Amazon Lambda Node.js Library
This library provides constructs for Node.js Lambda functions.
Node.js Function
The NodejsFunction
construct creates a Lambda function with automatic transpiling and bundling
of TypeScript or Javascript code. This results in smaller Lambda packages that contain only the
code and dependencies needed to run the function.
It uses esbuild under the hood.
Reference project architecture
The NodejsFunction
allows you to define your CDK and runtime dependencies in a single
package.json and to collocate your runtime code with your infrastructure code:
├── lib
│ ├── my-construct.api.ts # Lambda handler for API
│ ├── my-construct.auth.ts # Lambda handler for Auth
│ └── my-construct.ts # CDK construct with two Lambda functions
├── package-lock.json # single lock file
├── package.json # CDK and runtime dependencies defined in a single package.json
└── tsconfig.json
By default, the construct will use the name of the defining file and the construct’s
id to look up the entry file. In my-construct.ts
above we have:
# automatic entry look up
api_handler = nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "api")
auth_handler = nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "auth")
Alternatively, an entry file and handler can be specified:
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "MyFunction",
entry="/path/to/my/file.ts", # accepts .js, .jsx, .cjs, .mjs, .ts, .tsx, .cts and .mts files
The handler value will be automatically prefixed with the bundled output file name, index.
unless the handler value contains a .
character, in which case the handler value is used as-is to
allow for values needed by some Lambda extensions.
For monorepos, the reference architecture becomes:
├── packages
│ ├── cool-package
│ │ ├── lib
│ │ │ ├── cool-construct.api.ts
│ │ │ ├── cool-construct.auth.ts
│ │ │ └── cool-construct.ts
│ │ ├── package.json # CDK and runtime dependencies for cool-package
│ │ └── tsconfig.json
│ └── super-package
│ ├── lib
│ │ ├── super-construct.handler.ts
│ │ └── super-construct.ts
│ ├── package.json # CDK and runtime dependencies for super-package
│ └── tsconfig.json
├── package-lock.json # single lock file
├── package.json # root dependencies
└── tsconfig.json
Customizing the underlying Lambda function
All properties of lambda.Function
can be used to customize the underlying lambda.Function
See also the AWS Lambda construct library.
The NodejsFunction
construct automatically reuses existing connections
when working with the AWS SDK v2 for JavaScript. Set the awsSdkConnectionReuse
prop to false
to disable it.
The AWS SDK v3 for JavaScript does not include the environment variable set by awsSdkConnectionReuse
. See this guide for information about reusing connections. Therefore, for runtimes >= Node 18, which include SDK v3, the prop defaults to false
, and must be explicitly set to true
in order for the environment variable to be set.
When the @aws-cdk/aws-lambda-nodejs:useLatestRuntimeVersion
feature flag is enabled, the NODEJS_LATEST
will be used by default. This runtime will be updated to use the latest Node.js version currently available in lambda.
Since this runtime can change from version to version, you should ensure that all of your dependencies are included
during packaging and avoid relying on depdendencies being globally installed. See externals for details.
runtime make sure that all of your dependencies are included during bundling, or as layers.
Usage of globally installed packages in the lambda environment may cause your function to break in future versions. If
you need to rely on packages pre-installed in the lambda environment, you must explicitly set your runtime.
This can be set via lambda.Runtime
from aws_cdk.aws_lambda import Runtime
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-function",
With the @aws-cdk/aws-lambda-nodejs:useLatestRuntimeVersion
disabled, the runtime will default to NODEJ_16_X
Lock file
The NodejsFunction
requires a dependencies lock file (yarn.lock
, pnpm-lock.yaml
, bun.lockb
). When bundling in a Docker container, the path containing this lock file is
used as the source (/asset-input
) for the volume mounted in the container.
By default, the construct will try to automatically determine your project lock file.
Alternatively, you can specify the depsLockFilePath
prop manually. In this
case you need to ensure that this path includes entry
and any module/dependencies
used by your function. Otherwise bundling will fail.
Local bundling
If esbuild
is available it will be used to bundle your code in your environment. Otherwise,
bundling will happen in a Lambda compatible Docker container
with the Docker platform based on the target architecture of the Lambda function.
For macOS the recommended approach is to install esbuild
as Docker volume performance is really poor.
can be installed with:
$ npm install --save-dev esbuild@0
$ yarn add --dev esbuild@0
If you’re using a monorepo layout, the esbuild
dependency needs to be installed in the “root” package.json
not in the workspace. From the reference architecture described above, the esbuild
dev dependency needs to be in ./package.json
, not packages/cool-package/package.json
To force bundling in a Docker container even if esbuild
is available in your environment,
set bundling.forceDockerBundling
to true
. This is useful if your function relies on node
modules that should be installed (nodeModules
prop, see below) in a Lambda
compatible environment. This is usually the case with modules using native dependencies.
Working with modules
runtime is used, no modules are excluded from bundling by default. This is because the runtime
will change as new NodeJs versions become available in lambda, which may change what packages are vended as part of the
When passing a runtime that is known to include a version of the aws sdk, it will be excluded by default. For example, when
passing NODEJS_16_X
, aws-sdk
is excluded. When passing NODEJS_18_X
, all @aws-sdk/*
packages are excluded.
[!WARNING] The NodeJS runtime of Node 16 will be deprecated by Lambda on June 12, 2024. Lambda runtimes Node 18 and higher include SDKv3 and not SDKv2. Updating your Lambda runtime from <=Node 16 to any newer version will require bundling the SDK with your handler code, or updating all SDK calls in your handler code to use SDKv3 (which is not a trivial update). Please account for this added complexity and update as soon as possible.
This can be configured by specifying bundling.externalModules
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",
external_modules=["@aws-sdk/*", "cool-module"
Includes AWS SDK in the bundle asset by setting bundleAwsSDK
to true
. This will exclude SDK from the external module and would not be resolved to Lambda provided SDK.
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",
Install modules
By default, all node modules referenced in your Lambda code will be bundled by esbuild
Use the nodeModules
prop under bundling
to specify a list of modules that should not be
bundled but instead included in the node_modules
folder of the Lambda package. This is useful
when working with native dependencies or when esbuild
fails to bundle a module.
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",
node_modules=["native-module", "other-module"]
The modules listed in nodeModules
must be present in the package.json
’s dependencies or
installed. The same version will be used for installation. The lock file (yarn.lock
, bun.lockb
or package-lock.json
) will be used along with the right installer (yarn
, bun
or npm
When working with nodeModules
using native dependencies, you might want to force bundling in a
Docker container even if esbuild
is available in your environment. This can be done by setting
to true
Configuring esbuild
The NodejsFunction
construct exposes esbuild options
via properties under bundling
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",
minify=True, # minify code, defaults to false
source_map=True, # include source map, defaults to false
source_map_mode=nodejs.SourceMapMode.INLINE, # defaults to SourceMapMode.DEFAULT
sources_content=False, # do not include original source into source map, defaults to true
target="es2020", # target environment for the generated JavaScript code
loader={ # Use the 'dataurl' loader for '.png' files
".png": "dataurl"},
define={ # Replace strings during build time
"process.env.API_KEY": JSON.stringify("xxx-xxxx-xxx"),
"process.env.PRODUCTION": JSON.stringify(True),
"process.env.NUMBER": JSON.stringify(123)},
log_level=nodejs.LogLevel.ERROR, # defaults to LogLevel.WARNING
keep_names=True, # defaults to false
tsconfig="custom-tsconfig.json", # use custom-tsconfig.json instead of default,
metafile=True, # include meta file, defaults to false
banner="/* comments */", # requires esbuild >= 0.9.0, defaults to none
footer="/* comments */", # requires esbuild >= 0.9.0, defaults to none
charset=nodejs.Charset.UTF8, # do not escape non-ASCII characters, defaults to Charset.ASCII
format=nodejs.OutputFormat.ESM, # ECMAScript module output format, defaults to OutputFormat.CJS (OutputFormat.ESM requires Node.js >= 14)
main_fields=["module", "main"], # prefer ECMAScript versions of dependencies
inject=["./my-shim.js", "./other-shim.js"], # allows to automatically replace a global variable with an import from another file
esbuild_args={ # Pass additional arguments to esbuild
"--log-limit": "0",
"--splitting": True}
Command hooks
It is possible to run additional commands by specifying the commandHooks
// This example only available in TypeScript
// Run additional props via `commandHooks`
new nodejs.NodejsFunction(this, 'my-handler-with-commands', {
bundling: {
commandHooks: {
beforeBundling(inputDir: string, outputDir: string): string[] {
return [
`echo hello > ${inputDir}/a.txt`,
`cp ${inputDir}/a.txt ${outputDir}`,
afterBundling(inputDir: string, outputDir: string): string[] {
return [`cp ${inputDir}/b.txt ${outputDir}/txt`];
beforeInstall() {
return [];
// ...
// ...
The following hooks are available:
: runs before all bundling commandsbeforeInstall
: runs before node modules installationafterBundling
: runs after all bundling commands
They all receive the directory containing the lock file (inputDir
) and the
directory where the bundled asset will be output (outputDir
). They must return
an array of commands to run. Commands are chained with &&
The commands will run in the environment in which bundling occurs: inside the container for Docker bundling or on the host OS for local bundling.
Pre Compilation with TSC
In some cases, esbuild
may not yet support some newer features of the typescript language, such as,
In such cases, it is possible to run pre-compilation using tsc
by setting the preCompilation
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",
Note: A tsconfig.json
file is required
Customizing Docker bundling
Use bundling.environment
to define environments variables when esbuild
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",
"NODE_ENV": "production"
Use bundling.buildArgs
to pass build arguments when building the Docker bundling image:
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",
Use bundling.dockerImage
to use a custom Docker bundling image:
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",
This image should have esbuild
installed globally. If you plan to use nodeModules
should also have npm
, yarn
, bun
or pnpm
depending on the lock file you’re using.
Use the default image provided by aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs
as a source of inspiration.
You can set additional Docker options to configure the build environment:
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",
volumes=[DockerVolume(host_path="/host-path", container_path="/container-path")]
Asset hash
By default the asset hash will be calculated based on the bundled output (AssetHashType.OUTPUT
Use the assetHash
prop to pass a custom hash:
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",
If you chose to customize the hash, you will need to make sure it is updated every time the asset changes, or otherwise it is possible that some deployments will not be invalidated.
Docker based bundling in complex Docker configurations
By default the input and output of Docker based bundling is handled via bind mounts. In situtations where this does not work, like Docker-in-Docker setups or when using a remote Docker socket, you can configure an alternative, but slower, variant that also works in these situations.
nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",
Running a custom build script as part of cdk synthesis
If you need more control over bundling – or the build process in general – then we include the ability to invoke your own build script. For example, if you have the following build.mjs
import * as path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import esbuild from "esbuild";
import { cache } from "esbuild-plugin-cache";
import time from "esbuild-plugin-time";
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); // get the resolved path to the file
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename); // get the name of the directory
await esbuild
entryPoints: [path.join(__dirname, 'handler', 'index.ts')],
outfile: path.join(__dirname, 'build-output', 'index.js'),
external: ['@aws-sdk/*', 'aws-sdk'],
format: 'cjs',
platform: 'node',
target: 'node18',
bundle: true,
minify: true,
plugins: [time(), cache({ directory: ".cache" })],
.catch((error) => {
then you could use build.mjs
in a cdk construct as follows:
export class ExampleStack extends Stack {
public constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const pathToBuildFile = path.join(__dirname, 'build.mjs');
// assuming the `handler` property is specified as 'index.handler' (as in this example), then
// this 'build-output' directory must contain an index.js file with an exported `handler` function.
const pathToOutputFile = path.join(__dirname, 'build-output');
const handler = 'index.handler';
const commandThatIsRanDuringCdkSynth = ['node', pathToBuildFile];
const code = lambda.Code.fromCustomCommand(
new nodejs.NodejsFunction(this, 'NodejsFunctionBuild', {
where the build-output
would be a directory that contains an index.js
file with an exported handler