
class aws_cdk.assertions.Template(*args: Any, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Suite of assertions that can be run on a CDK stack.

Typically used, as part of unit tests, to validate that the rendered CloudFormation template has expected resources and properties.


nofixture infused


from aws_cdk import Stack
from aws_cdk.assertions import Template

stack = Stack()
# ...
template = Template.from_stack(stack)


all_resources(type, props)

Assert that all resources of the given type contain the given definition in the CloudFormation template.

By default, performs partial matching on the resource, via the Match.objectLike(). To configure different behavior, use other matchers in the Match class.

  • type (str) – the resource type; ex: AWS::S3::Bucket

  • props (Any) – the entire definition of the resources as they should be expected in the template.

Return type:


all_resources_properties(type, props)

Assert that all resources of the given type contain the given properties CloudFormation template.

By default, performs partial matching on the Properties key of the resource, via the Match.objectLike(). To configure different behavior, use other matchers in the Match class.

  • type (str) – the resource type; ex: AWS::S3::Bucket

  • props (Any) – the ‘Properties’ section of the resource as should be expected in the template.

Return type:


find_conditions(logical_id, props=None)

Get the set of matching Conditions that match the given properties in the CloudFormation template.

  • logical_id (str) – the name of the condition, provide '*' to match all conditions in the template.

  • props (Any) – by default, matches all Conditions in the template. When a literal object is provided, performs a partial match via Match.objectLike(). Use the Match APIs to configure a different behaviour.

Return type:

Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]

find_mappings(logical_id, props=None)

Get the set of matching Mappings that match the given properties in the CloudFormation template.

  • logical_id (str) – the name of the mapping, provide '*' to match all mappings in the template.

  • props (Any) – by default, matches all Mappings in the template. When a literal object is provided, performs a partial match via Match.objectLike(). Use the Match APIs to configure a different behaviour.

Return type:

Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]

find_outputs(logical_id, props=None)

Get the set of matching Outputs that match the given properties in the CloudFormation template.

  • logical_id (str) – the name of the output, provide '*' to match all outputs in the template.

  • props (Any) – by default, matches all Outputs in the template. When a literal object is provided, performs a partial match via Match.objectLike(). Use the Match APIs to configure a different behaviour.

Return type:

Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]

find_parameters(logical_id, props=None)

Get the set of matching Parameters that match the given properties in the CloudFormation template.

  • logical_id (str) – the name of the parameter, provide '*' to match all parameters in the template.

  • props (Any) – by default, matches all Parameters in the template. When a literal object is provided, performs a partial match via Match.objectLike(). Use the Match APIs to configure a different behaviour.

Return type:

Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]

find_resources(type, props=None)

Get the set of matching resources of a given type and properties in the CloudFormation template.

  • type (str) – the type to match in the CloudFormation template.

  • props (Any) – by default, matches all resources with the given type. When a literal is provided, performs a partial match via Match.objectLike(). Use the Match APIs to configure a different behaviour.

Return type:

Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]

get_resource_id(type, props=None)

Get the Resource ID of a matching resource, expects only to find one match.

Throws AssertionError if none or multiple resources were found.

  • type (str) – the resource type; ex: AWS::S3::Bucket

  • props (Any) – by default, matches all resources with the given type.

Return type:



The resource id of the matched resource. Performs a partial match via Match.objectLike().

has_condition(logical_id, props)

Assert that a Condition with the given properties exists in the CloudFormation template.

By default, performs partial matching on the resource, via the Match.objectLike(). To configure different behavior, use other matchers in the Match class.

  • logical_id (str) – the name of the mapping, provide '*' to match all conditions in the template.

  • props (Any) – the output as should be expected in the template.

Return type:


has_mapping(logical_id, props)

Assert that a Mapping with the given properties exists in the CloudFormation template.

By default, performs partial matching on the resource, via the Match.objectLike(). To configure different behavior, use other matchers in the Match class.

  • logical_id (str) – the name of the mapping, provide '*' to match all mappings in the template.

  • props (Any) – the output as should be expected in the template.

Return type:


has_output(logical_id, props)

Assert that an Output with the given properties exists in the CloudFormation template.

By default, performs partial matching on the resource, via the Match.objectLike(). To configure different behavior, use other matchers in the Match class.

  • logical_id (str) – the name of the output, provide '*' to match all outputs in the template.

  • props (Any) – the output as should be expected in the template.

Return type:


has_parameter(logical_id, props)

Assert that a Parameter with the given properties exists in the CloudFormation template.

By default, performs partial matching on the parameter, via the Match.objectLike(). To configure different behavior, use other matchers in the Match class.

  • logical_id (str) – the name of the parameter, provide '*' to match all parameters in the template.

  • props (Any) – the parameter as should be expected in the template.

Return type:


has_resource(type, props)

Assert that a resource of the given type and given definition exists in the CloudFormation template.

By default, performs partial matching on the resource, via the Match.objectLike(). To configure different behavior, use other matchers in the Match class.

  • type (str) – the resource type; ex: AWS::S3::Bucket

  • props (Any) – the entire definition of the resource as should be expected in the template.

Return type:


has_resource_properties(type, props)

Assert that a resource of the given type and properties exists in the CloudFormation template.

By default, performs partial matching on the Properties key of the resource, via the Match.objectLike(). To configure different behavior, use other matchers in the Match class.

  • type (str) – the resource type; ex: AWS::S3::Bucket

  • props (Any) – the ‘Properties’ section of the resource as should be expected in the template.

Return type:


resource_count_is(type, count)

Assert that the given number of resources of the given type exist in the template.

  • type (str) – the resource type; ex: AWS::S3::Bucket

  • count (Union[int, float]) – number of expected instances.

Return type:


resource_properties_count_is(type, props, count)

Assert that the given number of resources of the given type and properties exists in the CloudFormation template.

  • type (str) – the resource type; ex: AWS::S3::Bucket

  • props (Any) – the ‘Properties’ section of the resource as should be expected in the template.

  • count (Union[int, float]) – number of expected instances.

Return type:



Assert that the CloudFormation template matches the given value.


expected (Any) – the expected CloudFormation template as key-value pairs.

Return type:



The CloudFormation template deserialized into an object.

Return type:

Mapping[str, Any]

Static Methods

classmethod from_json(template, *, skip_cyclical_dependencies_check=None)

Base your assertions from an existing CloudFormation template formatted as an in-memory JSON object.

  • template (Mapping[str, Any]) – the CloudFormation template formatted as a nested set of records.

  • skip_cyclical_dependencies_check (Optional[bool]) – If set to true, will skip checking for cyclical / circular dependencies. Should be set to false other than for templates that are valid despite containing cycles, such as unprocessed transform stacks. Default: false

Return type:


classmethod from_stack(stack, *, skip_cyclical_dependencies_check=None)

Base your assertions on the CloudFormation template synthesized by a CDK Stack.

  • stack (Stack) – the CDK Stack to run assertions on.

  • skip_cyclical_dependencies_check (Optional[bool]) – If set to true, will skip checking for cyclical / circular dependencies. Should be set to false other than for templates that are valid despite containing cycles, such as unprocessed transform stacks. Default: false

Return type:


classmethod from_string(template, *, skip_cyclical_dependencies_check=None)

Base your assertions from an existing CloudFormation template formatted as a JSON string.

  • template (str) – the CloudFormation template in.

  • skip_cyclical_dependencies_check (Optional[bool]) – If set to true, will skip checking for cyclical / circular dependencies. Should be set to false other than for templates that are valid despite containing cycles, such as unprocessed transform stacks. Default: false

Return type:
