to an IoT Events input when it is triggered:
import * as iotevents from '@aws-cdk/aws-iotevents-alpha';
import * as iam from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam';
declare const role: iam.IRole;
const input = new iotevents.Input(this, 'MyInput', {
attributeJsonPaths: ['payload.temperature', 'payload.transactionId'],
const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323(
"SELECT * FROM 'device/+/data'",
actions: [
new actions.IotEventsPutMessageAction(input, {
batchMode: true, // optional property, default is 'false'
messageId: '${payload.transactionId}', // optional property, default is a new UUID
role: role, // optional property, default is a new UUID
Send Messages to HTTPS Endpoints
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that sends messages to an HTTPS endpoint when it is triggered:
const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323(
"SELECT topic(2) as device_id, year, month, day FROM 'device/+/data'",
new actions.HttpsAction('https://example.com/endpoint', {
confirmationUrl: 'https://example.com',
headers: [
{ key: 'key0', value: 'value0' },
{ key: 'key1', value: 'value1' },
auth: { serviceName: 'serviceName', signingRegion: 'us-east-1' },
Write Data to Open Search Service
The code snippet below creates an AWS IoT Rule that writes data to an Open Search Service when it is triggered:
import * as opensearch from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-opensearchservice';
declare const domain: opensearch.Domain;
const topicRule = new iot.TopicRule(this, 'TopicRule', {
sql: iot.IotSql.fromStringAsVer20160323(
"SELECT topic(2) as device_id, year, month, day FROM 'device/+/data'",
topicRule.addAction(new actions.OpenSearchAction(domain, {
id: 'my-id',
index: 'my-index',
type: 'my-type',